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Rotational Spoils

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Rotational Spoils

Postby FreeFalling123 on Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:17 am

Concise description:
  • Rotational turn ins wherein either:
    A.) your first cash is esc (4-6-8-10.. continues through the game) second turn in flat (color coded) and your third turn in is nukes (destroys regions) and this order repeats throughout the game for every player going through the individual stages.
    B.) rounds 1-5 are esc turn ins rounds 6-10 are flat turn ins rounds 11-15 are nuke turn ins and so forth.
    C.) Players choose their spoil type every 5 rounds -- major stretch here, but you get the jest of the idea.
    -- Most preferably option B--

  • As a poker player, there is a game called HORSE which switches between the 5 games of poker every 15 minutes. The way risk might be able to incorporate this follows my title EFN (first turn in Esc, second turn in Flat, third turn in Nukes, and repeat), playing different styles all in one game.

    How I see this going down in a game environment: Players are aware that there is a different carding system; therefore, there is a displayed message round 1-5 will be escalating. "At the beginning of the next round, round 6, the game will switch to nukes." etc.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • As many of you will soon come to learn, I am a huge fan of complicating things and making winning more of a skill. In this way, the game would constantly offer you chances to improve your position based on how you choose to use your cards, which cards you use, and when you use them.

    Now I am not exactly sure on which of the possibilities, have features that are programmable, but what I do know is that it would spice up some otherwise boring games. The main idea here is that it would bring in a new, interesting game type. Also I hope that this evolves a system where you have players vote every 5 rounds to choose the spoil or somehow change the settings mid-game as if you were playing a house-rules game.
Last edited by FreeFalling123 on Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EFN Spoils

Postby greenoaks on Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:05 am

don't make this based on turn. set it as 'spoils type switches every 5 cashs'.

then players need to decide to cash earlier or wait for a bigger one in escalating and risk it beginning flat or hold for a rainbow set and risk it becoming nukes.
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Re: EFN Spoils

Postby chapcrap on Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:46 am

Rotating spoils could be very interesting. I would not care whether or not it was every 5 or every time you cashed or how it changed. As long as there was a system, it could work.

However, like a lot of these types of suggestions, my guess is that it's difficult to code and much easier to play at home than put into the site.
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Re: EFN Spoils

Postby FreeFalling123 on Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:14 pm

chapcrap wrote:Rotating spoils could be very interesting. I would not care whether or not it was every 5 or every time you cashed or how it changed. As long as there was a system, it could work.

However, like a lot of these types of suggestions, my guess is that it's difficult to code and much easier to play at home than put into the site.

Yeah, managing this is very much the problem.

Here is a little more detail on how I see this working. In a triples game you would have a nuker, maybe some early flatters and as the game progresses nobody would pick the flat rate because the esc would be the best cards to use. So we see cards giving teams a chance (maybe completely screwing over one team). However, it may provide an advantage early or open up new opportunities.

Assuming the cards are with-in control of every player an early rainbow might be best used as a nuke to take out a bonus depending on the circumstance. I see a 1v1 where the first guy turns a rainbow and the second guy has a red set where he nukes away the advantage and the game goes on.

I see an 8-man rotational spoils game where you have a chance to nuke a guy off that spot you would have never reached him before and take his cards and use them as a +20 deploy. You now have a chance to win the game because of a tactical nuke. Therefore players would need some added defensive tactics in these circumstances.

I am sure most of these circumstances will hardly ever arise, most games will be pretty standard esc games with early flat rate turn ins. With every game type there are pros and cons and chances for players to give you a whooping; however, I think this has potential if wiser folk take into the concept and prepare it a little better.
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Re: EFN Spoils

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:40 am

No matter what system is decided as best, I approve.
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Re: Rotational Spoils

Postby FreeFalling123 on Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:20 pm

All right, I choose not to make a new post but instead I could possible just change the name to "Specialty Spoils"
Red spoils are nukes
Green spoils are esc
Blue spoils are XXX (steal)
Mixed spoils/Rainbows are +10
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Re: EFN Spoils

Postby patrickaa317 on Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:47 pm

greenoaks wrote:don't make this based on turn. set it as 'spoils type switches every 5 cashs'.

then players need to decide to cash earlier or wait for a bigger one in escalating and risk it beginning flat or hold for a rainbow set and risk it becoming nukes.

I like this the most. Could get very interesting though once the nukes hit, not many people would be turning their cards in; unless of course they had a good nuke card. I think it'd be a fun twist.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: Rotational Spoils

Postby Eddygp on Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:14 am

I fully support this idea.
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Mix/Dynamic spoils

Postby benga on Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:03 am

Being able to pick more then 1 spoil per game, the order of pick would be the order in which spoils rotate.

for example nuclear/escalating
1st trade in game nuclear
2nd trade in game escalating
3 trade in game nuclear and so on

This would include nuclear, zombie, flat and escalating spoils.

This isn't the same as Gweedos proposal so don't merge us.

This would bring more dynamic games, where stacking would become hazardous.
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Re: Mix/Dynamic spoils

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:33 pm

This has been suggested b4
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Re: Mix/Dynamic spoils

Postby benga on Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:02 am

DoomYoshi wrote:This has been suggested b4

if so, then this can be archived
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Re: Rotational Spoils

Postby spiesr on Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:04 pm

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