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Individual Game Dice Stats

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Dice Statistics, In game feature

Postby istanbul39 on Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:37 pm

In game "scoreboard" for dice statistics.

Running totals of Total deployed, Total won and Total lost could be displayed.

This scoreboard would be displayed during all games.

I think this would add to CC and increase the amount of in game whining even more than it is already.
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Re: Dice Statistics, In game feature

Postby oVo on Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:16 pm

No... players want to know? They can figure it out
or maybe someone can sort out an optional plugin.
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Re: Dice Statistics, In game feature

Postby istanbul39 on Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:10 pm

how can a player know what dice rolls his opponent has gotten? Running total is not a good idea but posting at the end of the game.
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Re: Dice Statistics, In game feature

Postby hwhrhett on Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:29 am

doesnt the dicalyzer plugin already do this?
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New Cool Dice Stat Suggestion

Postby buZZkiLL13 on Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:04 pm

Concise description:
Is there a way to have dice stats for each individual game?

So for example if there are 6 players in a game, there would be an option of seeing stats for the whole individual game for each player in that game. That way you can see how each player played with respect to their luck in just that game. You might also be able to add a table that could say buZZkiLL13 in Game # was INSERT word. (Very Lucky, Lucky, Unlucky, Average Luck) .. w/e it may be. We all know dice average out in thousands of turns, but they sure don't average out in every individual game.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
[*]Because so many complain about luck in an individual game basis probably more than overall, it would be beneficial to see how everyone did in each individual game./list]
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Re: New Cool Dice Stat Suggestion

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:50 am

Hm, interesting suggestion. I can't say that I would necessarily use it often, but it might be neat to check once in a while. I do assert that the luck descriptions (Very Lucky, Lucky, etc. etc...) are completely arbitrary and a positive/negative percentage (like now) would suffice.

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Re: New Cool Dice Stat Suggestion

Postby sniffie on Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:48 am

I think its a great suggestion!
I am not sure how much programming it would take though.

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Re: New Cool Dice Stat Suggestion

Postby rdsrds2120 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:01 pm

It wouldn't hurt, though it's not something I would put into priority!

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Re: New Cool Dice Stat Suggestion

Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:13 pm

Right now, I think we configured and developed Dice Stats the way we did (With recent snapshots and an overall for both Dice Distribution and Battle Outcomes), because when we were looking into storing data thousands and thousands of players, and millions of games, it started to look like it would be too heavy a load on our servers, if they could handle the data at all.

However, in a future update, we may be able to incrementally store dice data from games, adding layer upon layer into an overall total, and apply something like you suggested of 'lucky' 'unlucky' moniker for the game. But this also might be just too much work.

We do, however, plan to return to Dice Stats in a future update, so we'll see what happens when it comes around!

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In-game Dice Stats

Postby BIGMEANIE on Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:26 pm

in-game dice stats. pretty self-explanatory. it will show how equal the dice have been in the particular game.

it will benefit the site by allowing players to see how large a role luck has played in the game.

don't see any negative side to having these statistics available in a particular game.
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Re: in-game dice stats

Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:36 pm

Keeping Dice Stats can be a pretty heavy load on the servers (just because there is so much data for so many games), which is why the Dice History only keeps recent rolls, plus your overall, because the data amount is tremendous.

I like your idea, but I don't think it is possible unfortunately.

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Re: in-game dice stats

Postby rhp 1 on Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:35 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:Keeping Dice Stats can be a pretty heavy load on the servers (just because there is so much data for so many games), which is why the Dice History only keeps recent rolls, plus your overall, because the data amount is tremendous.

I like your idea, but I don't think it is possible unfortunately.


nice idea (but paying attention to good and bad rolls instead of just focusing on the bad ones is sufficient), but sounds like a complete lag-fest... lag is a big enough problem on this site, we don't need more of it...
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Re: in-game dice stats

Postby BIGMEANIE on Wed May 02, 2012 11:18 am

ah ok understood. thanks.
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Re: in-game dice stats

Postby Jatekos on Wed May 02, 2012 1:29 pm

Another possible option could be improving the "my dice stats" menu by incorporating a reference to the latest games.

E.g. after selecting a friend/foe, there would be an option to select the stats of one of the ongoing games. To even more reduce the burden on the servers, we could start with displaying the stats of those games only that do not reach an agreed number of rounds.

I understand that this would require additional programming work and more data would need to be stored for any game that lasts longer than 25 battles.
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Individual Game Dice Stats

Postby sirgermaine on Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:33 pm

Concise description:
Add game numbers to the current dice stats options.

You can currently view dice stats by player. It would be nice to be able to see, for the duration of a whole battle, how good or bad my dice were. I would imagine this might have to wait until after a game is over or even archived, since in fog games you could otherwise use this information to determine exactly how many troops a player has, given the already available (and excessive) log information in fog games (see viewtopic.php?f=4&t=171747 for my suggestion about that).

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
I think this is a more useful feature than dice stats versus a certain player, or my last 5-25 battles. I can't use the current dice stats to tell me anything about a game individually unless it is either my only active game, such that other game dice stats aren't interfering, or it is a 1v1 game with a player I have never played before. I am not sure that this is something that is implementable, but if it is, that would totally rock.
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Re: Individual Game Dice Stats

Postby sirgermaine on Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:49 am

Does nobody else like this idea?
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Dice Stats For Game?

Postby imacamper on Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:18 pm

I apologize if this has already been suggested. I did a few searches but could only find thousands of posts complaining about the dice. :lol:

If possible, add a dice stat choice for stats for a specific game much like how you can view stats against a particular opponent.

Many times I think that I've have a bad run of dice during a particular game which led to my loss. However is this really just my perception? I would find it nice to see if it's was really the dice or just my poor game play. ;)


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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby chapcrap on Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:48 am

You can already see stats against specific opponents. But probably not for each specific game. I think I remember something like this being suggested, but I don't remember now.

I'm in favor of more information, so I would vote yes.
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby imacamper on Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:17 pm

Yeah I don't know how difficult it would be but for example:

Game X
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4

This option would allow me to see my dice stats for the game as a whole against Players 1-4. Or maybe even just against Player 1 in just Game X.

The current options shows stats across all games I'm in. I'm asking for limiting that view to Game X.

Am I explaining this well?
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:36 pm

I know dice stats are probably taxing on the server, but per game statistics would be really a luxury
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby sirgermaine on Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:15 pm


I mean, it's partway down page two.
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby imacamper on Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:57 pm

sirgermaine wrote:

And stated there much better than here.

This thread should probably be closed and discussion moved to the above.
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby mc05025 on Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:02 pm

This is a very good suggestion and I wanted to suggest it by myself. The dice stats means pretty much nothing. But knowing the dice stats during the particular game is very interesting. First of all in 1v1 or team games if you lose and your opponent has worse dice than you, then you have a very good reason to change your gameplay! In addition it will be interesting to know if an opponent that usually wins you do it by having better luck or better strategy. This and a lot of other examples. I never look my dice stats but in many games I am curious in knowing how good dice I had.
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Re: Dice Stats For Game?

Postby chapcrap on Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:58 pm

mc05025 wrote:This is a very good suggestion and I wanted to suggest it by myself. The dice stats means pretty much nothing. But knowing the dice stats during the particular game is very interesting. First of all in 1v1 or team games if you lose and your opponent has worse dice than you, then you have a very good reason to change your gameplay! In addition it will be interesting to know if an opponent that usually wins you do it by having better luck or better strategy. This and a lot of other examples. I never look my dice stats but in many games I am curious in knowing how good dice I had.


Is this gonna get merged with that other thread or what? ;)
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Re: Individual Game Dice Stats

Postby agentcom on Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:24 pm

MERGED. Thanks for noticing.
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