Conquer Club

27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madascar (COMPLETED)

Tournaments completed in 2012.

Re: 27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madagas (NO OPEN REG - ONLY RESER

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:14 pm

Convo with Night Strike re: late entries:
IF add'l, no need to resign to EXACT SAME Tourney (arms race, etc.) but NOT if changing map, etc.

13:37:09 ‹Night Strike› you alive?
13:37:26 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› ya
13:37:28 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› sup?
13:37:47 ‹Night Strike› 12:30:42 ‹Night Strike› Gen.LeeGettinhed, what was that restriction about on your new tournament?
13:37:52 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› I have a new policy
13:38:00 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› to not talk tourneys in Social
13:38:03 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› .
13:38:06 ‹Night Strike› lol
13:39:06 ‹Night Strike› so?
13:40:01 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› was distracted, not looking at Social either
13:40:07 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› so, what restriction?
13:40:24 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› oh, stopping registrations -- giving RESERVED time until Sun noon?
13:40:33 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› those people listed atop registrations
13:40:33 ‹Night Strike› your tournament where it was all reserved signups
13:40:43 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› were last one on/reserves for 25-GLG
13:40:46 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› 26-GLG
13:41:06 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› NOT all. .8 of those
13:41:35 ‹Night Strike› ok
13:41:42 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› we cool now?
13:41:48 ‹Night Strike› so it's people that had signed up for you previous one but it was already full?
13:41:57 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› YES
13:42:00 ‹Night Strike› ok
13:42:02 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› and ONLY for up to 8 of those
13:42:08 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› I have 3-4 in alreadyu
13:42:26 ‹Night Strike› if it's the exact same settings, we actually let you take all of them without new signups
13:42:39 ‹Night Strike› although we prefer if you just expand your original tournament to include them
13:42:45 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› oh, I changed map
13:42:52 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› I'll remember that for Arms Race tho
13:42:53 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› .
13:43:05 ‹Night Strike› but they can't play at all in the original tournament (even as a reserve)
13:43:17 ‹Night Strike› yeah, changing the map means you could only reserve up to half
13:43:18 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› correct
13:43:36 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› so when I do another arms race 4, 5, 6. .
13:43:45 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› I can just transfer from old to new. . no new signup
13:43:51 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› that will simplify
13:44:02 ‹Night Strike› only the people that don't get in the first one
13:44:13 ‹Night Strike› but i would recommend just expanding the roster if possible
13:44:33 ‹Night Strike› maybe do another couple pods of 4
13:47:03 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› understood, but I like them SIMPLE
13:47:10 ‹Gen.LeeGettinhed› easier for me to do new tourney
14:07:50 * Night Strike quit
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Re: 27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madagas (NO OPEN REG - ONLY RESER

Postby traffic133 on Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:54 am

me please
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Re: 27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madascar (FULL)

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:52 pm


16 players -- including last 3 that had reservations from prior two tournies. my apologies to 14-16th signups, hope you understand

GLG Sun 3/18 5:52PM EST
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Field Marshal Gen.LeeGettinhed
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Re: 27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madascar (FULL)

Postby Wizz00 on Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:06 pm

In pls, regards

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Re: 27-GLG Sm Assassin 3 - Madascar (COMPLETED)

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:20 pm


Congratulations to ScootChina - the only player to win 2 of their 3 8 player assassin games.

GLG Wed 3/28/12 1:20PM
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