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The Official Clan Sitting Rules (Old Version)

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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Finsfleet on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:06 pm

Nicky15 wrote:1, Make sure you inform your clan organizer of any planned vacations in advance

That`s just BS
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Finsfleet on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:15 pm

This site is online for years now. There`s simply no excuse for not having account sitting functionality covered by the application. Forcing users to share their passwords is ridiculous.

I will not conform to this rule. I will not inform anyone in advance when I leave, except the people that are supposed to sit for me. And if I`m banned for this, or one of my sitters, I`ll stop playing the game.

Do not bother answering to this post, because I will not be back to read the answer.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby SaMejoHn on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:38 pm

many of you have huge sticks up your asses...just relax, and play. so what if a clan wants their best player to take turns, if that's what's going on, it is a clan vs. clan war and he's a member. People pay for this site! I'm not currently in a clan but I would like to join one soon but all this micro managing is too much. How can people with no real authority (IMO) tell a paying member that he cant enjoy what other members enjoy simply because he has a life on saturday and sunday. Some of you take this too serious, but at what point does it become taking it too serious?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby eddie2 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:40 pm

I am 100 percent behind these rules being brought out and have just caught up with this thread but had no time to read it all. So i am sorry if i am posting things already been discussed.

lets start with the first section,

1, The announcing in chat, of the name of the person who has covered a turn will now be mandatory.

this rule is fair enough, but i think you could add that a post in the open challenge thread from the account owner or sitter will be allowed as long as they say when the sitting ends. like me i often sit for a player and forget to post but ips will tell and if a player forgets it will cause a report for a simple mistake.

2, Emergency cover may only be given if the person really is in danger of missing a turn. Therefore a turn can only be covered if there is an hour or less left on the clock. But steps must be taken to contact the player before hand.

this rule is fair enough as long as you are going to take into account where in the world players who are sitting are ie do you expect myself to get up at 3.00 in the morning to sit for someone because i have to do it in the final hour....

3, Sitting for the purpose of covering an extended break from the site can carry on as normal, turns can be taken whenever it is convenient, the sitter can add to chat, but the player on vacation must not take turns themselves during this time or add to game chat. Account sitting is for holidays, vacations and emergencies only.

no comment this is fair.

4, You must not enter clan games if you know in advance that you will not be able to take the vast majority of your turns in any game or be unable to take your turns on a regular basis. Having your account sat on a regular basis for the duration of any clan game will no longer be allowed. If you are going to participate in clan games, it should be you who will actually play in these games.

i would like to see a time scale for this because some games can last as little as 2-3 days some longer so maybe put a limit for the following..

doubles = 7 days before vacation
triples= 12 days
quads= 14 days.

also like reticently i was away for 3 days so depending on play order and when opposing team signed up do i have to miss a whole round of games because i might of missed my first or 2nd turn..

also like reticently highlighted in the josko case i would like to see a rule added that if a player cannot play on weekends they say in game chat and the team try delay there shots to allow this not to need a sitter, also asking opposing team to delay turns and if this is forgotten by the opposing team but follwed by the players team then this is ok to do by a sitter.

5, You must not be in another persons account for any reason, other than to cover turns while that person is on vacation. Adding to chat in a game you are not in for example will not be allowed. You must also not give permission for anyone to wander in and out of your account at their will. Take care of your account. What happens with it is your responsibility.
what if the person is absent and are the following...

1) running a challenge thread (can the sitter update it.)
2) hold privs for a cla clan tourney event (can they make and invite players) while sitting. because punishments are issued for late creation.
3)this is one i was busted for in the event there is a vote in cla and clan leaders are pmed about it but not a member themselves read it and make there vote via pmn from there own account to the other members letting the cla no that clans vote.

these are just my thoughts on things that need to be verified in the rules, and like i said i am sorry if they have already been addressed but these need to be confirmed to stop silly reports. as from what i see you have a good set of rules they just need a little bit of tweaking.

thank you..
on behalf of aka.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby freakns on Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:53 pm

IcePack wrote:
freakns wrote:first of all, you are not in top clan... secondly, if you arent doing it that doesnt mean noone from your clan is doing it. thirdly, you said its against the rule to look at fog games and thats how it was since ever, yet having permanent password is not important atm...

First of all, never said I was (and neither are you). If you doubt is feel free to challenge us or STFU.

Secondly, no our CLAN does not participate in this. It was clearly against the rules and we have regularly had to ask members who are in the games (or get screen shots) to get updates and never logged in as you described.

Thirdly, I don't just say it, it is against the rules as account sharing. Sharing passwords has been gone over plenty of times in the past in other areas. Feel free to argue that point all you want. I'm addressing the previous point you made about account sharing / looking in on other games. I don't need to address everything you say just because you say it.

Have a great day.

first, you are right, im not. but i have been in one.
noone from our clan has ever made snapshots then post them on forum... ppl who are in game play that game, permanent. there is no sharing information, taking over actions from others, etc, etc. fact that i get into someones account and look into game without leaving comment does not effect game in any way, nor does effect security of the site. i still havent got any answer why is this offensive but the "its written in the rules" answer. well, its written in the rules that you are forbidden to have someones password and yet you are doing it. i dont participate in account sharing because i have never used someones password for my own benefit. i have never join the game for someone, even if im sitting for someone and invitation pops up, i neither accept it or decline it. i have never create a game under someones account. i have never make a move into game if i havent been asked to do so because account owner can not make it. i even dont use "emergency" rule.

ps. saying someone to shut the f*ck up is really mature. and polite. and more then anything its unbeatable argument in any discussion.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby IcePack on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:05 pm

freakns wrote:
IcePack wrote:
freakns wrote:first of all, you are not in top clan... secondly, if you arent doing it that doesnt mean noone from your clan is doing it. thirdly, you said its against the rule to look at fog games and thats how it was since ever, yet having permanent password is not important atm...

First of all, never said I was (and neither are you). If you doubt is feel free to challenge us or STFU.

Secondly, no our CLAN does not participate in this. It was clearly against the rules and we have regularly had to ask members who are in the games (or get screen shots) to get updates and never logged in as you described.

Thirdly, I don't just say it, it is against the rules as account sharing. Sharing passwords has been gone over plenty of times in the past in other areas. Feel free to argue that point all you want. I'm addressing the previous point you made about account sharing / looking in on other games. I don't need to address everything you say just because you say it.

Have a great day.

first, you are right, im not. but i have been in one.
noone from our clan has ever made snapshots then post them on forum... ppl who are in game play that game, permanent. there is no sharing information, taking over actions from others, etc, etc. fact that i get into someones account and look into game without leaving comment does not effect game in any way, nor does effect security of the site. i still havent got any answer why is this offensive but the "its written in the rules" answer. well, its written in the rules that you are forbidden to have someones password and yet you are doing it. i dont participate in account sharing because i have never used someones password for my own benefit. i have never join the game for someone, even if im sitting for someone and invitation pops up, i neither accept it or decline it. i have never create a game under someones account. i have never make a move into game if i havent been asked to do so because account owner can not make it. i even dont use "emergency" rule.

ps. saying someone to shut the f*ck up is really mature. and polite. and more then anything its unbeatable argument in any discussion.

Good for u, been in a top clan. Want applause?

You HAVE shared accounts because that's what the site says they consider what you've been doing. Logging into the account to view a game, whether it brings harm to anything or not is irrelevant. It says the site considers it account sharing. If you don't like it, make a suggestion to change that.

I know a lot of people who can say the same thing about emergency rule and sitting only when asked etc this is not something special that just you've achieved. Same with acceptance of games (and these points are irrelavant) Many people have sat for others properly for a long time.


PS - Who's preaching now? You want to talk crap about the Fallen, you can expect me to tell u to challenge us or shut up. I don't need a lesson from a random online stranger on politeness nor maturity, especially from you of all people.

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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Ace Rimmer on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:19 pm

Bones2484 wrote:freakns and betiko: Team CC has made it very clear that you should not have someone else's permanent password and thus you should already have not been doing what you are arguing for. This is not new and is not changing with these rules. That has been a site rule for awhile now. As has been mentioned, there are perfectly legal workarounds that require a bit more effort on the part of the actual players in the game (as it should be).

I believe that to be an incorrect statement. KA has strongly suggested NOT having someone else's password but it has never been forbidden.

nicky15 wrote:2, Emergency cover may only be given if the person really is in danger of missing a turn. Therefore a turn can only be covered if there is an hour or less left on the clock. But steps must be taken to contact the player before hand.

It seems there is a lot of confusion because the rules only account for two types of problems: MIA emergencies and vacations. They do not cover a third, which is when you are notified outside of CC (email, text, phone, etc) that someone will miss turns. This situation does not fall under rules 2 or 3, but should be addressed in its own rule for clarity.

I would suggest you add the following between after rule 3:

(new 4), In the event that you are notified by the account holder that they will be unable to take their turns, you can take their turns like they are on an extended break. There is no requirement to wait until there is 1 hour left on the clock, but if they have given you a time frame that they expect to be able to take turns, you should not take turns that will end past that time.

16:06:44 ā€¹BGtheBrainā€ŗ Ace, go make a funny joke in the Clan Sitting thread to diffuse the situation
16:06:48 ā€¹BGtheBrainā€ŗ :mrgreen:
16:11:11 ā€¹Ace Rimmerā€ŗ BGtheBrain,
16:11:20 ā€¹Ace Rimmerā€ŗ that is an incorrect statement by Bones, correct?
16:11:52 ā€¹BGtheBrainā€ŗ its a sticky situation
16:12:07 ā€¹Ace Rimmerā€ŗ your wife's face was a sticky situation
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:20 pm

I think that these new rules are really a good happy medium for all and to those who are saying it's an overreaction I think you need to remember that you can't please everyone. The admins cannot make severe restrictions because that will eliminate too many people and they can't be too loose because certain players will just take advantage of this leniency. If even a handful of players are taking advantage of the system, it's worth making more strict.
So many people are acting as though missing turns in a clan game is the completely unfair or the end of the world. If your clan can't take it's turns you should be able to suck up this shortcoming and accept it as a weak point in your team. I suggest taking out your frustrations on your own weak members and weeding out, not griping to admin since this really sounds as though it is the best they can do for the time being.
Ultimately, this set of guidelines is fair, what more do you want?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Ace Rimmer on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:26 pm

I did forget to say that I think it's a very good balance in the new ruleset, and smart for the CDs to say they are open to changes. Also glad it didn't just come from their heads, they have been asking for feedback. Yes, I gave Bruce a slight compliment. No, the world will probably not end.

Funkyterrance wrote:Ultimately, this set of guidelines is fair, what more do you want?

JaneAustin's dirty panties.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby freakns on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:48 pm

IcePack wrote:Good for u, been in a top clan. Want applause?

You HAVE shared accounts because that's what the site says they consider what you've been doing. Logging into the account to view a game, whether it brings harm to anything or not is irrelevant. It says the site considers it account sharing. If you don't like it, make a suggestion to change that.

I know a lot of people who can say the same thing about emergency rule and sitting only when asked etc this is not something special that just you've achieved. Same with acceptance of games (and these points are irrelavant) Many people have sat for others properly for a long time.


PS - Who's preaching now? You want to talk crap about the Fallen, you can expect me to tell u to challenge us or shut up. I don't need a lesson from a random online stranger on politeness nor maturity, especially from you of all people.

good, if its account sharing, than ban me. make a thread on cheating and abuse report, pass me a link, and i will confirm that i have been logging into clan mates accounts to see how the game is going on. you are saying it is against site rules, then take action into your hands, and ask for my banishment from the site. im sure many from here will back you up on this, because as far as i can see, this is HUGE problem. so, do something about it, make the thread, make the clan world better place.
i posted what i have done just to make sure you and everyone else understand i havent effected game in any way. i do believe many people do the same thing, but not all, cause if all of the people have done that, we wouldnt have this discussion right now.
ps. i dont want to turn this into personal debate. and if we challenge you and win in clan war would that change your point on this matter? if we lose i surely wouldnt change mine, so what was actually the point you were trying to achieve by asking for challenge and insulting me in same time?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby GI O on Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:55 pm

the efforts of this initiative are going to be bogged down in rules and petty bickering.
does the 1 hr rule apply if i know in advance i'm out and can ask a clan member / buddy to sit for me - surely you must let my sitter play my turns when it is convenient for him ???
does the sitter HAVE to be a clan member ??? e.g. i have a mate in r/l who plays c/c, and would prefer he sits my games rather than a.n.other user ?
in doubles can my partner sit and play for both of us?

as a suggestion, set up a clan sitters forum where all known absences must be declared, and pre-announced sitters be permitted, sitter must identify himself, player cannot play ANY other game while being sat for.
emergency sitting = non-declared sitting and should only be permitted AFTER 1 miss, but then follows rules as per declared sitters.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Nicky15 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:03 pm

Finsfleet and freakns......

Now you aren't following the number one rule of rules club, take a deep breath ;) I really don't want to have lock this thread [-o<

Now while you think you may have valid points basically most you are saying was already against site rules. Now this a clean slate, we are moving forward. We must all adhere to site rules. They are there to prevent abuse. Now why you may state you will break them, i urge to take a step back and consider what you are saying.

If you have a planned vacation, why is it such an a big deal to mention it to your clan.....Is that not a bit disrespectful. Your clan organisers spend a great deal of their spare time organising clan wars etc. If you say you will break the rules, how is that fair on them. Because ultimately it wont just be you that will cause infractions, these infractions will affect your sitters and ultimately your whole clan. If your clan keeps fielding players who cant take their turns , and if you log onto someones account for the reasons stated the clan will suffer. Why would anyone want that.

I would also urge anyone associated with a person who is publicly stating they will break the rules, to change their password immediately. You must not give permission for someone to enter your account for any other reason than to cover a turn as detailed in the rules. Thanks.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Nicky15 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:43 pm

To clear a few things up.

The emergency hour rule is for when the player in question has gone awol. And you have had no contact from them. If someone asks you to cover an account for a certain period of time then that's different.

Yes this hour rule is a slight contradiction. But we feel without a legal option to cover awol players then we will see wide spread abuse occurring. Also to ban the covering of potential missed turns would be unpopular and hard for most clans to live with.

It has never been ideal for someone to hold your password 24/7 but it is not against the rules. This has become a way of life now in the clan world with most players having a regular sitter. My advice.. choose your sitters wisely, and only pick a sitter who you trust not to break rules with your account.

GI O wrote:as a suggestion, set up a clan sitters forum where all known absences must be declared, and pre-announced sitters be permitted, sitter must identify himself, player cannot play ANY other game while being sat for.
emergency sitting = non-declared sitting and should only be permitted AFTER 1 miss, but then follows rules as per declared sitters.

The sitter thread is a good idea, we have discussed this already in the consultation group. We will continue to discuss how we go about logging sitting in the user-group, this may be in the form of a thread or posting in the relevant war threads for games you are competing in

In regards to breaking these rules, I will stress again the minor things will not get you in trouble. If you forget to post in the odd game. As long as you did just forget, and not do it to disguise the fact that you sat then you will be fine. If you cover a turn for a clan mate in a different time zone because you are well aware that it is 2am in his country, he has never taken turns at this time of night before and there is no way he is going to take that turn within 2-3 hours again this would be fine. There are many variables and situations that we just cant make a rule for without drowning in them. We need the list simple as possible and we will apply common sense when looking at anything. All of these examples may be noted.

We will discuss a punishment scale in the new user-group in consultation with members from every clan. In here we will decide what constitutes a minor infraction, and just how many of these minor infractions you can accumulate before it becomes an actual infraction. Like i said the odd minor thing with a reasonable explanation will be accepted. Its when things happen on a regular basis then we would need to act.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby freakns on Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:00 pm

Nicky15 wrote:Finsfleet and freakns......

Now you aren't following the number one rule of rules club, take a deep breath ;) I really don't want to have lock this thread [-o<

Now while you think you may have valid points basically most you are saying was already against site rules. Now this a clean slate, we are moving forward. We must all adhere to site rules. They are there to prevent abuse. Now why you may state you will break them, i urge to take a step back and consider what you are saying.

If you have a planned vacation, why is it such an a big deal to mention it to your clan.....Is that not a bit disrespectful. Your clan organisers spend a great deal of their spare time organising clan wars etc. If you say you will break the rules, how is that fair on them. Because ultimately it wont just be you that will cause infractions, these infractions will affect your sitters and ultimately your whole clan. If your clan keeps fielding players who cant take their turns , and if you log onto someones account for the reasons stated the clan will suffer. Why would anyone want that.

i dont want clean slate. i will stay behind my actions. if looking at clan game is banable offense, then ban me, simple as that. dont go by higher ground here. you said your only goal is to make clan world better place. as far as i can see, i am the cancer to that place, so remove it. or shell we be honest and say truthfully what is all this about?! name the persons who are responsible for "making new rules", cmon, be honest and say whats this all about.
someone here said "take a screenshot and post it on forum", because thats legal. are you kidding me?! thats far worse and have much more consequences then me liking to know what is going on.
also, if someone goes into vacation he will say that to his sitter, not sure why is it important to be posted in clan war thread?!
and it was mentioned more then once, by hunters, having someones permanent password is illegal. now i here its not illegal. so hunters have been lying all this time?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby L M S on Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:32 pm

freakns wrote:
Nicky15 wrote:Finsfleet and freakns......

Now you aren't following the number one rule of rules club, take a deep breath ;) I really don't want to have lock this thread [-o<

Now while you think you may have valid points basically most you are saying was already against site rules. Now this a clean slate, we are moving forward. We must all adhere to site rules. They are there to prevent abuse. Now why you may state you will break them, i urge to take a step back and consider what you are saying.

If you have a planned vacation, why is it such an a big deal to mention it to your clan.....Is that not a bit disrespectful. Your clan organisers spend a great deal of their spare time organising clan wars etc. If you say you will break the rules, how is that fair on them. Because ultimately it wont just be you that will cause infractions, these infractions will affect your sitters and ultimately your whole clan. If your clan keeps fielding players who cant take their turns , and if you log onto someones account for the reasons stated the clan will suffer. Why would anyone want that.

i dont want clean slate. i will stay behind my actions. if looking at clan game is banable offense, then ban me, simple as that. dont go by higher ground here. you said your only goal is to make clan world better place. as far as i can see, i am the cancer to that place, so remove it. or shell we be honest and say truthfully what is all this about?! name the persons who are responsible for "making new rules", cmon, be honest and say whats this all about.
someone here said "take a screenshot and post it on forum", because thats legal. are you kidding me?! thats far worse and have much more consequences then me liking to know what is going on.
also, if someone goes into vacation he will say that to his sitter, not sure why is it important to be posted in clan war thread?!
and it was mentioned more then once, by hunters, having someones permanent password is illegal. now i here its not illegal. so hunters have been lying all this time?

U mad, bro?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby squishyg on Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:09 pm

Sorry if I missed this, but how will anyone know there's account sitting if its not voluntarily announced?

It seems like a lot of thought and energy is going into this; is this a whole lotta rule for a few instances that have been determined to be cheating?
There is no fog rule and I am no gentleman.
Robinette wrote:
Kaskavel wrote:Seriously. Who is the female conqueror of CC?

Depends on what metric you use...
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby laughingcavalier on Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:48 pm

Ace Rimmer wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:freakns and betiko: Team CC has made it very clear that you should not have someone else's permanent password and thus you should already have not been doing what you are arguing for. This is not new and is not changing with these rules. That has been a site rule for awhile now. As has been mentioned, there are perfectly legal workarounds that require a bit more effort on the part of the actual players in the game (as it should be).

I believe that to be an incorrect statement. KA has strongly suggested NOT having someone else's password but it has never been forbidden.

16:12:07 ā€¹Ace Rimmerā€ŗ your wife's face was a sticky situation
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:59 pm

squishyg wrote:Sorry if I missed this, but how will anyone know there's account sitting if its not voluntarily announced?

Nicky15 wrote:
...1, The announcing in chat, of the name of the person who has covered a turn will now be

...In response to the idea that people will just cheat anyway, the hunters will routinely check IPs, and assist us in checking suspicious activity abusing the account sitting rule...

Does this answer your question squishy? Tbh, I'm not sure if it's what you were looking for but I thought I would offer.

As far as the few instances, for those known I have a feeling that for every instance we hear of there are ten that go unseen. Hard to say how many but the fact remains that it is certainly possible and most likely probable. Why not err on the side of caution, better safe than sorry, etc., etc..

As far as the sticky jokes, maybe you guys want to bring it to a pm environment? Not everyone finds that sort of thing amusing. In fact, some of us find it downright piggy. :|
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Foxglove on Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:08 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:
squishyg wrote:Sorry if I missed this, but how will anyone know there's account sitting if its not voluntarily announced?

Nicky15 wrote:
...1, The announcing in chat, of the name of the person who has covered a turn will now be

...In response to the idea that people will just cheat anyway, the hunters will routinely check IPs, and assist us in checking suspicious activity abusing the account sitting rule...

Does this answer your question squishy? Tbh, I'm not sure if it's what you were looking for but I thought I would offer.




Back to a subject I raised earlier and have yet to receive a reply about - why is unlimited singled out as the only setting (let's not even get started on map choices!) worthy of individual mention? I think that references to any specific game setting should be removed from the rules, or there should be a detailed assessment done of ALL settings and maps and include everything that fits the criteria (what are the criteria, btw?) in the rules.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby IcePack on Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:01 pm

freakns wrote:
ps. i dont want to turn this into personal debate. and if we challenge you and win in clan war would that change your point on this matter? if we lose i surely wouldnt change mine, so what was actually the point you were trying to achieve by asking for challenge and insulting me in same time?

You said that all top clans looked at the games that they weren't in, and that you did as well.
I said that what you were doing was considered account sharing by the site (in general).
You made it personal by trying to point out MY clan was not "a top clan".
I responded by saying, if you think so lowly of my clan, either challenge us or shut up.

There was no insult by me. I simply said, you want to start pointing fingers at who is top for no reason, and speak badly of our clan than feel free to challenge us. No insults there. The challenge was regarding your opinion of our clan. Not anything to do with this topic of account sharing.

Pretty simple.

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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby JCR on Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:10 pm

squishyg wrote:It seems like a lot of thought and energy is going into this; is this a whole lotta rule for a few instances that have been determined to be cheating?

Its called fixing a problem with a sledge hammer rather than a scalpel. this shit is getting waaaay out of hand. the only thing you are going to accomplish with this is create a flood of dumb over researched C&A reports generated by sore losers and people with axes to grind. You guys do realize that hyper addicted players on this site do not give a damn about the "rules" of this site. I put rules in parenthesis because they are only enforced periodically on some people sometimes leading to absolute confusion. If anyone truly cared about enforcing these rules and procedures there is a simple fix(s).
A)Write a Program that blocks everyone from sitting for anyone
B)Create a sitter function so it is easy to monitor who is sitting for who in any games
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby ViperOverLord on Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:11 pm

Nicky15 wrote:We are not trying to make things difficult, less fun.....

And yet, that's precisely what a rule that says you are only to account sit when a game has one hour or less does. Do you know how freaking annoying that is?
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby jj3044 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:21 pm

I take exception to people generalizing stating that "all clans" or "all top clans" do that.

Here is an excerpt from our clan rules, which our leadership drafted earlier in the year.

4. Only go on an account of another player if you are sitting for them, or they are about to miss a turn.

While not as complicated as the rules outlined in this forum, it has served us pretty well.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:56 pm

Give me a bit to sort all this out. I will respond to as many concerns as I can.
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Re: The Official Clan Sitting Rules

Postby Funkyterrance on Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:14 am

Seriously though, if you are griping that the rules are too strict what is it that you are so aggravated by/fearful of? Missing turns lolz? This, of all things, is what you choose to rail against??? We are talking about the very real possibility of players GAINING AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE DURING CLAN WARS. Why in the world would anyone object to changes attempting to prevent this sort of thing from happening?
I can think of one reason...
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