Maps :: Round 1; Ancient Greece Round 2; Imperium Romanum Round 3; Peloponnesian War
Game Type :: Quadruples Initial Troops :: Automatic Play Order :: Sequential Spoils :: No Spoils Reinforcements :: Chained Fog of War :: (No: round 1 & 2) (Yes: Final) Trench: No Round Length :: Casual (24 hours)
So for clarification 8 teams meet on Ancient Greece round 1, the survivors of those battles meet round 2 on Imperium Romanum, those victorious in round 2 battle for the medal on Peloponnesian war. Cats may have nine lives, but be assured you only have one.
Single elimination, team 1 to play team 5, team 2 plays team 6 etc..
All players on all teams above 1500 points at time of sign up please. One game/round so freemiums welcome.
Small note; This instalment is a copy of Lethal Phalanx I, in all aspects except that the final will be foggy this time, an oversight of mine last tourney, one which I felt I couldn't change once the tourney had started. As Xmas is coming we'll keep the small format this time, but for Lethal Phalanx III another round will be added, probably on Alexander's Empire, and thus another 8 teams.
Alrighty, then we're basically full. I'll PM betiko again and give him 48h to provode teammates (he'd stated he would play if the tourney started after xmas) For now I'll take a team of reserves if anyone is interested, and I will PM everyone who signed uyo tomarrow morning to make sure they are still interested as it's taken some time to fill this. So if all things go well, invites to first games will go out in 2-3 days, provided that privs are given in an orderly fashion