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Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [Quenched]

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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby The Bison King on Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:12 pm

VicFontaine wrote:Having played 2 games already, I can only think of one thing you really should alter:

Change the border between Austo-Hungary and Italy by a couple milli-meters to ENSURE, BEYOND ANY SHADOW of a doubt, that no one gets the two confused. As currently stands, the Italian flag bleeds into Austro-Hungary.

It's such a minor fix for such major benefits, I suggest doing it. Should only take a second, right?

Really like the map: you should be proud.

Noted, When and update is made I shall take this into consideration.

y2manypbr wrote:Nice map!! i am color blind and review new maps and provide suggestions. there are different types of color blind problems so I do not speak as a final word. That being said, i like the legend, the map is easy to see, borders easy to identify, this map-from the point of color blind problems would be great to play.
Other than that, nice looking map, looks like fun!

Glad to hear it thank you PBR
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:23 pm

Another solution to VicFontaine's problem would be to move the Italian flag and label south to the central part of the country and put the troop number in the north where the flag is now. A bit more work, perhaps, including a change of coordinates in the XML, but possibly a more esthetically and cartographically pleasing outcome.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby Gilligan on Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:04 am

Maybe this is just me, but I think Ottoman should be Ottoman Empire.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:16 pm

I'd like to think that it is just you. ;) I think that would be like marking the British Isles as the British Empire.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby Gilligan on Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:58 pm

ender516 wrote:I'd like to think that it is just you. ;) I think that would be like marking the British Isles as the British Empire.

But the British Isles aren't normally called the British Empire. When referring to the country in that time, normally you hear Ottoman Empire.

It's not a big deal, just something I noticed.
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Re: Colonial Africa

Postby Armandolas on Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:15 am

Spain actually had a big influence in North Africa at that time.
They couldnt have any coloinies in africa due to the Tordesillas agreement with Portugal(an imaginary line in the Atlantic divided the world in 2, so Portugal had 1 half and Spain another half...thats why u speak portuguese in Brasil and Spanish in the rest of SA )
Back to Africa, Spain didnt have the so called colonies but it was dominant in north africa.Having the outposts like Melilla or Ceuta they make sure they could have a tremendous influence in all that area, not only commercial but also in the constant dispupts against Arab forces.
About the ottoman it makes sense to be in this map, as it played a big part in that area and had great influence in Europes disputes and religious conflicts.

Industrial Helix wrote:Well, if you're going for a historical map I'd highly recommend not fudging history. Spain didn't have much by way of African colonies due to a focus on both Americas, so cut it out.

One options for the mideast would be to make Turkey a colonial power and have its arabian areas as colonies. And I'm pretty sure Egypt went to the British around the 1870s, so if the theme is 1800s, you can pull it off.

The other major player missing from the map is the Netherlands, whos colonial efforts in South Africa have had effects lasting to this day.

What might be a more viable solution would be to portray Africa before the "scramble for Africa" took place. You could have various independent kingdoms in Africa, such as Morocco, Ethiopia, Zululand, Ashantiland, Tripoli, somewhat Egypt depending on how you look at it. Then you could have the Colonizers such as Britain, Portugal, Ottomans and France. Maybe throw Germany and Italy in there too. Then let the gameplay of the map determine how the scramble for Africa plays out, do the Africa natives hold their own, does Turkey meet with success in the Horn of Africa?
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby jigger1986 on Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:54 pm

First off, great map! Ive played it 4-5 times and think its going to be one of my favorites.

One suggestion....

Consider creating a new region "Liberia"

The Reason:

As it stands Abyssinia is the only African region with no bonus or European power attachment, and because of it sticks out. Adding Liberia would make significant the fact that both Ethiopia and Liberia were the only two African nations to remain un-colonized by the Europeans in the race for Africa.

Just a thought...

Thanks again for the great map!

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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby The Bison King on Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:20 pm

jigger1986 wrote:First off, great map! Ive played it 4-5 times and think its going to be one of my favorites.

One suggestion....

Consider creating a new region "Liberia"

The Reason:

As it stands Abyssinia is the only African region with no bonus or European power attachment, and because of it sticks out. Adding Liberia would make significant the fact that both Ethiopia and Liberia were the only two African nations to remain un-colonized by the Europeans in the race for Africa.

Just a thought...

Thanks again for the great map!


An interesting suggestion and one I did consider. I decided to leave it out simply that, because of it's location it wouldn't offer anything to the existing gameplay. Abyssinia borders a number of regions and can defend/consolidate several bonus region borders. Lberia, being on a coast and bordering only 1 bonus region would probably only change hands once in any game (from the player who starts with it, to the player who wins the game).

So while I do recognize it's relevance historically it wouldn't offer any importance as a gameplay element, which is my first and foremost concern.

Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you enjoy the map.

Also nice avatar.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby grunion on Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:06 am

Hi, I'm locked in a really interesting game on this map. Well done.

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet. The bonus in the Bob Text Map refers to "Tanzania" but there is no Tanzania on the map or legend describing the territory boundaries (only Tanganyika.)
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:57 pm

Good point. I am a little busy, but I will try to fix that this weekend and post a new version of the XML.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:25 pm

love the map, thank you. should be interesting game play.

I found myself in doubt about the bonuses for british east and ottoman "continents, " and egypt ; ...

I realize now egypt is striped to imply either england or ottoman can get the 1+ bonus but that wasn't my first reaction

some maps (eurasia? aomewhere in asia?) have a striped territory that needs to be controlled for a bonus
so I first thought you were following that color scheme and that (egypt) would need to be controlled for the british east or ottoman bonus, but on page 36 of the thread its clear its not needed, ( and maybe earliesr in thread, didn't read it all...)

although the bonuses should be more if that were the case , and it would be a surprise to have a seperate egypt bonus, the geographic proximity and experience from other maps threw me....

If i'm not the only one then maybe another line in legend when beta period is done? ("Egypt is not needed for east africa or ottoman epire bonuses')

as before, love the map and game-play possibilities
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Re: Colonial Africa

Postby Black Baron on Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:52 am

Industrial Helix wrote:Well, if you're going for a historical map I'd highly recommend not fudging history. Spain didn't have much by way of African colonies due to a focus on both Americas, so cut it out.

The other major player missing from the map is the Netherlands, whos colonial efforts in South Africa have had effects lasting to this day.

What might be a more viable solution would be to portray Africa before the "scramble for Africa" took place. You could have various independent kingdoms in Africa, such as Morocco, Ethiopia, Zululand, Ashantiland, Tripoli, somewhat Egypt depending on how you look at it. Then you could have the Colonizers such as Britain, Portugal, Ottomans and France. Maybe throw Germany and Italy in there too. Then let the gameplay of the map determine how the scramble for Africa plays out, do the Africa natives hold their own, does Turkey meet with success in the Horn of Africa?

I agree with the Netherlands missing from the map, if not active then neutral, as it stands, the map coloured "Belgium" is wrong, its The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium all clumped up into one misnomer.. tsk tsk, get yr geo/ history facts right when you make maps. :)

At least if your not entering The Netherlands and Luxembourg into the equation, hen make them neutral grey areas and not played..
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:42 pm

Well, this fell off my desk until the recent comments drew me back here. Here is a revised XML which only changes the name "Tanzania" to "Tanganyika".

(37.36 KiB) Downloaded 1025 times
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:23 pm

having played more rounds i see in the lower r legend that the lines between egypt and british east africa and ottoman are quite firmly draw... i withdraw any rational basis for my mis-impression that the stribed region might belong to other continent bonuses...
love the game play

t4mcr53s2 wrote:love the map, thank you. should be interesting game play.

I found myself in doubt about the bonuses for british east and ottoman "continents, " and egypt ; ...

I realize now egypt is striped to imply either england or ottoman can get the 1+ bonus but that wasn't my first reaction

some maps (eurasia? aomewhere in asia?) have a striped territory that needs to be controlled for a bonus
so I first thought you were following that color scheme and that (egypt) would need to be controlled for the british east or ottoman bonus, but on page 36 of the thread its clear its not needed, ( and maybe earliesr in thread, didn't read it all...)

although the bonuses should be more if that were the case , and it would be a surprise to have a seperate egypt bonus, the geographic proximity and experience from other maps threw me....

If i'm not the only one then maybe another line in legend when beta period is done? ("Egypt is not needed for east africa or ottoman epire bonuses')

as before, love the map and game-play possibilities
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby The Bison King on Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:28 pm

ender516 wrote:Well, this fell off my desk until the recent comments drew me back here. Here is a revised XML which only changes the name "Tanzania" to "Tanganyika".


Cool, cool, cool!
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby thenobodies80 on Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:05 pm

The Bison King wrote:
ender516 wrote:Well, this fell off my desk until the recent comments drew me back here. Here is a revised XML which only changes the name "Tanzania" to "Tanganyika".


Cool, cool, cool!

Ops, sorry I missed this one.

Sent now!
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:21 am

Im having an issue with the bonus of europe. Specifically the penalties.

The way it is written out. It is clear there is a penalty for holding 3,5,7 and 8 regions.
To me the way it reads is that it is okay to hold 1,2,4 and 6 regions. Ie no penalty. It just seams a lil too confusing.

Also on the actual map. Perhaps Europe could be slightly more pronounced. Specifically Austria-Hungary and Balkans. They could be mistaken into thinking it is apart of the auto deploy area that is europe. Just some feedbacks :)
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby isaiah40 on Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:32 am

lord voldemort wrote:Im having an issue with the bonus of europe. Specifically the penalties.[Game][/Game]

The way it is written out. It is clear there is a penalty for holding 3,5,7 and 8 regions.
To me the way it reads is that it is okay to hold 1,2,4 and 6 regions. Ie no penalty. It just seams a lil too confusing.

The penalties are clear, unfortunately you're just reading it wrong. Let's use my Fractured China as an example. I have +3 for 2 cities, +6 for 4, +11 for 8 and +14 for 11. Does that mean if you hold 3, 5,6,7,9,or 10 cities that you don't get a bonus? No because you still hold 2, 4, 8, 11 cities. The same is true for the penalties. If you hold 3 or more European powers you will get the penalty. So if you hold 6 powers your penalty will still be -3, but if you take one more power your penalty will be -4. Just think of it as a reverse bonus. I hope I explained this good enough.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:14 am

lord voldemort wrote:Also on the actual map. Perhaps Europe could be slightly more pronounced. Specifically Austria-Hungary and Balkans. They could be mistaken into thinking it is apart of the auto deploy area that is europe. Just some feedbacks :)

Those two territories are grey, as opposed to colours which tie into bonuses, and have black text for their names, where the Colonial Powers in Europe have white text.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby sannemanrobinson on Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:56 am

lord voldemort wrote:Im having an issue with the bonus of europe. Specifically the penalties.

The way it is written out. It is clear there is a penalty for holding 3,5,7 and 8 regions.
To me the way it reads is that it is okay to hold 1,2,4 and 6 regions. Ie no penalty. It just seams a lil too confusing.

Also on the actual map. Perhaps Europe could be slightly more pronounced. Specifically Austria-Hungary and Balkans. They could be mistaken into thinking it is apart of the auto deploy area that is europe. Just some feedbacks :)

At first I also thought it the right way. But later on got the same doubt as lord voldemort. For example in Solar System you get a negative bonus if you have an even number of gates and a positive bonus for an uneven number.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby ender516 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:45 pm

sannemanrobinson wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:Im having an issue with the bonus of europe. Specifically the penalties.

The way it is written out. It is clear there is a penalty for holding 3,5,7 and 8 regions.
To me the way it reads is that it is okay to hold 1,2,4 and 6 regions. Ie no penalty. It just seams a lil too confusing.

Also on the actual map. Perhaps Europe could be slightly more pronounced. Specifically Austria-Hungary and Balkans. They could be mistaken into thinking it is apart of the auto deploy area that is europe. Just some feedbacks :)

At first I also thought it the right way. But later on got the same doubt as lord voldemort. For example in Solar System you get a negative bonus if you have an even number of gates and a positive bonus for an uneven number.

Yes, but that is explicitly stated in the legend, because it is not a simple progression. You guys are overthinking it.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby Unit_2 on Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:14 pm

Very good job. I like what you did with it. This is what I was trying to achieve before the project fell dead, I'm glad someone actually used my idea and made it their own instead of what Tisha did with my Gulfe du St. Laurent, stealing the map layout and all, and just redoing the graphics to make it "her" map. I will never play a game on that map that was wrongfully credited to someone who stole the map in its final stages.

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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby isaiah40 on Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:06 am

Unit_2 wrote:Very good job. I like what you did with it. This is what I was trying to achieve before the project fell dead, I'm glad someone actually used my idea and made it their own instead of what Tisha did with my Gulfe du St. Laurent, stealing the map layout and all, and just redoing the graphics to make it "her" map. I will never play a game on that map that was wrongfully credited to someone who stole the map in its final stages.


Correction, that was a competition which Tisha won. You can read it the competition here! If memory serves me right, the map sat for about a year with no activity, so we decided to resurrect the map and do a competition, and you can read the results of it in the above link.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby Tisha on Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:38 am

Unit_2 wrote:Very good job. I like what you did with it. This is what I was trying to achieve before the project fell dead, I'm glad someone actually used my idea and made it their own instead of what Tisha did with my Gulfe du St. Laurent, stealing the map layout and all, and just redoing the graphics to make it "her" map. I will never play a game on that map that was wrongfully credited to someone who stole the map in its final stages.


Cool. Make a thread about how I stole it, don't comment in someones map thread.
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Re: Dark Continent (Colonial Africa) [5,14, 12] Pg. 41

Postby The Bison King on Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:04 am

Unit_2 wrote:Very good job. I like what you did with it. This is what I was trying to achieve before the project fell dead, I'm glad someone actually used my idea and made it their own instead of what Tisha did with my Gulfe du St. Laurent, stealing the map layout and all, and just redoing the graphics to make it "her" map. I will never play a game on that map that was wrongfully credited to someone who stole the map in its final stages.


With all do respect I have no idea what you are talking about? I don't believe I ever saw any project you were working on and I certainly didn't use anyone's idea. I'm aware that there were other attempts at colonial Africa maps, (the only one I can actually remember seeing is Industrial Helix's attempt) however, I didn't base this map off of any existing idea's. If this map is similar to something you were working on I assure you that it is purely coincidence. I'm glad you enjoy the map though.

Regarding your comments on Tisha's version of the Gulfe du St. Laurent map, there is a big difference between starting a project and finishing it. Tisha is an excellent map maker who has made immeasurable contributions to this site. I would consider it an honor to have her finish one of my ideas. Instead of bad mouthing her for finishing one of your map's you should consider thanking her.

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