by dhallmeyer on Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:14 am
Hello people of Conquer Club! This thread is where you sign up for the SoC Training Grounds. The SoC teachers are made up of dedicated players who are both skilled at the game and willing to teach you. We will teach you 6-7 player terminator games on the Classic Map. The settings for those game will be escalating spoils, unlimited fortification, and no fog of war. These game settings are easy to learn. The tactics you learn will be helpful for most games you play on this site. If you wish to sign up for training please post in THIS thread saying "please add me"or something similar.
Students will be added based on availability of space and staff discretion.
Nola_Lifer 2007-3371 1/26 1253-127 2/6
WarFace34 1159-65 2/7
Dr.House_25 1326-555 2/9
azezzo 1570-9223 2/15
-Richo- 948-573 2/21
Captain Blue 1143-408 2/23
oziris 987-1288 2/23
qbert68 1341-67 2/29
visgoths 1010-109 3/1
vilerequiem 1186-10 3/2
simmons4 3275-2877 3/4
DreadedFate 1021-46 3/4
eawilder1020 1202-45 3/5
Nilsinj 1204-87 3/9
therev1957 1540-10423 3/11
torres44cm 1770-1303 3/17
mgert 1017-10-3/18
Kj_Molt 1013-57 3/19
Rasclart 1015-10 3/28
Linnick 1281-717 4/1
WE 901-17 4/2
uklioness 1226-237 4/2
fstuppy 1216-1002 4/2
ivofficial 928-9 4/2
EagleScout10 1150 40 4/5
afrotechno 980 130 4/6
H2over 1586 375 4/6
bobanahalf 1290 49 4/6
chapcrap 2133 8144 4/6
Falkomagno 1601 5629 4/6
greenoaks 1837 9121 4/6
germwarfare 2179 3009 4/11
chrgar4t 909 6 4/11
BetaHannibal 964 9 4/11
jjtheGreat 950 6 4/12
jammyjames 1858 5737 4/12
Rycox 1130 5 4/12
King Engineer 1214 138 4/17
EagleofGreenErth 1860 6592 4/17
Gavino07 715 561 4/17
breaker_2015 1003 6 4/17
SirValbjoern 1057 6 4/17
PUPPYFTW 829 322 4/17
king_kory 916 28 4/17
mgert 881 19 4/17
centac 2337 575 4/17
Huggle Warrior 1000 0 4/17
Dane1991 941 48 4/17
Reaper616 1581 473 4/17
centac 2335 575 4/18
thurnderbolt 1089 17 4/20
maclad 1000 0 4/21
danton-quid 1048 5 4/21
32rock32 1639 132 4/22