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Classic Cities: Madrid [Quenched]

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Classic Cities: Madrid [Quenched]

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:26 am

Image :D Image :D Image :D Image :D Image :D

Map Name:Classic City Madrid
Number of Territories:24
Special Features:None
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:Classic city

Map Image:
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V1

Postby charmir on Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:45 am

Different. Not keen on the buildings but you said you are going to redraw them.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V1

Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:47 am

Though different, it is has a Jakarta-ish feel as well.

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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V1

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:56 am

Oh god, better scrap this one now then.

Only joking but in all seriousness, I like to do new things so if this is not something the site would like to see going forward, I will stop now.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V1

Postby nolefan5311 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:21 am

Instead of the cartoonish images in the corners, perhaps you could highlight some Madrid architecture, ala Moscow.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V1

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:04 am

nolefan5311 wrote:Instead of the cartoonish images in the corners, perhaps you could highlight some Madrid architecture, ala Moscow.

If you are referring to the corner images of the girls, these are taken from one of the most famous magazines (Blanco-y-negro). Not copyrighted as far as I know but need to double check on this before the end. If you meant the larger ones, bull, guitar, flamenco dancer and red cloth, these are there to represent the culture of Spain. The problem with buildings from Madrid is that I cannot think of any that is recognisable and could be used (also, cairnswk has done that).

New buildings and bridges.
Click image to enlarge.

Need to know if the 24 territ count is OK or more needed. With the two neutrals going into the 2 territ bonus regions, that is only 22 starting.

EDIT: Will this work for the starting positions. I will code 8 starting positions, the 4 in the two territ bonuses and one each from the 3 territ bonus regions. With a max of 1 handed out and an underlying neutral of 2 on each. This will stop all bonuses from being grabbed and will not need to have any new territs added to the map.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V2

Postby Industrial Helix on Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:06 pm

While I'd love to see a Madrid map, I don't think this one has the correct Madrid feeling. Usually the city maps on this site sort of take me back to remember the city and how this map represents the feel of the city so well. So look a bit more into capturing the feel of Madrid and inject that feeling into the map.

The background is beautiful, don't change a thing there.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V2

Postby isaiah40 on Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:51 pm

24 territories is the minimum. As for the buildings, leave them as they are PLEASE!!!
koontz1973 wrote:Will this work for the starting positions. I will code 8 starting positions, the 4 in the two territ bonuses and one each from the 3 territ bonus regions. With a max of 1 handed out and an underlying neutral of 2 on each. This will stop all bonuses from being grabbed and will not need to have any new territs added to the map.

Hmmm .... that's only 7 start positions. I suggest I position in each of the bones with the exception of Center, which can have 2. But, then again, that is just my humble opinion. ;)
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V2

Postby cairnswk on Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:20 pm

isaiah40 wrote:... As for the buildings, leave them as they are PLEASE!!!...

Here, here...if these are indicative of the buildings of Madrid. :D
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V2

Postby koontz1973 on Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:51 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:While I'd love to see a Madrid map, I don't think this one has the correct Madrid feeling. Usually the city maps on this site sort of take me back to remember the city and how this map represents the feel of the city so well. So look a bit more into capturing the feel of Madrid and inject that feeling into the map.

The background is beautiful, don't change a thing there.

Background will not change. I love that also. The foreground/map will change dramatically though. When looking at Spain and my own memories of the place (never a reliable thing) the one thing that struck me was the colour used in the buildings and the surrounding areas.
isaiah40 wrote: As for the buildings, leave them as they are PLEASE!!!
koontz1973 wrote:Will this work for the starting positions. I will code 8 starting positions, the 4 in the two territ bonuses and one each from the 3 territ bonus regions. With a max of 1 handed out and an underlying neutral of 2 on each. This will stop all bonuses from being grabbed and will not need to have any new territs added to the map.

Hmmm .... that's only 7 start positions. I suggest I position in each of the bones with the exception of Center, which can have 2. But, then again, that is just my humble opinion. ;)

Buildings will stay as is but some more are being added. These just take time to draw. The current ones are the standard ones found in any city, but I need to add the ones for Madrid only. Things like the palace, cathedral and others. Depending on how many more I add, the current ones may go smaller. Will go with your GP option.
cairnswk wrote:Here, here...if these are indicative of the buildings of Madrid. :D

They are. But just take time to draw.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [16/8] V2

Postby koontz1973 on Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:49 pm

Added the buildings of Madrid.
Real Madrid football ground,
New roads to go with style of buildings.
Names now where they should be. Just need to add dots and dashes.

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [21/8] V3

Postby Industrial Helix on Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:55 am

I presume you're going to color code the legend... If not, get on it!
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [21/8] V3

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:11 am

It will be done, just having a little trouble getting the colours to meld right.

This is what I have so far though.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [21/8] V3

Postby x-raider on Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:34 am

Looking good...
Whats the texture used on the rectangle border?
Hehe, I recognize the sprite you were going to use in 'nights'
Sorry, no feedback at this point.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [21/8] V3

Postby koontz1973 on Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:04 am

x-raider wrote:Looking good...
Whats the texture used on the rectangle border?
Sorry, no feedback at this point.

Paisley. Thats OK.

Small additions and subtractions.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby 100023690 on Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:40 am

hello mate

it is a good idea and it seems a good map
but there are some mistakes with names: Usear is Usera, Pozuelo and humera are cities very close to madrid like Getafe ,but they arent´districs from madrid capital, there are some big districs that you forget like Villaverde,Moncloa, and there are some districs in wrong places like retiro,centro.

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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby General Brewsie on Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:13 am

I live in Seville, a 2.5 hours trip away by high speed train, and do't go there more than 2 or 3 times a year, so am not as intimately familiar with it as a native Madrileño would be, Nevertheless, I would expect to see the city's main train station, "Atocha" depicted in the south-central part and connections made via the normal train or even metro routes from Atocha to the other stations. Also, a major landmark similar in importance to a Madrileño is the "Puerta de Alcalá," a structure somewhat like Paris' "Arc de tromphe" and equal to it in importance in the minds of the country's inhabitants. The country's most important airport, Barajas, is located on the eastern edge, as well. One more important landmark is "El parque del Retiro" and I think it would be good to include that, if possible. It is a relatively large area which could double as a barrier. Then there is the largest square in the city, called the "Plaza mayor" and the city's main theater street, called "La Gran Vía" which translates appropriately as "Broadway" in English.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby koontz1973 on Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:20 am

Guys, thanks for the look in. Names changing to suggested versions and will post the map that I took them from. General, will look at images for those stations and land marks and get those drawn.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby TaelS on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:12 am

Pozuelo de Aralcon >> Pozuelo de Alarcón.
Usear >> Usera.
Tetuan >> Tetuán.
Chamberi >> Chamberí.

I'm afraid I don't like the background. I'm talking about the Spanish guitar, the bull, and those mini-pics in the corner. Regarding the mini-pics, that's not "Madrid" at all, even if you took it from a Spanish gossip magazine. And the bull and the guitar... Ok, that could be Spanish, but are we talking about a Madrid (the city) map, or a Spain (the country) map? Because if we are talking about Madrid, as a city, those two shouldn't be there.
So, me at least, I'd replace all them by other things really typical from Madrid, such as La Cibeles, La Puerta de Alcalá, the clock of la Puerta del Sol (very famous for his new year event), etc.

Regarding the name of the places... I'm afraid I also have to disagree there. You have to ask to yourself: are you doing a Madrid map as Madrid the province, or as Madrid the capital?
Both are great choices, but you have to take that in mind, because if you are doing for example the capital map, I don't believe you should put places as Pozuelo or Humera for example, as it's not really placed in Madrid capital. In that case, I would also put places as "Puerta del Sol" or "Gran Vía" instead (but not if you take the province option).
In case you choose the province map, you have to make a difference between suburbs, towns, small towns, places, etc. For example, why do you choose Humera AND Pozuelo? Pozuelo is a town, and Humera a small town in Pozuelo. You picked Pozuelo, but you don't talk about Leganés, Móstoles, Alcorcón or many other towns. Also, it's quite confussing you picked at the same time a place (Center), a town (Pozuelo), a suburb (Vallecas), a small town (Humera), etc. If you go for this province map option, I'd suggest to pick the same type of place, ie, not mixing up towns, with suburbs, with small towns, with places, etc. It's like if you are doing for example a New York map and you put Upper East side, Manhattan and Central Park as three different places.

Also, Chueca is a very famous place from all over Spain, as it is the most famous gaytown community from all Spain. Even more famous than most of the neighborhoods or districts you chose, for instance La Latina (even when it's quite famous too), which by the way it's not at the other side of the Manzanares river (in case that river is the Manzanares river, of course), but in the same side as the center of the city. You can take a look at the subway map if you want to know which part is on which side:

Finally, Casa de Campo is famous for many things: whores (yep, you read well), zoo, amusement park... It'd be nice to have some pic about it in that place (not regarding whores, but maybe something about an amusement park, or zoo, etc.).
Best regards.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby espana1155 on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:18 am

must agree about the buildings,make them more ancient rather than toytown.will be interested in playing a game or 2 on this map wen u av dun.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [26/8] V3

Postby koontz1973 on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:12 am

Thanks everyone for the comments. Here is what I got and will need you to correct them if wrong.
Madrid has 21 districts which are all on the map, but the map needs 24 territories to be allowed to go forward. To make up the extra three, I have had to split the names for Fuencarral-El Pardo into two and Moncloa-Aravaca into two. This got me to 23 territs so I looked into Aravaca and found the name Penagrande to give me my 24th. All should now be correct and in roughly the right place, but if not, let me know.

Atocha station, have drawn it and you will see it in the top right of the map. Can I get a placement for it. Which territ should it go into.
Puerta de Alcalá, same as the station, it is drawn but need to know where to place it.
El parque del Retiro, is already on the map between Tetaun and Chamberi. Is this correct? I know it is a park but in the photos I looked at, it has a lot of stone work. But I can and will make the oval in front of it green.
Barajas airport, wanted it in and had it for an early version but decicded to take it out as, and I may be wrong, it would now be of the map.
La Gran Vía, want this in as it would make a great picture, where would I put it?
The city zoo, another good picture, and it has been drawn with an elephant (top right), but where do I place it.

Mini pics in the corners, these can change, anyone with ideas for 4 similar ones would be good. I know nole asked for buildings but I really do not want these. Any other ideas.
Main pics, I chose these as many players would know more about Spain than Madrid. The corners match (Bull/red cloth), (Guitar/Flamenco dancer) Madrid has one of the biggest Plaza de Toros (bullrings I believe) so that stays. The guitar and Dancer can go if anyone has anything better.

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [28/8] V4 Pg 1/2

Postby snelliugmj on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:27 am


First thanks for doing a Madrid map.

Few details. I hardly recognize any of the buildings that are there, In fact the city has several distinct atractions (check on google images for: Puerta del sol, puerta de alcalá, oso y madroño, plaza castilla, cibeles, neptuno, palacio real, plaza mayor, parque del retiro, museo del prado, atocha, Santiago bernabeu, torre picasso, conjunto 4 torres).

You keep changing the names. I checked 1 hour ago, and besides some misspelled words, the places were better named than now.

Good work, and keep me posted with ne changes so I can help.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [28/8] V4 Pg 1/2

Postby koontz1973 on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:30 am

I will look at those places, as for the names, I changed them as instructed. If I could ask you to give me a list of names that need changing then I can do it. I thought these where better than last times.
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [28/8] V4 Pg 1/2

Postby PepeAtila on Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:14 pm

just in case it is useful, you can find a metro map of Madrid here:
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Re: Classic Cities Madrid [28/8] V4 Pg 1/2

Postby mirinna on Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:40 pm

I love Madrid! This is where I live. I would go for Madrid itself more than its outskirts. Show the old neigbourhoods and make the buildings recognizable.
For instance, focus on areas like:
1. Sol (oso y madroño, edificio del reloj, km 0, main square) this should be the central point, the km0 of the map.
2. Plaza Mayor, Plaza España, Plaza Castilla, Plaza de Toros de las Ventas, Plaza toros Carabanchel
3. Palacio de los deportes, La Peineta, Ciudad deportiva del Real Madrid
4. Mercado San Miguel, Rastro de Madrid(Flea Market)
5. Bailen, Royal Palace, Las Cortes, Banco de España, Edificio del Ayuntamiento (antiguo Correos),
6. Important squares: Puerta Alcala arch, Moncloa arch, Puerta de Toledo Arch, Plaza Colon
7. Estaciones: Piramides, Pricipe Pio, Atocha, Sol, Recoletos, Nuevos Ministerios, Chamartin (special bonus when owning all stations)
8. Football stadiums: Calderon (Atletico de Madrid Team Home), Bernabeu (Real Madrid Team home)
9. Parks: Retiro Park, Capricho Park, Parque del Oeste, Casa de Campo, Arganzuela
10. Rio Manzanares
11, Zoo-acuario, Parque de Atracciones (amussement Park)
12. Bridges: Puente de los Franceses, Puente de Segovia, Puente Toledo
13. Barrios: Chamberi, Fuencarral, Latina, Arganzuela, Retiro, Vistillas, Huertas (las Cortes)
14. Streets: Alcala, Mayor, Arenal, Gran Via, Princesa, Paseo del Prado, Serrano, Velazquez, Goya,
15. Museums: Prado, Reina Sofia, Thyssen, Sorolla, Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Cera ( colon)...
16. Fuentes: Cibeles, Neptuno,
and more in the very center of Madrid
I'll be more than happy to also help you with the drawing of the buildings.

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