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PNG Army Numbers

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PNG Army Numbers

Postby thenobodies80 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:25 am

Every mapmaker comes to a point where he needs to have the Army numbers on the map.
Maybe you want to give evidence of neutrals territories on the map, or give the visual idea of the starting drop on the map, or again just because you want to be sure that all 3 digits fit the map.

For each of these situations, or for any other reason, you can find the most used 3 files attached to this post: 888 in all colors, 88 with color letters and finally 0-9 neutrals.

To download them, right click on the images and save them on your computer. ;)
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby pamoa on Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:31 am

good job thank you I see you completed my initial file with orange army

my advice to mapmakers

as I've always said the fitting test should be done with letters because of the legs

and legibility test with 33's against the background
if you have a bluish background put the blue 33 on it and see if you can tell it is 33 or 88
blue is always the most problematic colour because of the lack of contrast between the black outline and the blue filling
when it is against a dark bluish background it blurs itself in it

a good map as always good graphics
De gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte, crénelée de trois pièces, sommée d'un donjon ajouré, crénelé de deux pièces
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:08 pm

I need to enquire about these army numbers.
For 1588 Spanish Armada...there is room for 12 players.
1. From BR maps, the capacity obviously exits?
2. Moving forward, we have red, green, blue, yellow, pink, cyan, orange and gray....from the battle royal i can see there are other colours...can i get these next 4 colours in their offical RGB and Hex please.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby ender516 on Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:05 pm

BRs have more than eight players, but only the first eight have fixed official colours. The rest are generated randomly (every time you load the game page, I think). Only when the Submitted Suggestion to Increase to 12 Players is implemented will we know what the official colours for players 9 through 12 will be.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby cairnswk on Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:16 pm

ender516 wrote:BRs have more than eight players, but only the first eight have fixed official colours. The rest are generated randomly (every time you load the game page, I think). Only when the Submitted Suggestion to Increase to 12 Players is implemented will we know what the official colours for players 9 through 12 will be.

Thanks ender516....oh dear!
Well this should be that hard surely?? :!:
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby ender516 on Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:39 am

I would hope that the code for the server would be well structured enough that changing the number of players would not be difficult. It might be a challenge to change the games database while it is live, however, so that might be a holdup. There may be some questions in lackattack's mind about other effects: will small maps become farmers' fields because players will start with only one or two territories; is there a real return on investment for the time it takes to implement; ... Who really knows other than lack why this hasn't been done already?
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby Armandolas on Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:27 am

thenobodies80 wrote:Every mapmaker comes to a point where he needs to have the Army numbers on the map.
Maybe you want to give evidence of neutrals territories on the map, or give the visual idea of the starting drop on the map, or again just because you want to be sure that all 3 digits fit the map.

For each of these situations, or for any other reason, you can find the most used 3 files attached to this post: 888 in all colors, 88 with color letters and finally 0-9 neutrals.

Hello, i would like to download this files, but cvant find the download link
am i missing something?
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:33 pm

Armandolas wrote:
thenobodies80 wrote:Every mapmaker comes to a point where he needs to have the Army numbers on the map.
Maybe you want to give evidence of neutrals territories on the map, or give the visual idea of the starting drop on the map, or again just because you want to be sure that all 3 digits fit the map.

For each of these situations, or for any other reason, you can find the most used 3 files attached to this post: 888 in all colors, 88 with color letters and finally 0-9 neutrals.

Hello, i would like to download this files, but cvant find the download link
am i missing something?

Just right click on the images above and save to your computer.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby cballer1010 on Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:21 am

I don't know what is going on. When I save the image to my computer, and then bring it up in Gimp as a new layer, it makes the image appear smaller. Idk why its doing it. I could just make them bigger by stretching them out but it doesn't look as good. Any suggestions?
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby koontz1973 on Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:23 am

They may appear smaller as the background will be transparent and not white. They are the correct size though.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:38 am

Here are all the new colours in 888 format. I took the colours from the game screens so I know they are correct.

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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby cairnswk on Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:07 pm

^^^ Thank-you koontz :)
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby pamoa on Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:11 pm

and with colours code
Last edited by pamoa on Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby cairnswk on Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:46 pm

pamoa wrote:and with colours code

Adding this:
    Red: FF0000
    R255 G0 B0

    Green: 006400
    R0 G100 B0

    Blue: 0000FF
    R0 G0 B255

    Yellow: FFFF00
    R255 G255 B0

    Pink: FF00FF
    R255 G0 B255

    Cyan: 00FFFF
    R0 G255 B255

    Orange: FF9922
    R255 G153 B34

    Silver: C0C0C0
    R192 G192 B192

    Purple: 9400D3
    R148 G0 B211

    Lime: 00FF00
    R0 G255 B0

    Amber: CD5C5C
    R205 G92 B92

    Olive: 688E23

    R104 G132 B35
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby jonofperu on Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:34 am

The 888 numbers seem to have disappeared from the earlier posts. Anybody have that?
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby grifftron on Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:39 pm

Hello Mods.. can we get these numbers back?


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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby TeeGee on Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:48 pm

grifftron wrote:Hello Mods.. can we get these numbers back?



I have asked if any of the programmers have a copy to go back up
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby grifftron on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:12 am

TeeGee wrote:
grifftron wrote:Hello Mods.. can we get these numbers back?



I have asked if any of the programmers have a copy to go back up

Would be funny if CC didn't have a copy of their own army numbers.
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Re: PNG Army Numbers

Postby iancanton on Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:03 pm

do u mean these ones?


ian. :)
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