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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:11 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:b is cleared if the person he tracks confirms he targeted who b says he targeted

a tracks b
a gets it right a is cleared
but b might have a role that allows him to visit so he could falsely say ya thats what i did
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:30 am

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:b is cleared if the person he tracks confirms he targeted who b says he targeted

a tracks b
a gets it right a is cleared
but b might have a role that allows him to visit so he could falsely say ya thats what i did

If b lies for a then that means they're scum buddies and once we find out that a is not a tracker then b will be on the chopping block next. So I doubt that b would lie for a unless b thought a could easily get away with it.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby thehippo8 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:24 am

/ wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.

Sorry / ... looked back, that was when I went away and I missed your posts. Wasn't ignoring you, in fact I thought you were just trying to jive me until I went back and checked. So, let's go with your/skill's plan.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:28 am

shieldgenerator7 wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:b is cleared if the person he tracks confirms he targeted who b says he targeted

a tracks b
a gets it right a is cleared
but b might have a role that allows him to visit so he could falsely say ya thats what i did

If b lies for a then that means they're scum buddies and once we find out that a is not a tracker then b will be on the chopping block next. So I doubt that b would lie for a unless b thought a could easily get away with it.

ok that works..sometimes i just get confused
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Leehar on Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:06 pm

Did you suggest the same plan that / did tho Skill?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:09 pm

Leehar wrote:Did you suggest the same plan that / did tho Skill?

I see your paying attention leehar,thank you.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Leehar on Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:20 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
Leehar wrote:Did you suggest the same plan that / did tho Skill?

I see your paying attention leehar,thank you.

Seems I actually wasn't since reading back I see that / already mentioned it and skill already responded, as did Hippo :x
A wire got crossed somewhere along the line, and I missed what they were actually referring to rather then what seemed a general comment by / on hippo's natural confusion as it seems.

I'm still uncertain why sg7 is defending the tracking strategy when he could better spend the time defending himself from l-1? :s
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:32 pm

As far as SG7 goes there hasn't been anyone to step forward and say they are the sailor that can confirm him,and as I said if I found him that easy and he didnt just come out and say who he is,to me that means there is a problem with his claim.

Something everyone seems to be skipping over is NG1 had 2 people there when betiko died.

Sg7 and hippo.

The character I believe by Sg7 description says he is,does not use a gun.

I believe SG7 is trying to deflect attention away from himself.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby new guy1 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:47 pm

I believe he said he was a tall man, not a woman. Therefore, so far it makes more sense for him to use a gun, if he is the wanderer.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:20 pm

By his description of his role and how he looks the only character I found besides the peguin which he says no to, is tuxedo mask from sailor moon.

And tuxedo mask does not use a gun he uses his cane and has amnesia,but can only remeber parts of his life around sailor moon. And turns into tuxedo mask when she is in danger.

Now like I said if it was that easy for me to find (in ten minutes) with a general description he gave,why hasnt he looked into it himself,or defended himself other than to say I am innocent but dont know who I am or what my role does.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:29 pm

new guy1 wrote:I believe he said he was a tall man, not a woman. Therefore, so far it makes more sense for him to use a gun, if he is the wanderer.

I would guess it's a man but the face wasn't very clear so it could really be either or.

ANd there's not much I can do to defend myself at this point since I've already claimed all that I can. If hippo's not the killer then that means that betiko got killed by targeting skillfu.

Also, I have a problem with hippo's and /'s claims. So far we have the wonder twins, the wanderer, Agent 86, and then we have Spiderman and Nightcrawler. SPiderman and Nightcrawler are obviously superheroes, but they're well-known. Before playing this game I had never heard of the wanderer, had only once heard the wonder twins named mentioned, and only talked briefly about Agent 86. They're not very well-known, not at all. Spiderman and nIghtcrawler, on the other hand, I have seen in videogames, movies, toys and action figures.(ok nightcrawler not so much but definitely spiderman). They're very popular and very well-known. And then there's this cop from batman, who doesn't get much attention at all in the series. ANother not-so-well-known character. So how can nightcrawler and Spiderman (popular heroes) be in a game with flavor pointing towards characters that are not-so-super (like "Citizen", VT) or not-so-well-known? I think they're fakeclaims.
My vote remains on hippo.


Wait, so you can google descriptions and get results? I've actually never tried that before (or actually had time to test it). Hold on a second...

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:42 pm

Alright, jgordon prodded me into doing some research (which I don't normally do for a mafia game):

My role PM says I'm A wanderer, not THE wanderer. And since we have seen characters outside of DC and Marvel, my guess is that I'm a D&D character. Yes, D&D. I went to google with the link to the pic in my role PM, and the very same picture came up on a D&D website about the wanderer. It turns out that wanderers in D&D are very rare and very powerful. Quoting from the website:

D&D wrote:Wanderers are a rare breed. Few creatures are willing to walk the world for months or years at a time, perhaps with companions, but never with a home, never with more possessions than they can carry. Those who can, however, discover a ancient power easily harnessed and overwhelming in scale. ...
Wanderers, by their nature, can be of any alignment. Good wanderers have a tendency to show up exactly when needed - a savior silhouetted on the horizon. Evil wanderers are as destructive as they are random; more a force of nature than anything else.

As you can see, I have to "discover an ancient power" which alludes to the fact I don't know what my role does. (wow I'm in Google chrome, which I don't usually use, and it has spell check! and I just corrected "alludes" because it was redunderlined. How cool is that?) It also says I could be good or evil which alludes to the fact I don't know my alignment. I have to go now, more later.

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:45 pm

Are you saying sheild you have never went to wiki to find out whether a role that someone claimed in a game could be correct or not for flavor etc.?

Fastposted by shield Arrrrrgh,now you use the picture Arrrrgh. and you can be evil?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby / on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:45 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:By his description of his role and how he looks the only character I found besides the peguin which he says no to, is tuxedo mask from sailor moon.

And tuxedo mask does not use a gun he uses his cane and has amnesia,but can only remeber parts of his life around sailor moon. And turns into tuxedo mask when she is in danger.

Now like I said if it was that easy for me to find (in ten minutes) with a general description he gave,why hasnt he looked into it himself,or defended himself other than to say I am innocent but dont know who I am or what my role does.

But he claimed a name, which is weird if it's a totally different character.
I looked up what I think the others found, Betiko put forth this wanderer as a possibility originally
I believe CLEVER referred to this wanderer earlier, but I could be mistaken
neither fits exactly, but then I remembered that this game doesn't just include comics, so just today I found this. it pretty much looks exactly like shield described, (though I would say it's more of a fishing hat than a top hat), it's from a book, by Elle Pepper calledThe Kindred, and Other Tales, it describes a vigilante justice, so I imagine he could be a killer, what exactly are his motives? I have no !$#$^ clue these references are getting vaguer than *!@#^$! ](*,)

fastposted by shield: I don't know if it's from D&D, the author's site says it's all based in a "Seaview Omniverse", so I guess it could borrow from whatever.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:46 pm

so you dont use bullets? just an unknown power
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby / on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:55 pm

Never mind, I looked up what shield is referring to ... e_Class%29
I guess that's it then...
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Leehar on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:58 pm

@/: He did just say pretty clearly that he was A wanderer and from D&D, so I doubt thats it.

fastposted, cool beans.

Doesn't seem anything to suggest scum, so I'd suggest unvoting for now?
Unless there's a deadline?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby / on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:03 pm

Leehar wrote:@/: He did just say pretty clearly that he was A wanderer and from D&D, so I doubt thats it.

fastposted, cool beans.

Doesn't seem anything to suggest scum, so I'd suggest unvoting for now?
Unless there's a deadline?

Logically the killer must be shield or hippo, so we should lynch one of the two so we know with no uncertainty.
Deadline is monday I think.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:13 pm

Dead Line is Sunday
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby new guy1 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:16 pm

Maybe theres a second wanderer and they have to find each other, just a quick thought! I kind of have lots of company so yeah, Ill be busy.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:18 pm

Well it wasnt either one I was thinking of,and if it had been tuxedo mask he is one of the good guys,and will only fight when sailor moon is in trouble.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Leehar on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:35 pm

I'm still uncertain on the whole what did ng see happen on betiko, and what the deal with on what to do last night was that prompted hippo to target betiko?
And neither am I sure on whether the tracking solution mentioned is really feasible and worth doing, so I really have to again vote Hippo.

Tho I am now thinking that lynching both ends that hippo is stuck on would be more beneficial (sg7 or /) ie if we lynch sg7 and he comes up guilty, then odds are that hippo is safe and / is scum. Or if we lynch / and he comes up safe, then hippo should be scum and sg7 safe; if he comes up guilty, then sg7 is guilty and hippo is safe?
But If hippo comes up safe, then both sg7 and / should/could theoretically be scum.
I'm inclined to hippo because it's too many coincidences with being counterclaimed, and being caught with hands in the cookie-jar on betiko.

However, the above is only reliable if ng1 really did see only Sg7 and hippo on betiko? So did you newguy?

fastposted x3
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:43 pm

Leehar wrote:I'm still uncertain on the whole what did ng see happen on betiko, and what the deal with on what to do last night was that prompted hippo to target betiko?
And neither am I sure on whether the tracking solution mentioned is really feasible and worth doing, so I really have to again vote Hippo.

Tho I am now thinking that lynching both ends that hippo is stuck on would be more beneficial (sg7 or /) ie if we lynch sg7 and he comes up guilty, then odds are that hippo is safe and / is scum. Or if we lynch / and he comes up safe, then hippo should be scum and sg7 safe; if he comes up guilty, then sg7 is guilty and hippo is safe?
But If hippo comes up safe, then both sg7 and / should/could theoretically be scum.
I'm inclined to hippo because it's too many coincidences with being counterclaimed, and being caught with hands in the cookie-jar on betiko.

However, the above is only reliable if ng1 really did see only Sg7 and hippo on betiko? So did you newguy?

fastposted x3

I believe betiko himself prearranged for hippo and / to track him.

/ tried to point out the flaw in this but it was overlooked so he says he tracked jak who died as well.

The only odd man out on that was Sg7,and I asked him why he went to betiko when he didnt know what could happen to betiko.

His response was due to betiko role saying something would change in his role that night he went to him hoping it would help unlock his role.

The flaw in that was it was already suspected by a couple betiko was or might be insane,and when crown came up town,why on earth would you go to betiko unless you were hedging your bets night three if he was insane,he might become sane and then target you and find out your mafia.

I know I changed what I was thinking as soon as crown came up town,as did probably everyone else.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:50 pm

The down side is if hippo got lucky when betiko asked him to track him,and he is actually mafia and took betiko out.

perfect cover, valid reason for being there.

But thats why my vote is on SG7 who in my opinion considering what happened with crown really shouldnt have went near betiko.

But Again I could be wrong. Have been before sure it wont be last.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:18 pm

Yes, Leehar, I had forgotten about Hippo being counterclaimed but that is a valid point and another piece of evidence that can be used against hippo.

ANd no, haha, I don't usually go to wikipedia or anything to see if claims line up flavor wise. Although I did do some research on hippo's nightcrawler claim. Nightcrawler is a for sure a town character unless he's from an alternate dimension, in which case he could be evil. But the thing I find fishy about this claim is that nightcrawler is more or less well-known, which like I've said before doesn't fit with the rest of the characters we've seen so far. Which is another point I'd like to bring up, a Wanderer is not exactly something I'd call well known, especially if you don't play D&D (tho I'm not sure how much it's used in the D&D game)

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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