If the amount of player remain as is, here is the qualification format:
-47 players total.
--> players seeded #1 thru 65 join the 1st Round (called R32), which you are 29.
--> 18 remaining players seeded after #65 and new entrants will play a 1vs1 game (randomly bracketed), this round is name Q1.
--> 9 Losers of Q1 are directly eliminated and will be more than welcome to try again for the next Challenge (Cyprus I).
--> 9 winners of Q1 will play 1 game 3 players game (Q2) and the winner of each 3 players game will advance to the Main Draw (R32), the others (2nd & 3rd) are eliminated and have the same right to come back anytime for the next Challenges

--> The 3 winners and the above mentionned 29 seeded players will be bracketed in the Main Draw.
--> From this point you will have 5 games to be the last remaining alive player and become the winner of this Challenge.