Hello one and all, welcome to the arena of carnage and mayhem this is a war to the Death, nothing less than total annihilation of the opponent.
Gameplay Settings All games are to be 24 hours Auto and Seq Reinforcements:- chained adjacent unlimited is restricted to quads only Spoils:- none, flate rate esc only no round limits to be applied no beta maps allowed from the start date of the war Maps can only be used once on each side of the war total
Turns missed for tactical gain will be considered a forfeit of the game( decided by clan directors if needed) game to be remade by opposing side.
The Game Players will start with 3 lives each( lowest ranked player each side will have plus 1 and retains it as a plus1 so if subbed out the player going into play will be less 1 A life will be deducted from the player who is eliminated first in each game. players can only play in games they have lives to cover e.g 2 lives equals 2 games at the start of a round. 21 players will play the war with those left over being reserves. Reserves can only be used at the begining of each round and retain the life count of the player being taken back into the reserves, so if they have 1 life left then the reserve starts with 1 life. Reserves must swap back with the same player they replaced The winner is the clan with the highest elimination count after the 4 rounds.
The Extra If allowed to continue after for bragging rights then the following happens until there is no opposition to field 16 plus players quads sunny, esc, chained 12-16 triples sunny esc chained 12 or less doubles sunny esc chained when 1 player is left of the opposing side they choose the player to face and the opponent chooses the map player counts will be for lives remaining score will be eliminations
Format of Games
Round 1
7 trips each side 5 doubles each side
Round 2
5 quads each side
Round 3
5 doubles each side
Round 4
4 quads each side
Tie breaker will be trips classic sunny esc chained
Special Rule if a clan is unable to field a team at any point then the reserves must fill that game and the game will be considered an elimination for the opposing side and then played as normal, if a win is scored by a reserve then it is not counted.
wc 06/02 round 1 on completion of first round start round2 on completion of second round start round 3 on completion of third round start round 4 bragging rights continue after that and games could be issued daily depending on how play goes
5 games open in the round, talk about an arse whooping for us. will keep an eye open for it and let you know when we are ready for round 2, probably friday