Players will each participate in two 4-player games on Classic Map with settings: Standard, Automatic, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny, 100 Rounds, Not Trench.
Winners of the classic map games advance to the final game on World 2.1 map with the same settings. Winner of the final wins the tournament.
Entry Requirements and Additional Rules:
*Premium membership
*Maintain a score of 2000+ throughout the tournament (Failure to do so will result in elimination. If an eliminated player wins a game, the runner-up will advance.)
*Hold an attendance record of at least 97%.
*Use of an account sitter is not permitted in this tournament.
*I reserve the right to deny admission of any player to this tournament for any reason.
Players will be ordered from highest rank to lowest rank at time of joining.
Players will play one game against players closest to their rank and one game against players with seed rank differing by multiples of 4. (See table below)
[##]: Player seed rank in list.
(g#): Game number.
Rows: Players in (g1) through (g4).
Columns: Players in (g5) through (g8).
Example: player11 [11] is playing in game3 (g3) and game7 (g7).
| ..... (g5):(g6):(g7):(g8) |
| (g1):[01],[02],[03],[04] |
| (g2):[05],[06],[07],[08] |
| (g3):[09],[10],[11],[12] |
| (g4):[13],[14],[15],[16] |
Winners of (g1) through (g8) will be seeded randomly in the final.
General Achievement Medal:
A general achievement medal has been approved for this tournament and will be awarded to the player who remains undefeated in their initial games, yet fails achieve victory in the grand final. If more than one person qualifies for this GA, elimination order in the grand final will be used to break the tie.
Tournament: 2000+ Casual Conflict I