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Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Noted]TFO

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Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Noted]TFO

Postby m1ndgames on Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:53 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 11471074

Comments: It was quite apparent early-ish into the game that the 2 accused had a secret alliance. They attacked only others and left each others meeting borders clear. So unbelievably obvious, I commented "Don't you just love secret alliances? Couldn't be more transparent Green & Red. Pathetic".

This was met with an 'I don't do alliances. Couldn't give a rats arse what you think' (can't remember by who - they've both since deleted all comments for fear of self incrimination).

So clear to me it was an alliance, I responded with 'Time to not give your rats a*** , cos if that wasn't an alliance, then you're just a shit player. Which is it?'

Just so it was entirely clear for the other players, I explained my reasoning as follows (comments are still in game):

And just so everyone understands what I'm getting at... other than in 2 goes back, you 2 bordering on each other with 1's, yet not touching each other at all.....
this last go..... Green had (has) 5 in Tierra Del Fuego, South America. Red, whose go it is, gets 11 troops and chooses to hit little old me....
His actions reduced my due troops to 7 from 10. Green at the time, had about 30+ due (now 41), and yet was easier to break.
If anyone can see any logic in that (if it was a Terminator game, may understand), would love to hear it.

Yellow agreed. Red and/or green didn't comment but just accused me of being a sore loser. He repeated it later after I was eliminated (and I'd wished the others luck).

I responded asking red (Jarhead1861) to explain his moves that I'd referred to above. His go came and went and, with nothing said. I stated 'Your silence speaks volumes'.

He replied saying it was 'irrelevant now and wasn't going to discuss the past'

Minded to just deal with it when leaving ratings, I was dumbfounded when, going back into the game, saw that both red and green had deleted all their comments. That, to me, confirmed for absolute certain that they had cheated. The comments as they'd stood were only almost self-incriminating. Their deletion just serves to confirm it.

Please deal with. Thanks
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Re: Jarhead1861 & Patcore

Postby pistebasher on Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:21 pm

As far as I know, you can't delete commemts in game chat, and their comments are still there when I just looked. It means either they have foed you, or you have foed them, that is why you now cannot see the comments that they make, and they won't see yours either.
As for the SD, I agree it looks suspicious behaviour, although of the other games that they have played together in, they have only managed to win one, between them, so secret diplomacy (if there has been any in their previous games) doesn't seem to work well for them.
On balance, I feel that SD in this game is possible, but I doubt if there is sufficient evidence to be certain. It'll be interesting to see what the mods think.
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Re: Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Pending]TFO

Postby agentcom on Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:58 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but foeing someone doesn't make your comments not visible to them. It only makes their comments not visible to you.
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Re: Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Pending]TFO

Postby m1ndgames on Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:29 pm

My mistake. I have foed them so that must be the problem. I'll unfoe them for the time being. Thanks
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Re: Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Noted]TFO

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:52 am

Alright, I went through the game you mentioned (As well as a few other games where they are in), and while I agree some of the moves are a little suspicious, I don't see enough evidence to hand out a Warning. Most of the game, Red was simply going back and forth with Yellow, and Green was going back and forth with either Cyan or you.

I think this is a case of them simply of you thinking they should make a certain move. For red, it wouldn't be wise to just stop attacking Yellow, and same thing for Green. I will Note this report for future references in case they get reported again.
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Re: Jarhead1861 & Patcore[Noted]TFO

Postby m1ndgames on Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:40 am

No problem. Thanks for taking the time to review it.
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