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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby therev1957 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:06 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Whilst I may not level blame, I would still issue a warning. Nothing wrong with warnings - they suggest that whilst what has passed may be within the rules, any continuation of this practice would be deemed 'abuse'. Everyone walks away, a lesson was learned by everyone on the site, the scoreboard retains some integrity, and the systematic farming of inexperienced teams on freestyle settings becomes a thing of the past. Personally I can't see a problem with this scenario.

I usually don't comment in these forums...but as I play with these guys regularly in clan and out of clan, I thought I would put my 2 cents (pesos?) in.

I hate freestyle!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: and only played it to get my medals (yes I love medals)...I still play a few, but mostly because of the map and singles...and they are maps that the first turns aren't going to make the difference.

Personally I would not issue a warning...why warn someone "whilst what has passed may be within the rules" If they are within the rules they should not be warned...If they are not in the rules warn them...If they are abusing within the rules...CHANGE THE RULES!!! :o :o :o :o

P.S. I don't know how this got double posted! Sorry I was just trying to fix the quote which I did! :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby jghost7 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:24 am

therev1957 wrote:...If they are abusing within the rules...CHANGE THE RULES!!! ...

I don't think changing the rules is the answer here.

It is a fundamental problem with the game type, specifically Freestyle, Team, Casual.


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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:25 am

GLG was playing 'within the rules' but by the same token it was clearly abuse and necessitated action. Do we need a poll to verify this? I don't think so.

There should be scope for warnings that do not go down against anyone's record. No-one deserves any punishment here whatsoever. It only becomes wrong if it's perpetuated. Sadly it may have taken a C&A report to both draw attention to this system of points harvesting and to dissuade the perpetrators from carrying it on, so it can't be said to not have merit. I'll reiterate though, it doesn't warrant any punishment.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby IR1SH ACE on Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:42 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Who are the Pack haters (plural)? Hope you don't think I'm one. I don't know most of their members, but those I do are stand-up people who I like and admire.

that comment was not leveled at yourself....but there were plenty of posts in this C&A case that were unnecessary attempts at kicking the dog while its down....(be careful that dog does not turn around and bite u on the arse)

codeblue1018 wrote: An inflated rank for really a bunch of mediocre players is what it boils down to. It is quite apparent that attaining a rank that they would never attain playing like most legit players do is their goal. They my as well have the rank of cook as the star is meaningless. Zero respect for all involved as most would agree with.

army of nobunaga wrote:I was in tecs clan.. he is by far the biggest cheater Ive met.. Im not going to add examples... Ill not sully my name more.

this as well as the OP been very vocal in the recent PACK clan war thread...

Chuuuuck wrote:You're an idiot. I think I know more about the subject and the clan scene in general than you can imagine. I am well aware you know all of their players didn't go to TOFU because it isn't true. But I am trying to pay a compliment to the ones that are being put down here, as well as point out the false statements for the casual passer-by so there aren't those out there that talk about Empire and then say "I heard all of their best players bailed after losing to The Pack." Your clan's jokes and fun nature don't bother me any, but it is pretty sad when you all have to make your jokes at the expense of someone else. Sounds like a group that never got over middle school.

kind of makes this look more like a "f*ck you guys C&A case" then any real concern for possible rule breaking....dont get me wrong I like most players that have posted here can see how this is a "cheap tactic" but can easily be fixed using one of the many suggestions already posted here and in the GD thread about this subject.....
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby Chuuuuck on Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:52 am

The problem with them admitting it is wrong is that it fully shows that they are not sorry that they did it, they are sorry that anyone noticed that they are doing it.

If they really thought it was wrong, they wouldn't of done it in the first place. It just goes to show that they are a group of people that are going to look for any way to inflate their score over what it should naturally be. Playing normal games, I don't think you could expect any of them to be at the general level, and they all admitted that is what they wanted was a shiny star next to their names (or maybe it was one of their clansmen who said they were too eargerly going after that).
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby jghost7 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:14 am

Chuuuuck wrote:The problem with them admitting it is wrong is that it fully shows that they are not sorry that they did it, they are sorry that anyone noticed that they are doing it.

If they really thought it was wrong, they wouldn't of done it in the first place. It just goes to show that they are a group of people that are going to look for any way to inflate their score over what it should naturally be. Playing normal games, I don't think you could expect any of them to be at the general level, and they all admitted that is what they wanted was a shiny star next to their names (or maybe it was one of their clansmen who said they were too eargerly going after that).

No. They did not say they were going after a star. If I recall correctly, it was mentioned that this occurred during the chase for the freestyle medal. Either way, your claims about their skills and/or intent are irrelevant as you are not one who is qualified to witness to them, neither does it advance your claim that they cheated.

Also your slander/libel of the accused is unwelcome. It is fine for you to have your opinion, but please keep to the allegations of wrong doing and not make libelous statements about the accused. The slinging of mud is not necessary here nor is it appropriate.


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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby Chuuuuck on Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:42 am

It is not my opinion that they posted here and admitted doing it was wrong and they said they would stop. My question is, why does it take a cheating thread to admit you are wrong?

I honestly think it is admirable of them to admit that and I applaud them for that. It is the right thing to do. But with that being said, I think that is why we should warn them and move on, to discourage this kind of behavior in the future. Not clear them and move on. Regardless, it should be set that this kind of behavior and not welcome from anyone in the future.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby jghost7 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:42 pm

Chuuuuck wrote:It is not my opinion that they posted here and admitted doing it was wrong and they said they would stop. My question is, why does it take a cheating thread to admit you are wrong?

I honestly think it is admirable of them to admit that and I applaud them for that. It is the right thing to do. But with that being said, I think that is why we should warn them and move on, to discourage this kind of behavior in the future. Not clear them and move on. Regardless, it should be set that this kind of behavior and not welcome from anyone in the future.

Wrong? Maybe not best practice, but wrong? I tell you this, were I to play that mode of game, I would not go last on purpose either. Once more I will point out it is a result of the game type that there is even an issue about invites. Pushing for an official warning when this is the first time it has been actively discussed is extreme and ambitious of you.

It is easy to fall into the behavior of just arbitrarily penalizing anything you feel may fall in the gray area, but that is not a best practice either. It is a slippery slope that I hope that CC can avoid. I think that this case has a much simpler method of being handled. Let us fix the real issue at hand and prevent the need for further hassle. Maybe we can use the attention the subject has garnered and maybe get a suggestion thread fast tracked.


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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby Sniper08 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:42 pm

jghost7 wrote:Maybe we can use the attention the subject has garnered and maybe get a suggestion thread fast tracked.



the only way this can be solved using suggestion is if lack does some work which we all know he wont deviate from what he is doing now.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby king achilles on Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:46 pm

It seems we all agree that this practice of waiting for the other team to get filled before you get your own team filled just so you can get the first turn in a freestyle team game is not something that we can all condone. This shows that the reservation/invite system plus freestyle team game can be exploited.

To the accused, let this report serve as your warning to stop doing this. We know there are many things that can be discovered and capitalized on to work to your own advantage but please, let's not overdo it. Use your common sense to know what is fair and what is no longer right. We are destroying the essence of the game if we keep on exploiting certain systems. You risk of being branded in a certain way and as how the saying goes, you are only cheating yourselves. If we win - good! If we lose, we lose. Let's not wait for someone to correct us before we actually set things right if we are already aware of what we're doing. This has been noted. I hope we don't get another same report about you guys in the future.

As for this Freestyle team tactic & Invite/Reservation abuse, we are certainly open for any ideas that could fix this so as to prevent others from doing the same thing. Again, we are aware of this issue and we welcome good and reasonable suggestions on how to resolve this matter. The Suggestions Forum is a good place to start.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:59 pm

king achilles wrote:It seems we all agree that this practice of waiting for the other team to get filled before you get your own team filled just so you can get the first turn in a freestyle team game is not something that we can all condone. This shows that the reservation/invite system plus freestyle team game can be exploited.

To the accused, let this report serve as your warning to stop doing this. We know there are many things that can be discovered and capitalized on to work to your own advantage but please, let's not overdo it. Use your common sense to know what is fair and what is no longer right. We are destroying the essence of the game if we keep on exploiting certain systems. You risk of being branded in a certain way and as how the saying goes, you are only cheating yourselves. If we win - good! If we lose, we lose. Let's not wait for someone to correct us before we actually set things right if we are already aware of what we're doing. This has been noted. I hope we don't get another same report about you guys in the future.

As for this Freestyle team tactic & Invite/Reservation abuse, we are certainly open for any ideas that could fix this so as to prevent others from doing the same thing. Again, we are aware of this issue and we welcome good and reasonable suggestions on how to resolve this matter. The Suggestions Forum is a good place to start.

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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[noted/warned]

Postby Chuuuuck on Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:44 pm


Very well said and fair. The practice was recognized as inappropriate and should be stopped but no real punishment given. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you CC.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[pending]es

Postby chapcrap on Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:18 am

king achilles wrote:Again, we are aware of this issue and we welcome good and reasonable suggestions on how to resolve this matter. The Suggestions Forum is a good place to start.

Something like this for freestyle (the suggestion is for fog). viewtopic.php?f=471&t=130255

Or like this for speed and casual (the suggestion is for speed). viewtopic.php?f=535&t=119643
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[noted/warned]

Postby grifftron on Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:10 am

Well watch out all freestyle quad & trip teams, the standard for the CC world has been set... live by it.
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Re: simmons4/tec805/davsweeney/smegal69[noted/warned]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:59 am

this seems like a fair ruling........

my only problem here is where is the suggestion forum topic to change this loophole in freestyle team games?

it seems like a couple of members see this as such a big problem that they had to start a GD thread about it...Team games Invite Abuse

and then this C&A case about the same tsioumiou & Chuuuuck, where is the Suggestion thread to try and fix this?

there have been plenty of good suggestions on how this can be fixed but neither of you have bother to start a thread about it....

king achilles wrote:As for this Freestyle team tactic & Invite/Reservation abuse, we are certainly open for any ideas that could fix this so as to prevent others from doing the same thing. Again, we are aware of this issue and we welcome good and reasonable suggestions on how to resolve this matter. The Suggestions Forum is a good place to start.

even KA would welcome some good suggestions on fixing what are you waiting for?
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