Congrats to lokisgal for winning this tourney!
14th tourney in this series!
All games will be 1v1 playing only 1 game per round and best of 3 for the finals. Single elimination lose and you are out!
This will be Bracket Style with seeds being done by Random.org. We will be looking for 32 players in this tourney and a few reserves in case of deadbeats.
Attendance must be at least 97% to join and have at least 100 games completed!
Game Settings:
Map Halloween Hollows
No Spoils
Round 30 Limit
Reserve Policy: If there are any players that do not join their game during Round 1, they will be replaced by a reserve after 48 hours of time has passed. If a player drops out during Round 2 or greater, that player forfeits, and no reserve will be replaced. It will count as a victory for the opponent.