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mc05025 [CLEARED] BG

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby IcePack on Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:42 pm

I dot think that's te general attitude. I think the frustration is there are so many grey area and fine lines and avenues of abuse of they actually cared to make an honest system instead of coding in BR's and Conquer Cups new medals and other silly ness, they would correct the glaring holes in the current system and code in these things which get abused.

If abuse, farming, etc is such a problem then clearly something needs to e done onsite to fix it. Also, having a clear rule book on all these thins (timing out for cards, round limits, etc) should all be written in black and white. A rule for farming and ranching in b&w. Etc.

I'm all about playing an honest game. But the system is broken and "going to the forums and suggesting fixes" does nothing, because it never gets fixed.


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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby mc05025 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:54 pm

ahunda wrote:As I see it, if the game was played to the end, as it was meant to be, it would be a loss for Kaskavel & mc05025. Only by exploiting a loophole / problem in the set-up do they have the chance to turn this into a win. And I don´t get, what´s there to discuss.

There only is need for discussion, if you care more about your precious points than about an honest game. The right thing here is to play it out, lose the game & say gg. Then head to the forums & suggest to fix the loophole, that you became aware of.

I really don´t get the attitude of people here, just as in the GLG case. Yeah, there are problems with the site, there are loopholes, that can be exploited, and it is ok to point them out. It also is ok to be frustrated with the slow reaction from lack in fixing these issues.

But you know: For a loophole to become a problem it also needs people exploiting & taking advantage of it. And somehow there seems to be an attitude here in the community, that winning at all costs, even by abusing loopholes in the system, is totally acceptable, because it´s the systems fault.

What if people had a different attitude and would abstain from exploiting said loopholes and only report them, so that they can be fixed ? But the message here in the forum seems to be: F*ck honesty & integrity, exploit the system & any loophole you can find, because it´s all about winning & points. Sad, really ...

You have right at some points but you are wrong at some others.

What you think exploiting some other people think competitive strategy. Some people just like to play, I like to play competitive. So at round 18 I have thought a winning strategy which my opponent can follow too. What you are saying is that I should play normally and let my opponent decide if he is going to follow it? why not my opponent follow the strategy too?

You are saying we did that because we were losing. You can be sure that if we were winning we would have definitely follow this strategy, otherwise it would have been at my opponents hand to win or lose a game that I was winning. This is a suicide and it is against the rules. It is an abuse of the same category like intentional dead beating!

If it is an abuse why the moderator does not say to me to take my turn and officially say that this is illegal? Actually this is what I want so that I can continue play this type of games.

What I do not want to happen is to not be permitted to use that strategy and other people win me using it against me. Is it anyone here that can guarantee that this will not happen? I do not think that this is unfair neither that it makes me to 'F*ck honesty & integrity, exploit the system & any loophole you can find'

Anyway I have 3 days as I said till I miss the 3rd turn. I do not think that till then anyone can accuse me for something and that way I can help the site not to ignore this as it sometimes does.

As for the suggestion I am so desperate from the way they handle them that I am not willing to make any suggestion in general.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby anonymus on Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:55 pm

well this seems to be a lot clearer than what some people make it..
dead-beating to use a loophole in faulty code is abuse, like seul pointed out it IS in the rules.. Mc ofcourse loves his points, but should also think about his reputation.. MC has a good reputation (atleast last time i was more involved in the forums) as one of the best players on the site and a standup guy.. even when GLG had the most points he never had the reputation of that.. whats worth more in the end? your name or some points that you SHOULD (especially being a player of that caliber) be able to win back in a couple of games..

1. its against the rules to use this tactic
2. even if a C&A isn't closed/ruled in time for this game to end, employing this shady tactic will brand you guys as cheaters.. we all know how compeditive it is in the top, and also how forgiving the parts of the community who cares about these sort of things are and how easy it is to clear your name once you have been branded a cheater..

just some food for thought.. do the honorable thing..

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby IcePack on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:03 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:It's going to take time to come to an official ruling.

While some good points, I disagree it is so "cut and dry" against the rules (but definitely still not the best way). If it were so clear, the first reaction of BG would not be to say its going to take a lot of time to get an official ruling on the case....


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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Lindax on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:07 pm

There is only one problem here: The stupidity of the fact that in a team game with a round limit, the win is decided by the one player (and not the team) with the most troops. Who the hell ever came up with that idea? Should be easy to fix too....

In the meantime, intentional deadbeating is against the rules, but also hard to prove. And for "punishment" you need to do it more than once or twice.

Also, in the meantime, I would simply avoid team games with a round limit.

Gross abuse of the game? I think the problem mentioned in my first paragraph is gross abuse by the site towards it's players/members.

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby IcePack on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:08 pm

Lindax wrote:There is only one problem here: The stupidity of the fact that in a team game with a round limit, the win is decided by the one player (and not the team) with the most troops. Who the hell ever came up with that idea? Should be easy to fix too....

In the meantime, intentional deadbeating is against the rules, but also hard to prove. And for "punishment" you need to do it more than once or twice.

Also, in the meantime, I would simply avoid team games with a round limit.

Gross abuse of the game? I think the problem mentioned in my first paragraph is gross abuse by the site towards it's players/members.


I tend to agree with this...

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby eggrollonedolla on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:33 pm

GLG your throne in the hall of shame is waiting please sip on some cheap beer there please.

As far as the topic goes the situation is quite clear to me. Anyone currently playing a deadbeat strategy is taking advantage of a poorly coded mechanic in the game. Deadbeating to win is acting as a fail-safe. This is an abuse of the game for anyone that does it. Should codes and rules be added faster absolutely. Until then there must be a "gentlemens agreement" that coding loopholes should not be used as a tactical excuse for ALL parties involved.

My best idea here would be remove or suspend if possible the games so no one takes a point loss until the settings have been properly coded.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:40 pm

wait a minute where is the loophole ????

what they are doing is intentionally deadbeating a game and trying to say this is a loophole giving them a win...

hummmm is it not clearly said in the rules.

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

like they have said he is missing his turns intentionally to get kicked out of the game meaning he is intentionally deadbeating the game.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Kabanellas on Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:01 pm

Lindax wrote:There is only one problem here: The stupidity of the fact that in a team game with a round limit, the win is decided by the one player (and not the team) with the most troops. Who the hell ever came up with that idea? Should be easy to fix too....

Stupidity has a knack of getting its way...

Fact is that we wouldn't be discussing this if this 'brilliant' rule didn't exist.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby mkcummins on Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:23 pm

intentional deadbeating is a violation of a clearly stated rule.

Did the accused intentionally deadbeat? yes.

Is intentional deadbeating a clear violation? see for yourself below as copied from the VERY short list of rules on this site.

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

Stick to the facts and this is a clear cut case of abuse. Subjectivity should have no place in these discussions.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby KraphtOne on Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:45 pm

A. i've intentionally deadbeated hundreds of games... and have had thousands of people intentionally deadbeat games with me...

B. having said that... yeah MC this is a little cheap here and is exactly what the intentional deadbeating rule is meant for :0p
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Woodruff on Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:39 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Both of you admit its an exploitation. You shouldnt need an official ruling telling you not to do it.

Letting your 1 hour timer run out so you do not receive a card in Nuke games is an exploit too, yet it is a legal move.

Yeah, if that's not an exploitation, I've never seen one.

Lindax wrote:There is only one problem here: The stupidity of the fact that in a team game with a round limit, the win is decided by the one player (and not the team) with the most troops. Who the hell ever came up with that idea? Should be easy to fix too....

That's actually how it's decided? Wow...yeah, that's dumb.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby jgordon1111 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:44 pm


Anyone know who's multi this is. been on site all of 2 weeks got the lingo down pretty good for a no ranked noob. And what other reason does a 2 week old noob have to be banned or busted for?

Crap my bad I thought it said july 16, For real a one day old noob comes to the forum and calls someone out?

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby rhp 1 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:47 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:I suppose I couldve punished you for exploiting a game feature and just told you to appeal.
Wouldve been easier and you wouldve had to take the turn.

Instead, I gave you an opportunity to do the right thing. My mistake.

"I intentionally missing my turns at that game in order to take advantage of the bad rules of the game." believe it or not, this is what exploiting is. Taking advantage of something is exploiting it.

do you hear yourself? taking advantage of the RULES of the game for your advantage in order to win? that's gross abuse?? lmao change the rules so they can't be exploited in a manner that mods/admins would consider abuse... jesus...
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Seulessliathan on Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:29 am

mc05025 wrote:As for the suggestion I am so desperate from the way they handle them that I am not willing to make any suggestion in general.

Being unhappy about the way suggestions are handled does not make intentional deadbeating legal.
I suggest you take your next turn and we meet in suggestions forum. Many people feel the need for a rule change about round limits in team games, but this thread is in C&A and it´s about intentional deadbeating, abuse of the system and exploits.

mc05025 wrote:What you think exploiting some other people think competitive strategy. Some people just like to play, I like to play competitive. So at round 18 I have thought a winning strategy which my opponent can follow too. What you are saying is that I should play normally and let my opponent decide if he is going to follow it? why not my opponent follow the strategy too?

Quite simple.
We don´t follow that strategy because this strategy IS against the rules.
Breaking the rules in order to take advantage IS an exploit.

You think didn´t break the rules? Do you know that intentional deadbeating is against the rules?
Did you miss turn #18 while you were online?
Did you get walled by BG about this?
Did you take your turn #19 as he asked you for?
Have you been online during the time when it was your turn #19?
Did you announce that you intend to deadbeat?

ahunda wrote:As I see it, if the game was played to the end, as it was meant to be, it would be a loss for Kaskavel & mc05025. Only by exploiting a loophole / problem in the set-up do they have the chance to turn this into a win. And I don´t get, what´s there to discuss.

rhp 1 wrote:do you hear yourself? taking advantage of the RULES of the game for your advantage in order to win? that's gross abuse??

Quite simple again.


Breaking the rules to take advantage is an exploit.

mc05025 wrote:If it is an abuse why the moderator does not say to me to take my turn and officially say that this is illegal? Actually this is what I want so that I can continue play this type of games.

Well, he already walled you to take your turn.
If you want to know if it is legal or illegal, please recheck the questions above and think about it.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Pirlo on Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:49 am

This is the issue we raised when the round limit feature came out. It's ridiculous to count the troops of a single player, not to mention that inheriting your deadbeat teammate sucks too.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby laughingcavalier on Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:52 am

"Intentional deadbeating" is specifically banned. End of.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Pirlo on Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:00 am

laughingcavalier wrote:"Intentional deadbeating" is specifically banned. End of.

Yes, and it's in the Unwritten Rules

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby mudfighter on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:15 am

For me, this situation is not unclear.

First, intentional deadbeating IS an abuse as stated in the rules. In this case it is also not hard to prove. If someone misses his three last turns in a game with round limit and at the same time is taking turns in other games, this is obvious for me.

In my opinion, the rule, that one player gets all the troops of the other player, is not the best anyway.

Second, I am annoyed, that some players just think they have to take every action for their benefit, independently from any moral point of view.
• If you are cheating on your girlfriend or wife, even if there is not any law against it, you should not do it, unless you agree from both sides on an open relationship, but maybe that are just my values… In my opinion, if you see a whole in the rules, you should not just use it, unless you confirm officially, that this is accepted by the community. If you use it under the knowledge, that this is not accepted by everyone and a huge part of the community is against it, you just should not do it, at least if you have any sense of honor.
• Also you should think about the consequences for the games. Is it really according to the intention of the game and the community? Play a 4vs4 with limited rounds and you play the last 3 rounds in 3 weeks with just 6 people deadbeating. What a fun! I also think that this move has nothing to do with strategical intelligence, just brings a dirty aspect into the game. And I got also the impression, that you guys are thinking, that this may be legal (what is wrong, how I stated above), but you definitely don’t see it as a super clean move. If your answer to the question is “no”, just leave it and ask the mods to fix the whole.
• Think about your reputation. It seems to me, that your reputation is quite good, and is it really worth it, to put dirt on that, because just you think you are right in that discussion and you need a clear rule, that this kind of gameplay is forbidden?

Just my 2 cents, but I hope I could add another point of view. The points I stated above are not just relevant for intentional deadbeating, but for every kind of “half-legal” or dirty move. I think it is sad, that some players are not able just to play such games the way they would play it with their friends sitting together at home with a beer and just relax a little and not to try to take advantage of any dirty move, because it is not forbidden officially.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Tenebrus on Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:41 am

Stupid question time: How does this strategy help? From a pure maths standpoint, it doesn't look like it does - in fact it might actually hinder. Does it rely on the other team assuming that the player who skips two turns isn't coming back and can therefore be disregarded for the win criterion? (Until they return and deploy 30+ of course)?

If there is something that I'm missing, and this makes strategic sense then it seems absolutely fine to me. Players skip rounds and turns, they don't card, players sitting on 5 cards sometimes begin and then let the turn run out so that they can maximise cash on escalating. That's strategy. Once you know it exists, you can deal with it - or do it yourself.

It's not deadbeating to skip a round, or even two rounds. Deadbeats don't come back. If your pop walks out "for a pack of cigarettes" and then comes back - protip: he's not a deadbeat dad. He just got lost or something. This isn't intentional deadbeating - the whole strategy relies on coming back, it's intentional turn-skipping which is a cowboy of a very different stripe.

I am really starting to get irked with the C&A forums, which now seem more about grudge-settling, and "war by other means". Farming and ranching are obnoxious, and the GLG call was right but otherwise, isn't there something that can be done to just... settle everyone the f down?
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Pirlo on Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:52 am

Tenebrus wrote:Stupid question time: How does this strategy help? From a pure maths standpoint, it doesn't look like it does - in fact it might actually hinder. Does it rely on the other team assuming that the player who skips two turns isn't coming back and can therefore be disregarded for the win criterion? (Until they return and deploy 30+ of course)?

If there is something that I'm missing, and this makes strategic sense then it seems absolutely fine to me. Players skip rounds and turns, they don't card, players sitting on 5 cards sometimes begin and then let the turn run out so that they can maximise cash on escalating. That's strategy. Once you know it exists, you can deal with it - or do it yourself.

It's not deadbeating to skip a round, or even two rounds. Deadbeats don't come back. If your pop walks out "for a pack of cigarettes" and then comes back - protip: he's not a deadbeat dad. He just got lost or something. This isn't intentional deadbeating - the whole strategy relies on coming back, it's intentional turn-skipping which is a cowboy of a very different stripe.

I am really starting to get irked with the C&A forums, which now seem more about grudge-settling, and "war by other means". Farming and ranching are obnoxious, and the GLG call was right but otherwise, isn't there something that can be done to just... settle everyone the f down?

I think you are missing a lot!

The game is 20 rounds limited, and when a game hits the limit of rounds, the SINGLE player with the highest amount of troops wins the game. Even in team games, the system doesn't count the total troops of a team; instead, it awards the win to the team of the INDIVIDUAL with the highest amount of troops.

So basically, what MC is trying to do, is to intentionally deadbeat just before the game hits the round limit so his teammate inherits his troops and become the highest individual in that 2v2 game.

I'm not saying MC is trying to cheat or get around the system and abuse. Actually MC himself said so on a C&A mod's wall. He admitted to intentionally deadbeat. I think he's trying to make a point though.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Tenebrus on Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:41 am

Oh, wow. So if you deadbeat in a team game, then it includes the deadbeats troops in calculating the single player total? Heh, ok - I am missing a lot. I guess two things: (a) first, that sounds like a "bug" in that it's madness for it to work that way, and (b) it is fairly abusive to do that.

I'm not sure I'd favour a punishment because it's certainly not clear, but I dont' think it should be permitted, and I think CC need to fix the code that lets it happen quick-smart (because not everyone will read the C&A forums).

Thanks for filling me in Pirlo.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby jghost7 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:02 am


For anyone interested, there has been an attempt to fix this through proper channels, however despite overwhelming support, it was summarily rejected. It is so obvious that this needs to be fixed yet no effort was spent to do so. No reasoning was provided for the rejection.


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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Kaskavel on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:06 am

mudfighter wrote:For me, this situation is not unclear.

First, intentional deadbeating IS an abuse as stated in the rules. In this case it is also not hard to prove. If someone misses his three last turns in a game with round limit and at the same time is taking turns in other games, this is obvious for me.

In my opinion, the rule, that one player gets all the troops of the other player, is not the best anyway.

Second, I am annoyed, that some players just think they have to take every action for their benefit, independently from any moral point of view.
• If you are cheating on your girlfriend or wife, even if there is not any law against it, you should not do it, unless you agree from both sides on an open relationship, but maybe that are just my values… In my opinion, if you see a whole in the rules, you should not just use it, unless you confirm officially, that this is accepted by the community. If you use it under the knowledge, that this is not accepted by everyone and a huge part of the community is against it, you just should not do it, at least if you have any sense of honor.
• Also you should think about the consequences for the games. Is it really according to the intention of the game and the community? Play a 4vs4 with limited rounds and you play the last 3 rounds in 3 weeks with just 6 people deadbeating. What a fun! I also think that this move has nothing to do with strategical intelligence, just brings a dirty aspect into the game. And I got also the impression, that you guys are thinking, that this may be legal (what is wrong, how I stated above), but you definitely don’t see it as a super clean move. If your answer to the question is “no”, just leave it and ask the mods to fix the whole.
• Think about your reputation. It seems to me, that your reputation is quite good, and is it really worth it, to put dirt on that, because just you think you are right in that discussion and you need a clear rule, that this kind of gameplay is forbidden?

Just my 2 cents, but I hope I could add another point of view. The points I stated above are not just relevant for intentional deadbeating, but for every kind of “half-legal” or dirty move. I think it is sad, that some players are not able just to play such games the way they would play it with their friends sitting together at home with a beer and just relax a little and not to try to take advantage of any dirty move, because it is not forbidden officially.

Well, I have to admit that you have made many remarkable comments here my friend and I tend to agree with you in most of them, or maybe even in all of them. But still some points we have mentioned and are the reason of our action has not maybe into account by you.

1. All I (and mc I guess) would like to have is a statement that intentional deadbeating for strategic purposes (or for exploiting the team games-round limit combination) is against the rules and we are not going to lose the rest of our games by this tactic. This may or may not include further cases like losing 2 turns in a row to lure two remaining players to kill each other. It is a huge problem playing such a game and not knowing what your opponents will do. I am trapped in those games because I did not thought of this trick before creating them. Check this game for example.
round 18 begins. We are winning under all reasonable circumstances if all players make their turns.
My turn to play. I know we are winning, but I do not know if opponents may deadbeat and "steal" the victory. I do not know if this action is ilegal and I do not expect to get a clear answer if I ask the site, nor do I want to ask the opponents (its like asking for trouble), so I deadbeat to be sure, waiting to see their actions.
Blue's turn to play. Blue sees I have deadbeated. Many things may have happened now. 1. He catches the point. "Good idea. I will also do it. He may have lost his turn unintentionaly but he gave me a nice idea, I will deadbeat and we will win if he makes his next turn. Is this legal? I do not know, but I will give it a try" 2. He already intended to use this trick himself. "Not good. They also have thought of this tactic. What can I do? I will lose my turn as I was intending anyway, hoping he will make his turn and we will win." 3. He has thought of the trick and does not consider it to be fair. "He is doing it. This is not good, not fair. Is he doing it as a means to win the game or he is doing it out of fear that we may use it if they do not? After all, they are winning the game, they do not need to do that...Hard to say... He may do it energeticaly or as a defence. Anyway, as he has done it, I will also do it." 4. Blue has spent a wonderful night with his girlfriend and just fails to make his turn in time. Blue, one way or another also loses his turn on round 18.
Round 19, my turn to play. He lost his turn as well. I see it. Did he do it on purpose or not? Is this a reaction to me doing it or they intended to do it anyway? Hard to tell. May as well be any of the 4 senarios above....If I do not deadbeat, i may lose the game. I will lose another turn.
Blue's turn. He sees I deadbeated again and decides to take his turn. Probably thinking that the game is lost no matter what. Perhaps he wants to accuse me if I lose my third turn as well and wants to be clear himself.
Round 20, my turn. No need to deadbeat. I play my turn normaly and we win the game.

Do I find that whole procudure entairtaining? No, I do not. I prefer I would had never put that round limit in place. But I did and I am now involved in games where this tactic may cause me to lose the games. I ask the mods to state a clear rule and in this case I will be fine. In the above example, there is the case that if I had not pre-emptied blue's actions by deadbeating myself first, we would have lost a clearly won game (and a clearly won one, not like ours that is still playable). Yes, I could report them and ....what? Lose the game, spend some hours in the forums and finaly have the satisfaction that their action has been noticed for the future? Well...not interested.
It is not something that has happened and we are debating about it being legal. It has not happened in our game yet and I ask the arbitor of the game if we can do it. This has to be confirmed as an exploitation or a legal tactic. Not as something that..."maybe will lead to get noted".

2. I did not consider this tactic unethical when we started the action with mc. Our discussion lead to the conclusion "Under those settings, the correct move by both teams is to always lose their turns in round 18 no matter what, unless the game is completely decided." The verdict we reached was a 100% sure statment, similar to " you should make 4 vs1 attacks". and "you should defend your boarders". With your point of view (this is not how it is supposed to be) I could also claim that "having the weaker teammate suicide all his troops in 2 vs 3 and 3 vs 3 unfavourable attacks against the other team's leader across the board on round 20 is unethical. THIS IS NOT THE WAY THE GAME WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED" Why is this ethical? The rules allow you to avoid taking a spoil in a nuclear game by letting clock run out? Legal. Players mentioned it repeatidly, nothing happened, it is a legal tactic. Since the rules offer the win to the strongest teammate, those things-tricks-tactics-clever moves-unethical methods or whatever anyone can call them enter play automaticaly. When the round limit games were created many players noticed and mentioned this possibility but the rule was put to use anyway. Now I am supposed to close my eyes to this option? What you see as an exploit, I see it as a clever move.

3. The game cannot have situations where one player is encouraged to lose his turn. But it does. Those situations in possibility can be used against me-and they have, but I must avoid them because from some people's point of view, they are unethical? Can we start discussing what is ethical and what is unethical in a freestyle game? Is it OK to use a super speed computer-connection combined with fast thinking skills to make your move 3 seconds before 24 hrs preventing opponent from making his turn? If you play freestyle, then you are vunlerable to those tactics and you are supposed to accept them. I do not like them, so I do not play freestyle, simple. I have lost a game where a player lost 2 turns and the third player attacked me thinking he was going to be forfeited. That player came back and won the game. I did not fill a c&a report. I accepted the loss and tried to avoid the situation in the future, mainly by discussing with the third player in similar situations. I also tried to use the tactic myself, without success. I do not like this possibility of deadbeating and I will never create 20 round limit team games in hive again, but I am now involved in many of them.

4. You underestimate my statement that there is a difference between deadbeating and deadbeating. Deadbeating in the rules does not in my opinion imply situations where deadbeating is beneficial, this possibility had not been thought by the time. This is just my opinion and if the mods have a different opinion, no problem, but they must state it clearly. Otherwise we will start a witchhunt about who deadbeated on purpose and who did not, which is a bad idea.

5. Yes in a 4 vs 4 hive game with 20 round limit, 6 of the 8 players MUST lose their 3 turns. Yes, 18 turns MUST be lost on purpose. Anyone not doing that is making a wrong move. And that is of course a sufficient reason for me to NEVER play this game. But if I was forced into such a game somehow, that is the correct move. The correct move in a Kick-boxing game may be to crush your opponent skull or break his leg. I despise it from my personal moral code and I just will never play this game. But this does not mean I must lose the game for moral reasons if I somehow get involved in one of the games.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby mudfighter on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:46 am

I only know laws, where some actions (like killing people) are forbidden, no matter what motivation was behind that. If I should kill a man, because he deserved it, it is still a crime, and I will be imprisoned, although the is basically just saying "murder is not allowed" and not "murder is not allowed and even murder of people, who deserve it, is not allowed". So for me intentional deabbeating includes intentional deadbeating because of a benefit like the murder includes the murder of people who deserve it.
For me that is a fact.

I cannot discuss your other points right now, since I am at work and still have to do something, so maybe will try to catch those later....
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