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Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

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Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby nietzsche on Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:01 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Rating abuse


Just look at the ratings he leaves: ... ame=Briton

I know he's been reported before but he continues to leave those ratings. He was warned on Jun 28 2012, and at least the first page of his ratings left are after that date.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse

Postby Frox333 on Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:05 pm

i agree with nietzche, put an end to Briton's cruelty
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse

Postby cooldeals on Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:37 pm

I think your case could be a little better researched and stated, but I agree Briton isn't leaving good feedback. Honestly, if he isn't going to use the feedback system for anything more than a venting tool he shouldn't be allowed to leave it. I looked through some of the recent ratings and although I can see justification for Attitude ratings, I don't see how he can justify all these fair play 1's in particular and people aren't "quitting" in every game, even if they complain about dice. They are continuing to attack and try even against the odds.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby nietzsche on Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:16 pm

what is taking so long? this is so obvious.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby cookie0117 on Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:46 am

I was going to report him for intentional deadbeating/holding hostage as when he is losing a game he stops playing and starts another. Leaving the person who is beating him to wait for him to deadbeat. He then deletes the wall post of you telling him its a poor way of playing.

Not only is this poor sportsmanship, it makes terrible end to the game for the people he plays against. He is one of those players that ruins the CC experience for people.

Game 11697996
Game 11696039
Game 11696018
Game 11671277
Game 11671237 only missed 2 before elimination
Game 11670993

This is every loss starting from the top, there is a pattern that follows through the game list....
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby GeneralRisk on Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:18 pm

cookie0117 wrote:I was going to report him for intentional deadbeating/holding hostage as when he is losing a game he stops playing and starts another. Leaving the person who is beating him to wait for him to deadbeat. He then deletes the wall post of you telling him its a poor way of playing.

Not only is this poor sportsmanship, it makes terrible end to the game for the people he plays against. He is one of those players that ruins the CC experience for people.

Game 11697996
Game 11696039
Game 11696018
Game 11671277
Game 11671237 only missed 2 before elimination
Game 11670993

This is every loss starting from the top, there is a pattern that follows through the game list....
They all trench games....Can u really blame him for deadbeating
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby cookie0117 on Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:07 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:I was going to report him for intentional deadbeating/holding hostage as when he is losing a game he stops playing and starts another. Leaving the person who is beating him to wait for him to deadbeat. He then deletes the wall post of you telling him its a poor way of playing.

Not only is this poor sportsmanship, it makes terrible end to the game for the people he plays against. He is one of those players that ruins the CC experience for people.

Game 11697996
Game 11696039
Game 11696018
Game 11671277
Game 11671237 only missed 2 before elimination
Game 11670993

This is every loss starting from the top, there is a pattern that follows through the game list....
They all trench games....Can u really blame him for deadbeating

Thats just the most recent games, its the same in non trench. From what I see, when a loss is on the cards he just walks away and then ignores the game.

It would be easier for the person who he is playing if he just started and dropped rather than waiting the 5 minutes (15 in total) for him to deadbeat. Hes online normally just ignores the game and messages (well deletes wall post), making the other person wait. Its not a huge map, always classic, the game would be over quicker if he just dropped and ended.

You know you are making the other person wait (holding them in a game for longer than they need to be) and its intentionally deadbeating.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby GeneralRisk on Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:14 pm

cookie0117 wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:I was going to report him for intentional deadbeating/holding hostage as when he is losing a game he stops playing and starts another. Leaving the person who is beating him to wait for him to deadbeat. He then deletes the wall post of you telling him its a poor way of playing.

Not only is this poor sportsmanship, it makes terrible end to the game for the people he plays against. He is one of those players that ruins the CC experience for people.

Game 11697996
Game 11696039
Game 11696018
Game 11671277
Game 11671237 only missed 2 before elimination
Game 11670993

This is every loss starting from the top, there is a pattern that follows through the game list....
They all trench games....Can u really blame him for deadbeating

Thats just the most recent games, its the same in non trench. From what I see, when a loss is on the cards he just walks away and then ignores the game.

It would be easier for the person who he is playing if he just started and dropped rather than waiting the 5 minutes (15 in total) for him to deadbeat. Hes online normally just ignores the game and messages (well deletes wall post), making the other person wait. Its not a huge map, always classic, the game would be over quicker if he just dropped and ended.

You know you are making the other person wait (holding them in a game for longer than they need to be) and its intentionally deadbeating.
Maybe u got a case but waste of time posting it here. U got to start a new c and a report.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby rhp 1 on Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:48 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:I was going to report him for intentional deadbeating/holding hostage as when he is losing a game he stops playing and starts another. Leaving the person who is beating him to wait for him to deadbeat. He then deletes the wall post of you telling him its a poor way of playing.

Not only is this poor sportsmanship, it makes terrible end to the game for the people he plays against. He is one of those players that ruins the CC experience for people.

Game 11697996
Game 11696039
Game 11696018
Game 11671277
Game 11671237 only missed 2 before elimination
Game 11670993

This is every loss starting from the top, there is a pattern that follows through the game list....
They all trench games....Can u really blame him for deadbeating

you can't "blame" him for quitting... but if he quits, that by definition is deadbeating, no?
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:30 am

Briton has been Cleared of Ratings Abuse.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:55 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:Briton has been Cleared of Ratings Abuse.

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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby Butters1919 on Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:07 am

NoSurvivors wrote:
deathcomesrippin wrote:Briton has been Cleared of Ratings Abuse.


I'm with NoSurvivors here... Not sure I get this ruling.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby jltile1 on Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:12 am

Now you loose 2 out of three games have little or no game chat and you dead beat then rate the person with ones, that is not abusing the system. Are you people blind around here or what. How can anyone justify his rating left it took me one minute to look into the ratings left a few games to see a bunch of crap. You warn some players that have a a few bad ratings then someone has all bad ratings and you get a cleared??????
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby 72o on Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:13 pm

Last edited by 72o on Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Pending] DCR

Postby 72o on Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:14 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:Briton has been Clearly Demonstrating Ratings Abuse.

fixed that for ya
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:43 pm

First off, 72o no need to add your useless comments. Please refrain from comments that add nothing to the case. As the case was closed, none of your comments add anything to it. Hence, stop posting.

Second, in almost all of the cases he rated someone a 1 in, they did leave at least one of the games at the end. They quit. He has the right to rate someone who drops out of a game with a 1, as most of us do. The fact that they quit in my mind justifies the ratings. Do I agree with his methods? No. But at the end of the day I didn't think it warranted punishment.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby nietzsche on Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:58 pm


are you on drugs DCR?

what about my rating, he was the one who quit and yet leave bad ratings.

I sincerely doubt that you really checked all the ratings.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby 72o on Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:14 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:First off, 72o no need to add your useless comments. Please refrain from comments that add nothing to the case. As the case was closed, none of your comments add anything to it. Hence, stop posting.

Second, in almost all of the cases he rated someone a 1 in, they did leave at least one of the games at the end. They quit. He has the right to rate someone who drops out of a game with a 1, as most of us do. The fact that they quit in my mind justifies the ratings. Do I agree with his methods? No. But at the end of the day I didn't think it warranted punishment.

My comments were stating that it is my opinion that you are wrong here, albeit in a sarcastic manner. I believe that the case was closed without proper research, and I know that it was closed without proper explanation. My comments only put in print what everyone else was thinking. If you want people to stop posting in the thread, lock it. If you want people to not call you out for your questionable rulings, explain them.

I looked at the guy's "ratings left" for about 5 seconds. Almost all of them are ones across the board. I think that justifies a closer look. Since you said you did look at some games, and all of them show his opponent deadbeating, either this guy has some sort of repugnant odor that permeates the LCD screen of his opponent and makes them all leave, or the guy only rates people 1s.
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby jltile1 on Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:38 pm

I would beg to differ as comments when it is closed do matter especially to the paying customers. And also I have seen closed cases reopened.

Game 11496321
Game 11425133

He lost both damn games and rates him bad never even beat the guy. The guy says gg to him in chat and the accused is telling him he got lucky.

Game 11492449
Briton is the one who DB the game because he lost.

Game 11639527
He again lost and DB on the guy.

Game 11342356
He lost again

Game 11668610
He won

So how you win one of three games and you rate 1 stars all the way around. He seems to use the DB system in his loosing games, so I think that he can use that against anyone. But I have not shown any games where he even has that as a possible excuse. Now that being said no time was spent looking into this as this took me a whole five minutes, but damn are his ratings left not clear enough?
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Re: Briton -- ratings abuse [Cleared] DCR

Postby nietzsche on Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:12 pm

THis is abuse in the part of deathcomesrippin.
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