thanks for playing all!

Welcome to my third dubs arms race tourney!
First pick a partner
Next pick a team name that combines the names of you and your partner in any way you like
If you don't provide a team name, I will pick one for you
Arms Race!
No Spoils
Chained Reinforcements
There will be 8 teams and 3 rounds. win all 3 rounds to be champions!
Each round your team will play another team in 3 games. Best of 3 games advances
Matchups will be made randomly using Challonge!
sorry, no freemiums
Have fun!

Current teams:
1: xwink: xroads and emilywink
2: Drakiss: Drakkon and imissSCca
3: bunner: Gunn217 and ukberger
4: RJ81: capk81 and WPBRJ
5: ballpride: sparkyball and pridekiller
6: mr. me: mr. CD & MegsEggs
7: KingH: Kingm and HLLYHWH
8: r us crap?: chapcrap and nicarus
Kajin: iang7 and kjg21