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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:55 pm

spiesr wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:yep your right just under 2 days but i still would like to hear from him
Okay, my question for you then is what is the reason behind your vote. Do you believe that he is scum and is purposefully posting in this manner in order to further his agenda and therefor should be lynched, or are you simply using your vote as a prod to make him post?

i have not voted for him , if you read my post i was just stating his lack of post since the cartoon talk which i think is a little scummy.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:58 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:ok i thinking along the same lines as neb the only posts bleed green has made 1 line posts then jumping on the bandwagon with votes .
hippo who you gonna vote next ?

and after mc0505 telling us about a cartoon where is he now ,looks like he made a few posts then slipped away again FoS mc05.
not gonna vote yet but would like to hear from bleed and mc05

this was my post spiesr
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby safariguy5 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:53 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:
spiesr wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:yep your right just under 2 days but i still would like to hear from him
Okay, my question for you then is what is the reason behind your vote. Do you believe that he is scum and is purposefully posting in this manner in order to further his agenda and therefor should be lynched, or are you simply using your vote as a prod to make him post?

i have not voted for him , if you read my post i was just stating his lack of post since the cartoon talk which i think is a little scummy.

I suppose then the question would be, what exactly do you want mc to say? As outlined before, there are several people who haven't posted much, and all things being equal, most of the less active players have more experience than mc does. Is there something that you believe mc could comment on? I find the singling out of mc to comment odd mainly because there was no case directed at mc and there are plenty of players who could probably comment more on gameplay mechanics like the necessity of bandwagonning or the validity of cases.

Also, the way you worded your FOS made it sound like you thought he was being inactive which simply isn't the case.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Djfireside on Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:23 pm

First round is a bit nuts for that. There is no data to go on and everyone just pushing everyone elses buttons to make them crack. With no information and most people going on tangents its hard to keep a straight line most of the time.
Always question things given too easily.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Iron Butterfly on Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:29 pm

This is my opinion on submarining...I dont think one can acuse someone of submarining in the first couple of days of a game. It has to be taken in context. I know several players who have a style of game play that would suggest scummy behavior, that is they dont post until pressured, when they do they post nothing of use or they post one or two lines saying "sorry been busy at work..ect ect" OR They post somthing that is astute in their observations and logic

I dont think one can make that judgement until midgame. I have been in several games where we have been in life or death discussions about who is who and someone pops in after the fact to say, "Im catching up on the post later"

LOL so there is no confusion my above quatations does not represent my words.

My FOS is off of Green as he was beleivable in his explination.

Like voting I think submarining can only be judged by the trends they set individually.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby chapcrap on Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:55 pm

Iron Butterfly wrote:This is my opinion on submarining...I dont think one can acuse someone of submarining in the first couple of days of a game.

This. Of course he means the first couple of RL days, not mafia days.

I have read everything and there is almost nothing to go on except for the very rapid BW on Neb. However, on day 1 there is usually nothing little to go on and pressure must be put on someone in order to get any kind of information and voting patterns.

That being said, let's pressure someone. Mod, can we have a vote count?
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby spiesr on Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:39 pm

chapcrap wrote:That being said, let's pressure someone. Mod, can we have a vote count?
Yeah, the daily vote count seems to be missing...
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby mc05025 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:25 am

spiesr wrote:
chapcrap wrote:That being said, let's pressure someone. Mod, can we have a vote count?
Yeah, the daily vote count seems to be missing...

Yes, and people vote and unvote so quickly that I have no clue about who has vote whom
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Iron Butterfly on Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:24 am

chapcrap wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:This is my opinion on submarining...I dont think one can acuse someone of submarining in the first couple of days of a game.

This. Of course he means the first couple of RL days, not mafia days.

I have read everything and there is almost nothing to go on except for the very rapid BW on Neb. However, on day 1 there is usually nothing little to go on and pressure must be put on someone in order to get any kind of information and voting patterns.

That being said, let's pressure someone. Mod, can we have a vote count?

LOL yes and thanks for the clarification on the meaning of days. Real life days was what I was speaking of.

while we are at it

Unvote jonty

It was a joke vote so may as well wipe the slate clean if we are to take a vote count.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby drake_259 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:56 am

And he jumps back on,

I'm not quite sure where to go here and do not have anything really worthwhile saying, nothing that can help.

It is all scummy vibes at the moment with no real sense of information to go on, I'm just a bit clueless atm where to go, with all this finger pointing and hopping to different targets.

@green as each day goes on i become much more talkactive with more to add.

(frezzie sorry for not posting)
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Djfireside on Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:58 am

Hi Prod!

I will remove my pressure vote on Neb as it seems to have gotten stale and going nowhere so mine as well get ready for next push.

Always question things given too easily.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Leehar on Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:55 am

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:
spiesr wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:yep your right just under 2 days but i still would like to hear from him
Okay, my question for you then is what is the reason behind your vote. Do you believe that he is scum and is purposefully posting in this manner in order to further his agenda and therefor should be lynched, or are you simply using your vote as a prod to make him post?

i have not voted for him , if you read my post i was just stating his lack of post since the cartoon talk which i think is a little scummy.

It's called anime :evil:


Anyway, I'm with the whole waiting for the vote count to see whats the down low and who'd be best to pressure!
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby jonty125 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:44 am

unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby strike wolf on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:06 am

And then everyone waited for the vote count and the sun grew high in the sky and everyone grew beards that subsequently grew gray.

I'm gonna be busy over the weekend. I may check in but I doubt that you'll see me.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Leehar on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:13 am

strike wolf wrote:And then everyone waited for the vote count and the sun grew high in the sky and everyone grew beards that subsequently grew gray.

I'm gonna be busy over the weekend. I may check in but I doubt that you'll see me.

Luckily it's not yet weekend so we have time to get something outta you ;)
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Bleed_Green on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:16 am

This is obviously an unofficial vote count... J stands for joke vote stage and the page number the vote was done on.. with no j and just the number is an actually vote and the page it was done on:

Nebuchadnezer - Bleed_Green(11) Leehar(11) 2 votes
Chapcrap -
Tails -
Strike Wolf - Drake_259(J8) 1 vote
Safariguys5 -
Drake_259 -
TheHippo8 -
Victor Sullivan -
Spiesr -
Bleed Green - Neb(12) 1 vote
Jonty -
Spartacus - spiesr(J6) mc05025(J9) Safariaguy5(13) jonty(15) 4 votes
Mc05025 - chapcrap(J7) victorsullivan(J9) 2 votes
Leehar - Dazza(J7) 1 vote
DJfireside - alt(13) spartacus(13) 2 votes
Dazza -
Alt -
Iron Butterfly -

Jonty you are really confusing me now, page 13 quote below has you backing up Spartacus saying that he has not been as active as mc025025

jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025. I think the number is right

But now page 15 quote below you are switching sides and stating that you meant to vote for Spartacus the entire time

jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

You seem to jumping your vote all over the place with no real reasoning behind the vote.. To me your actions are extremely scummy right now. FOS Jonty waiting still to hear back from Neb from his last post but Jonty please give reasons for your last couple of votes.

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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby jonty125 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:28 am

jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

I believe I just did.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Bleed_Green on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:32 am

jonty125 wrote:
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

I believe I just did.

So your reasoning is because you meant to vote for him in the first place.. but what brought you to wanting to vote for him in the first place? Listed below is your voting in the last 3 days you have switched your vote 3 and from what I see it is to what ever bandwagon has started. I need a better answer then I just meant to.

Page 11 Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:30 pm
jonty125 wrote:Also ironic he was first to join and first to post on D1

unvote vote Neb for being inactive, and maybe the mod could prod, he hasn't been seen for 4 days.

Page 13 Mar 01, 2012 10:33 am
jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025. I think the number is right

Page 15 Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:44 am
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby safariguy5 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:43 am

Iron Butterfly wrote:This is my opinion on submarining...I dont think one can acuse someone of submarining in the first couple of days of a game. It has to be taken in context. I know several players who have a style of game play that would suggest scummy behavior, that is they dont post until pressured, when they do they post nothing of use or they post one or two lines saying "sorry been busy at work..ect ect" OR They post somthing that is astute in their observations and logic

I dont think one can make that judgement until midgame. I have been in several games where we have been in life or death discussions about who is who and someone pops in after the fact to say, "Im catching up on the post later"

LOL so there is no confusion my above quatations does not represent my words.

My FOS is off of Green as he was beleivable in his explination.

Like voting I think submarining can only be judged by the trends they set individually.

I sort of agree with this. To me, when we point to someone and say "they're submarining", there's a relative amount of time that passes for me to make that determination. If the pace of the game is slow, then I would probably give the person more RL days between posts because not much is said. But if the game is going quickly, then I'm going to expect that people post at least once every couple of days. My point was that there was no real change in the pacing of the game so I don't think sparticus could call out mc for submarining when not enough time had passed to really call it submarining. Especially since we've already sort of established "submarining" in this case as approximately 4 RL days at the current pace of the game.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby jonty125 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:45 am

Bleed_Green wrote:
jonty125 wrote:
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

I believe I just did.

So your reasoning is because you meant to vote for him in the first place.. but what brought you to wanting to vote for him in the first place? Listed below is your voting in the last 3 days you have switched your vote 3 and from what I see it is to what ever bandwagon has started. I need a better answer then I just meant to.

Page 11 Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:30 pm
jonty125 wrote:Also ironic he was first to join and first to post on D1

unvote vote Neb for being inactive, and maybe the mod could prod, he hasn't been seen for 4 days.

Page 13 Mar 01, 2012 10:33 am
jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025. I think the number is right

Page 15 Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:44 am
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

Vote 2 was meant to be Vote 3. And I voted Neb because he had only made one post in the entire game.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:47 am

safariguy5 wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:This is my opinion on submarining...I dont think one can acuse someone of submarining in the first couple of days of a game. It has to be taken in context. I know several players who have a style of game play that would suggest scummy behavior, that is they dont post until pressured, when they do they post nothing of use or they post one or two lines saying "sorry been busy at work..ect ect" OR They post somthing that is astute in their observations and logic

I dont think one can make that judgement until midgame. I have been in several games where we have been in life or death discussions about who is who and someone pops in after the fact to say, "Im catching up on the post later"

LOL so there is no confusion my above quatations does not represent my words.

My FOS is off of Green as he was beleivable in his explination.

Like voting I think submarining can only be judged by the trends they set individually.

I sort of agree with this. To me, when we point to someone and say "they're submarining", there's a relative amount of time that passes for me to make that determination. If the pace of the game is slow, then I would probably give the person more RL days between posts because not much is said. But if the game is going quickly, then I'm going to expect that people post at least once every couple of days. My point was that there was no real change in the pacing of the game so I don't think sparticus could call out mc for submarining when not enough time had passed to really call it submarining. Especially since we've already sort of established "submarining" in this case as approximately 4 RL days at the current pace of the game.

ok i may be wrong but like mc05 im new to this also i just thought that after his cartoon talk he may post a little more and yes i know there are others not posting but some of them are in other games and are getting replaced .and like i have been told before by other players you have to start with someone on day 1 so why not mc05?
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Bleed_Green on Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:08 pm

jonty125 wrote:
Bleed_Green wrote:
jonty125 wrote:
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

I believe I just did.

So your reasoning is because you meant to vote for him in the first place.. but what brought you to wanting to vote for him in the first place? Listed below is your voting in the last 3 days you have switched your vote 3 and from what I see it is to what ever bandwagon has started. I need a better answer then I just meant to.

Page 11 Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:30 pm
jonty125 wrote:Also ironic he was first to join and first to post on D1
unvote vote Neb for being inactive, and maybe the mod could prod, he hasn't been seen for 4 days.

Page 13 Mar 01, 2012 10:33 am
jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025. I think the number is right

Page 15 Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:44 am
jonty125 wrote:unvote vote spartacus I meant to vote him in the first place *facepalm*

Vote 2 was meant to be Vote 3. And I voted Neb because he had only made one post in the entire game.

I can see your reasoning on the first vote,, the second and third I do not.. so you are stating that you you meant to vote for Spartacus because he was more inactive then MC last vote is that correct?

So your vote should have looked like

jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025

Possibly what Jonty was meaning to do:(italicized and underlined is the modified accused to what jonty is saying)
jonty125 wrote:When mc025025 made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote spartacus

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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby jonty125 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:16 pm

jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote spartacus

This is what it should have looked like.
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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby Bleed_Green on Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:39 pm

jonty125 wrote:
jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote spartacus

This is what it should have looked like.

I am not trying to pick on you here Jonty but right now there are way to many holes in your vote and I would really like to have a more experienced person take a look at this. But this is what I have so far.

Postby mc05025 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:46 am
Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:40 am
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:ok i thinking along the same lines as neb the only posts bleed green has made 1 line posts then jumping on the bandwagon with votes .
hippo who you gonna vote next ?

and after mc0505 telling us about a cartoon where is he now ,looks like he made a few posts then slipped away again FoS mc05.
not gonna vote yet but would like to hear from bleed and mc05

Safariguys vote and a clear explanation as to why he voted (actually not a bad look as well
safariguy5 wrote:Here's the thing Spartacus, you're getting on mc for activity, but the amount of time that has passed since mc's last vote is not as long as the time between Neb's posts. So I think you're trying to shoehorn mc's activity into a criteria that doesn't fit. You're preemptively jumping on mc without allowing him enough time to really lapse into submarining.
unvote vote spartacus

You intended vote for Spartacus but he never actually voted for anyone at this point and looks like you were just following Safariguy
jonty125 wrote:When spartacus made his vote it was less than 72 hours within mc's last post. unvote vote mc025025. I think the number is right

But now that I am looking at this a little closer, Safariguy voted for Neb and 30 minutes later you voted for Neb.
Page 11
Postby safariguy5 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:58 pm
Postby jonty125 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:30 pm

Case in Spartacus again not even 30 minutes after Safariguy votes for him you do the same with not adding any actually reasoning or questioning?
Page 13
Postby safariguy5 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:33 pm
Postby jonty125 on Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:56 pm

Are you and Safariguy working together? All the above actions stand out to be the most scummy that I have seen so for on day one. I have still not forgotten about Neb and that he has not been back yet but right now Unvote VOTE Jonty as per everything above.

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Re: Harry potter: The fight for freedom. Day 1.

Postby jonty125 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:46 pm

Bleed_Green wrote:Are you and Safariguy working together?

No. But I will admit I didn't think twice about spartacus' vote on mc until saf metioned it so I had a check for myself and followed suit.
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