davetso wrote:from: notyou2 team Lobstrosity severs davetso we need 1 more person, i have msged several wait-listed peeps, can we find our own from outside the tourny?
Dukasaur wrote:
davetso wrote:from: notyou2 team
Lobstrosity severs davetso we need 1 more person, i have msged several wait-listed peeps, can we find our own from outside the tourny?
What's wrong with notyou2? He's the original team member, and he's still on CC, and he's premium so shold have no slot problems.
Dukasaur wrote:From PM:
notyou2 wrote:I am ready to play and wish to remain on the team I have been with throughout the tourney. Sorry if I was supposed to reply previously and didn't.
Okay, so it's settled. Notyou2 stays with his own team, along with severs and davetso. vlajzi will be replaced by Lobstrocity, who was a No Team player and is therefore a valid replacement.
All is good in the notyou2 team; now I just need you guys to post your map.
“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
SPECIAL MESSAGE: Please post in the thread! Hunting through PMs takes even longer.
Gael Force vs. NO-NAME PM received from Conchobar confirming participation, but no maps named yet. Bandido has posted confirming participation, also no map named. Looks like both teams are ready, but no maps posted yet!
AT16 vs. notyou2 team general_C has posted, notyou2 team has posted and has a complete team, still needs to post map USA, Nordic Countries, ??? Both teams are ready, and I can send out the first game on the USA map.
AT15 vs. AT10 rjhankey has posted for AT10, AT15 has PM'd both teams need a 4th player. ???, ???, South America
Essex of CC vs. Macedonian Conquer Team Nordic Countries, Oceania, Africa (confirmation PMs received from dustin800 and Pandemonium) Both teams are ready, but Macedonians have 1 player with no free slots. I will send out the first game anyway, and we'll get it joined as soon as we can.
Okay second and fourth matchup can have their first game sent. First matchup is waiting on maps to be posted, and third is still missing players. (And yes, all NO TEAM players have been notified, so at this point you can recruit from outside the tourney.)
“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
Hey sorry buddy. Between a brand new clan war that's just started & the Clan League 4 I forgot to chase the rest of my hotch potch team up about this. Lunar War & South America will do nicely for us thanks. All the best.
Conchobar wrote:Hey sorry buddy. Between a brand new clan war that's just started & the Clan League 4 I forgot to chase the rest of my hotch potch team up about this. Lunar War & South America will do nicely for us thanks. All the best.
Ok, thank you.
“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
SPECIAL MESSAGE: Please post in the thread! Hunting through PMs takes even longer.
Gael Force vs. NO-NAME PM received from Conchobar confirming participation, but no maps named yet. Bandido has posted confirming participation, also no map named. Lunar War, South America, USA 1st game will be sent now!
AT16 vs. notyou2 team general_C has posted, notyou2 team has posted and has a complete team, still needs to post map USA, Nordic Countries, ??? First game started.
AT15 vs. AT10 rjhankey has posted for AT10, AT15 has PM'd both teams need a 4th player. ???, ???, South America
Essex of CC vs. Macedonian Conquer Team Nordic Countries, Oceania, Africa (confirmation PMs received from dustin800 and Pandemonium) First game started.
Please post in the thread! Hunting through PMs takes longer.
Gael Force vs. NO-NAME Participation confirmed by both teams. Lunar War, South America, USA First game started.
AT16 vs. notyou2 team Participation confirmed by both teams. USA, Nordic Countries, Africa First game started.
AT15 vs. AT10 Participation confirmed by both teams. Africa, Arctic, South America AT15 needs a 4th player. I'll send out the first game now, and invite brambles for now. With a bit of luck your real fourth player will materialize by the time brambles' invite expires.
Essex of CC vs. Macedonian Conquer Team Participation confirmed by both teams. Nordic Countries, Oceania, Africa First game started.
The invite to brambles has now expired. Quite frankly I didn't think he'd be around to accept it, but I thought it was fair to give it a shot, since he has his date "last visited" disabled so we can't see with absolute certainty how long he has been gone.
The first game between AT16 and notyou2team is already into the killing phase, so if the AT15 vs AT10 is not to get totally out of synch I need a replacement player for AT15 at the earliest possible moment!
Thank you!
“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
bobdakota wrote:Dukasaur - why don't you join AT15.
Looks like I am the only freemium. I have another slot open and should be done with another game soon.
I can't. I was part of a team in this tournament, originally, one which didn't make it. We had to draw the line somewhere, and that somewhere was in people jumping from one team to another.
“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire