Mapmaker(s): DiM
Number of Territories: tba
Special Features: none
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: it's obviously FATtastic

*added names
*added borders
*added a minimap
Moderator: Cartographers
Gilligan wrote:Oh my. Not sure what to think of this.
DiM from cow map thread wrote:as long as the map is just the image of a cow i think the idea is bad. i don't car if it's drawn like a butcher's chart, like a realistic looking island or like an alien mother ship shaped like a cow. no matter how you draw it it will still be a cow and that's basically the issue.
the main problem i (and others) have with this map is that is based on an arbitrary ordinary generic thing like a cow (a piano, a keyboard, a pig, brain, etc). so no matter how you disguise it, it will be the generic thing we hated in the first place and it will open the path for all other generic things that were tried and abandoned over the years.
natty dread wrote:Haha.... you're not serious, are you?
koontz1973 wrote:DiM, I know we where having a joke over who was going to do the next animal map if the cow carries on and gets through, but you are still dead set against it so for you to spend even 5 minutes on this seems a little insulting to the foundry and contradictory. You cannot keep posting in the cow map thread how it is bad for CC and then do this.
koontz1973 wrote:Honestly, stop now and try to spend a little more of your talent on something worthwhile.
cairnswk wrote:natty dread wrote:Haha.... you're not serious, are you?
you don't know DiM.
cairnswk wrote:Dim, the only thing i would say is that all the references to Fattest, Lard, Blubber Mines might be taken as offensive by those who are...not quite politically correct if you understand my meaning. Your attempt at humour is understood, but i don't think appropriate.
I look forward to see what else you can do with this.
natty dread wrote:I think the cow map can become a decent map if the mapmaker takes the story of an island of cows and really "takes it to the bank" so to speak. Instead of just trying to use it as an excuse to make a cow-shaped map. The gameplay and graphics would need to be supportive of the theme.
natty dread wrote:First of all, this thread belongs to map ideas, it's not a proper draft.
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