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General Clan Announcement

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General Clan Announcement

Postby chemefreak on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:38 am

Clan World:

We have a new Head Clan Director and he is doing a bang up job. I brought this idea to him a little while ago and after discussions he agreed that this is something he supports. The theory being that if we are going to have a “farming” policy it should be one that is well defined and easy to follow. Accordingly, we would like to correct a mistake.

There have been two clan wars in the history of CC where the winning clan members were denied medals for “farming”. The first was Empire versus The Last Warriors (TLW). The second was The Odd Fellows Union (TOFU) versus The Fourth Crusade (T4C) nka The New Crusade (TNC). Both wars were mildly lopsided in their final result. However, both wars had very nice and courteous threads with all clans enjoying the experience.

The clans also risked a lot to be a part of those wars. Empire and TOFU risked their high rankings to fight such new clans. T4C and TLW risked that they would get absolutely demoralized and crushed by such experienced clans to the point where they would have to fold. Thus, there was a risk taken by all involved.

Some argue that we need to have farming rule in place to discourage medal hunting and to discourage old, experienced clans from beating up on every new, inexperienced clans in that fear that new clans won’t enjoy the clan experience and fold soon after their entry onto the clan scene. These two wars disprove the accuracy of these arguments. If you peruse the threads for both wars you will see that all the clans involved had fun. The winning clans, upon being informed that they were not getting medals, took any anger they had out on decision-makers and not the other clans. Finally, both T4C (TNC) and TLW are both still alive and kicking! Both have substantially the same players and are both moving their way up the clan rankings. How is the argument that their challenges against Empire and TOFU were a bad thing for CC even close to tenable at this point?

Finally, the implication that a clan is capable of being farmed is absolutely insulting. A huge loss to an experienced clan may be embarrassing, but it pales in comparison to the embarrassment of having someone else deem the experienced clan’s victory farming. This implies that these clans were so weak that they had no right to be on the same battlefield as the victorious clans. Tell that to TNC and TLW right now!

We have corresponded with leaders from both TNC and TLW. Both leaders agreed that the winning clans in these challenges deserve medals. After all, we would have awarded them medals had they won. We did not correspond with anyone from Empire or TOFU. We felt that it was neither necessary nor appropriate.

Accordingly, we have issued Clan Achievement Medals to the qualifying members of both TOFU and Empire for these wars. It should be noted that this action was not taken lightly or as an attempt to undermine prior Head Clan Directors. We have the benefit of hindsight. Jpcloet could not have seen this far into the future and Masli simply did not have the time to address this issue. This action also does not foreclose the possibility of a well-defined “farming” rule being implemented and utilized in the future. All this action does, in our humble opinion, is correct a mistake and enables us to define a more defined “farming” rule in the future.


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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby jefjef on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:48 am

This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby grifftron on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:51 am

Nice story... good for those 2 clans to get their medals

But now where the hell is the farming rule? at the time those 2 clans were brand new clans and it was called farming... but now because they have come far along and are still clans to this day and have improved your gonna go back and award medals to those clans because the "farmed clan" are still around and doing good?

Gonna be hard to draw a line now I think.

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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby chemefreak on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:55 am

grifftron wrote:Nice story... good for those 2 clans to get their medals

But now where the hell is the farming rule? at the time those 2 clans were brand new clans and it was called farming... but now because they have come far along and are still clans to this day and have improved your gonna go back and award medals to those clans because the "farmed clan" are still around and doing good?

Gonna be hard to draw a line now I think.


Kinda the point.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby grifftron on Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:20 am

So this thread is to tell us that the line for farming is going to be hard to define?

Or are you trying to get ideas for that farming line?

You didn't answer any of those 2 questions I had above... "Kinda the point"? OK

Maybe I am stupid, i just don't get the point your trying to make here
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby alt1978 on Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:24 am

I applaud the decision to award the medals. I was wondering if TFFS win over the Knights of the Future (35-5) would also qualify as medal worthy under this new analysis...or if there are different underlying circumstances there (ie...the clan folded and never played again).
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:20 am

Basically what cheme was trying to say is there really is no line, thus there can be no farming done by clans. If a high ranked clan really feels the need the need to pick on a lower ranked clan, then everybody will see it. Respect is not earned by the number of clan medals you have, but rather by those clans you play that take everything you got and then some to win.

I should add I fully support the issuing of these medals. This is not to step on past directors toes, but just something I believe in.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:01 am

O happy days :D

What a splendid decision by the powers-that-be. Thanks to Nick for the proposal, and to Bruce for seeing it through.

It seems a long time ago now, but I do recall it was T4C who came knocking on our door for a challenge, so it was a bit of a slap in the face for the outcome to have been deemed 'farming'. As rightly pointed out by cheme in the OP, both clans had a terrific experience. I should hasten to add that no matter the opposition, it still takes as much time and effort to plan and play the games. To not recognise this would surely have set back any further encounters between an established clan and a new one, which is detrimental to the variety that we should try and foster. I don't want to keep playing the same Top 10 clans year in year out. Does anyone?

It also was rather demeaning for the lower-seeded opposition to be told that they were deemed 'easy pickings' and not medal-worthy, so this decision has set to rights that prejudice. And hey...who knows....they might even have won. Stranger things have happened. Just look at TOFU vs Empire for example ;)

So thanks guys - a very fair ruling which I applaud.

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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby grifftron on Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:19 am

Bruceswar wrote:Basically what cheme was trying to say is there really is no line, thus there can be no farming done by clans. If a high ranked clan really feels the need the need to pick on a lower ranked clan, then everybody will see it. Respect is not earned by the number of clan medals you have, but rather by those clans you play that take everything you got and then some to win.

I should add I fully support the issuing of these medals. This is not to step on past directors toes, but just something I believe in.

Thanks for clearing that for me Bruce... Now there is no line for clan farming anymore and medals will be issued no matter what clan you beat. Very cool.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:58 am

You will find that everyone in Empire were not out for the medal or the 'easy win' (and I imagine the same for tofu) We had the challenge to give some experience to those who had less...both in our clan and the opposition.
Its entirely a perception thing...If a clan goes ahead and just continually beats up on the lower one will like them or respect them or challenge them normally

And like Si said...stranger things have happened...What if we did lose to TLW...or even lose to TOFU
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Great-Ollie on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:18 am

Bruceswar wrote:Basically what cheme was trying to say is there really is no line, thus there can be no farming done by clans. If a high ranked clan really feels the need the need to pick on a lower ranked clan, then everybody will see it. Respect is not earned by the number of clan medals you have, but rather by those clans you play that take everything you got and then some to win.

I should add I fully support the issuing of these medals. This is not to step on past directors toes, but just something I believe in.

Totally agree. Good job clan directors in this decision. =D> =D>
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby danryan on Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:50 am

cool starry bro.

Well deserved, and nice correction by the CDs.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby jj3044 on Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:21 pm

Wonderful news! On behalf of EMPIRE I would like to thank you both for this decision. :) =D>
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby jpcloet on Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:40 pm

Bruceswar wrote:Basically what cheme was trying to say is there really is no line, thus there can be no farming done by clans. If a high ranked clan really feels the need the need to pick on a lower ranked clan, then everybody will see it. Respect is not earned by the number of clan medals you have, but rather by those clans you play that take everything you got and then some to win.

I should add I fully support the issuing of these medals. This is not to step on past directors toes, but just something I believe in.

I support this as well. The clan environment is very different from 2-3 years ago, and the debate between farming and non-competitive is not needed anymore. It used to be very difficult to get a challenge, and options were few and far between. The worst farming cases did not meet the gaming limits, so it was easier not to issue the medals there.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Lindax on Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:07 pm

I applaud the fact the the Clan Directors are "man" enough to review policies and change them if that is deemed appropriate.

Agreeing with jpcloet here, things change and departments need to be able to adapt.


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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby beeps on Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:16 am

alt1978 wrote:I applaud the decision to award the medals. I was wondering if TFFS win over the Knights of the Future (35-5) would also qualify as medal worthy under this new analysis...or if there are different underlying circumstances there (ie...the clan folded and never played again).
=D> =D> =D>

We were a newer clan at the time also(I think it was even the first war we participated in), which made me wonder how it could have ever been viewed as any sort of farming. But medal or not we enjoyed the war. RIP KOTF hope I didn't play too large a role in your destruction.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:35 am

This topic has ran its time. I am going to unsticky it.
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby greenoaks on Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:48 am

i am pleased the CD's have reviewed a previous decision and decided to award medals for the win.

if the pack behaves themselves could the decision to not award them medals also be something that could be reviewed.

yes, i realise that is a big COULD but if they somehow could tone down the war-threads AND stop the baiting/trolling re: getting striped/denied their medal, is that something that could be reconsidered in the future?
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Re: General Clan Announcement

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:24 pm

I will never rule out anything, but I would also say I think they are 2 different situations.
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