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Four Horsemen - concept - graphics help badly needed

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Four Horsemen - concept - graphics help badly needed

Postby crispybits on Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:30 pm

Map Name:Four Horsemen
Mapmaker(s):Crispybits + ? (looking for partner as I haven't got a clue regarding making good graphics/XML - I will try and learn if the idea takes off but I will most likely need help)
Number of Territories:28 - 24 normal - 3 minor horsemen - 1 major horseman
Special Features:Horsemen would bring extra strategy options.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:Apart from being original (I think, had a search but couldn't find anything relating to the four horsemen) I hope there's enough strategy elements and unique features to make this worthy.

Map Image:
Click image to enlarge.

First idea here guys so be nice or be brutal but please be honest in your feedback. I apologise for the horifically simple graphics in the above picture, obviously that's something that would be extensively improved before I took the idea very far, but it's mainly the concept I'm posting this for to see if it's worth putting more effort into it.

Alongside the "normal" controlling territories/areas aspects of this map there are the four horsemen. To control any area for the bonus you must hold the minor horseman that is split between that area and the other area for that horseman. So to control and receive bonus for either the bright red or dark red areas you would have to control War.

You also receive an extra 1 troop bonus for each minor horseman you control regardless of if you control either of their full areas or not (not autodeploy, you can put that troop anywhere during your normal deploy phase) Controlling all 3 minor horsemen would give you an additonal 1 for 4 in total.

The major horseman (Death) exists outside of all 6 areas. Conquering Death leads to a 4 troop deployment bonus (not autodeploy). However it also comes with a -3 troop penalty for each minor horseman you control, so controlling death and a number of horsemen would give the following bonuses:

Death + 0 = +4
Death + 1 = +2 (4 -3 +1)
Death + 2 = 0 (4 - (3x2) + (1x2))
Death + 3 = -1 (4 - (3x3) + (1x3) + 1)

All 4 horsemen have the ability to directly bombard any minor horseman. Death cannot be bombarded but must be attacked normally.

All three minor horsemen start off as neutral with 3 troops, Death starts as neutral with 5 - all other areas on the map are open for player drop at the start of the game.

Since making that horrible picture I've started thinking that the areas should be of differing size so the map isn't so symmetric all over. That would also allow for different sized bonuses for controlling each. It's an option I am very open to and would probably have included in the original draft if it wasn't 2am and I had the energy to redo the basic image. As I said that image is going to change in a big way so hopefully you guys don't mark me down for that.

I was thinking the regions could be named suitably for their minor horseman. So War's two areas could be WWII and the American Civil War (for example), with the territories inside them being major battles from those two wars. Pestilence could have viruses and bacterial diseases or something along those lines. Famine could be two famous famines such as the Irish Potato Famine and the Great Chinese Famine with territories being places notably badly hit during those events.

It's still very much a "concept" rather than anything solid so I look forward to your feedback and I hope you'll encourage me to develop it further.
Last edited by crispybits on Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Four Horsemen

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:49 pm

This map doesn't naturally speak to me in any sort of way. It's just a bunch of listed calamities and bubbles and colors.
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Re: Four Horsemen

Postby crispybits on Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:34 am

The map graphically is just a very very basic respresentation to give an idea of the lines I'm thinking along. As I said in the OP:

crispybits wrote:I apologise for the horifically simple graphics in the above picture, obviously that's something that would be extensively improved before I took the idea very far, but it's mainly the concept I'm posting this for to see if it's worth putting more effort into it.

If you mean the story it would be players fighting to be the one who gets enough power to force the apocalypse and make the four horsemen ride. Maybe add a victory condition that controlling all four horsemen wins you the game?
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Re: Four Horsemen

Postby Flapcake on Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:48 pm

you got a honest idea for a map, I know you say that you would like to have help with the graphics, try adding it to your headline for the post, like this: Four Horsemen map- need help with graphics !

I dont got the time for anohter map rigth now, and Im not the bedst skilled in map making, but hopefully someone at the foundry can help you making it happen, if your willing to work with it.

good luck
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Re: Four Horsemen - concept - graphics help badly needed

Postby crispybits on Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:55 am

I've edited the title. I have some ideas about how the finished map would look but unfortunately not the technical skills to make such a thing. If people generally think the concept is good I will have a go at something a bit more complicated (maybe just with pencil and paper and scan it in to start with before I start a project like teaching myself GIMP or similar)
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