I can not see any answer here, I have no answer from you via PM, so I replay here.
thenobodies80 wrote:you can live also with those regions swapped...no?
yes, I can. but with what I can not live is when somebody do dumb-ass from me even when I have right. only because he has any assignment?
thenobodies80 wrote:I think you missed what we do here.
realy? fancy maps, real maps, historic maps. maps for play - what does not mean that any historic map must be ahistoric...
thenobodies80 wrote:the point is that nobody cares.
what is doleful. even if you have here group with so epideictic name as The Historic Cartographers Society...
thenobodies80 wrote:Look at the thread oneyed, really...it's just you.
no. you can look at the thread and find debate about accuracy of names. names could have more "freedom" as geography because each nation use another ones or each time period has another one. so if accurate names are so important why not geography, history?
thenobodies80 wrote:After some researches, I can say that both maps are NOT accurate.
in PM you also wrote me that you spoke with any experts. you did not give me any reason why my edit is not accurate. you just used your assignment to make decision that my edit is not accurate...
look at maps below:
koontz1973 wrote:This is the image I worked from. It is the two right at the top centre that I have called Trencsen and Arva which went to Poland. From a historical point of view, they may not of been significant, but for a game play side of things, they need to be kept for bonus balance.
- Click image to enlarge.
Oneyed wrote:- Click image to enlarge.
you can see that what I drawn by white is accurate when you compare it with map posted by koontz. so this is not "my view"...
btw, koontz I am realy shocked that you posted map from which you worked and you still can not see and understand your error.
next maps which show reality. this is research, nobodies.
Oneyed wrote:polish Árva
- Click image to enlarge.
polish Szepes
- Click image to enlarge.
thenobodies80 wrote:I will push for a different decision in the moment in which the suggestion has a REAL relevance from a playing perspective or if someone can give me (privately) a real, objective and precise motivation of this request.
I gave you geographic, historic relevance.
as you can see you are not right. koontz made error and you "consecrate" it. I made edits which are accurate and what you did: just used yout assignment for censorship and used demagogy of "any research and any experts", so it looks that I have not truth and I do not know about what I speak (from geographic, historic view).
if you as Foundry foreman would be impartial you could tell truth and not to make dumb-ass from me. something like this will realy stop me: yes koontz did map wrong, but it is not important for gameply. your edits helped to accuracy, but it is on koontz if he will use them.