Title: 20-GLG World Assassin - 3 different world maps, 1 map per round, 16 person
Round 3 Finals completed, calculating First place : most assassins over all 3 rounds, etc. Need this confirmed:
1st: guzmanuk - tied at 4 assassinations with JJ4137; wins tiebreaker of longest loss in finals at 8th round
2nd: JJ41375 - tied at 4 assassinations with guzmanuk; loses tiebreaker of longest loss in finals at 7th round
. . .guzmanuk lasted longer in his closest loss.
3rd headholes with 3 assassinations
4th Marshallbobby with 2 assassinations
show: Standings-Congratulations-to-Winners-of Rounds
. Standings Round 3 Finals - down top last game : T=1+2+3 - ID 4=1+1+2 guzmanUK 4=2+1+1 JJ41375 3=1+2+0 Headholes 2=1+0+1 Marshallbobby Round 2 winners: 2 9.x headholes 1 5.x Guzmanuk 1 6.4 JJ41375 0 6.4-12, 6.1-12 Marchallbobby --TIE FOR nearest loser * * * Tie breaker for 4th and last open spot for finals: 1) longest game, who was closest, based on most armies left? 6.4 rounds: tied, 3 people at 12 armies (Marshallbobby, RiskAverse, thehippo8) 2) second longest game: who was the closest, based on most armies left? 6.1 rounds: Marshallbobby 12, thehippo8 8, Riskaverse 0 . . .sorry, very close! Round 1 winners - progress to Round 2: Rd ID 2 wins - JJ41375 1.6 guzmanuk 1.5 rmjw10 1.2 Marshallbobby 1.1 shoop76 <<== amazingly, his 2 opponents were strung next to him! 2.1 thehippo8 3.1 theheadholes Extra>> RiskAverse: Most Armies left in JJ41375's longest game (lasted longest 4 rds; most armies) OUT: Greycloak, HighlanderAttack, jke3071, shaz2 .
show: Seedings-Matchups
. Rd 2: Plc 1 2 3 4 1 0.954241291 0.878835819 0.257901292 0.059912123 JJ41375 2 0.438714109 0.608287147 0.199394699 0.466663268 guzmanuk 3 0.822587077 0.311277482 0.267473198 0.065600893 rmjw10 4 0.839012473 0.477698075 0.684122565 0.97903557 Marchallbobby 5 0.152823055 0.319661221 0.604176253 0.826312462 shoop76 6 0.086551526 0.426017361 0.127831244 0.641975976 thehippo8 7 0.233859948 0.057382802 0.767823999 0.010820304 theheadholes 8 0.949877091 0.477535158 0.08411658 0.320255309 Risk_Averse Round 1 game match-ups (re-randomized so not same sequence): Gm1-6 Rand() ID 111 0.0423 thehippo8 111 0.0988 shaz2 111 0.1493 rmjw10 111 0.1549 mr. CD 111 0.3334 guzmanuk 111 0.3708 Tomod 111 0.5365 Risk_Averse 111 0.5472 HighlanderAttack 112 0.5150 theheadholes 112 0.5807 Master Bush 112 0.6133 Draq 112 0.7221 shoop76 112 0.8205 jke3071 112 0.8228 Marchallbobby 112 0.9117 Greycloak 112 0.9426 JJ41375 113 0.1943 mr. C.D 113 0.1949 Risk_Averse 113 0.2379 shoop76 113 0.3681 Marchallbobby 113 0.5742 Greycloak 113 0.8330 jke3071 113 0.9226 Tomod 113 0.9466 thehippo8 114 0.1226 JJ41375 114 0.2113 Draq 114 0.2311 HighlanderAttack 114 0.4357 rmjw10 114 0.6514 shaz2 114 0.8261 theheadholes 114 0.8616 guzmanuk 114 0.9155 Master Bush 115 0.0238 Risk_Averse 115 0.2985 JJ41375 115 0.2990 Tomod 115 0.3077 Draq 115 0.5076 mr. C.D 115 0.6664 theheadholes 115 0.8022 Master Bush 115 0.8790 thehippo8 116 0.1532 HighlanderAttack 116 0.3330 guzmanuk 116 0.3585 rmjw10 116 0.4749 Greycloak 116 0.5193 Marchallbobby 116 0.6030 shaz2 116 0.8264 jke3071 116 0.9699 shoop76 117 0.1651 Draq 117 0.1674 JJ41375 117 0.1844 thehippo8 117 0.4126 shoop76 117 0.4747 Marchallbobby 117 0.5525 Tomod 117 0.5748 guzmanuk 117 0.6905 rmjw10 118 0.0432 HighlanderAttack 118 0.1448 mr. C.D 118 0.2075 jke3071 118 0.2628 Master Bush 118 0.4214 Greycloak 118 0.7294 theheadholes 118 0.8547 shaz2 118 0.8716 Risk_Averse First 3 games: those 4 pools matched to other 3 pools sort of pool round robin; 4th game top 2 each pool/bottom 2 Seeding-pools Rd 1: 0.0767 - 1 - Tomod 0.142 - 1 - thehippo8 0.1651 - 1 - Risk_Averse 0.2588 - 1 - mr. CD 0.2875 - 2 - rmjw10 0.3311 - 2 - guzmanuk 0.3744 - 2 - shaz2 0.4144 - 2 - HighlanderAttack 0.5462 - 3 - shoop76 0.7486 - 3 - Marchallbobby 0.7883 - 3 - jke3071 0.7921 - 3 - Greycloak 0.8323 - 4 - JJ41375 0.8868 - 4 - Draq 0.934 - 4 - theheadholes 0.9921 - 4 - Master Bush .
show: Details-requirements-etc
. Topic: Are YOU a good assassin? let's see. . . Type: 8 player singles, Assassin, multiple pools Maps: changes each round: 3 different World maps: 1-Doodle, 2-Classic, Finals 3-Land and Sea, (changes each round) Organizer: Gen.LeeGettinhed Notes: -must be PREMIUM player. 4 games at once -Maps: Doodle, Classic , Finals: Land and Sea (different map each round) -ASSASSIN, Autodeploy, sequential, escalating, chained, no fog, 20 round limit -Sequence: Random -First round 16 players, second round top 8, third/final round top 4. Pool matches 3 games each. Top players determined by: A) most assassinations across 4 games advances B) most armies left in closest single loss in FULL rounds (who lasted longest before losing) - First, I will pool in groups of 4 randomly, then I'll have those 4 groups play the 3 other groups of 4 in sort of a round robin. two groups of 4 at a time (8 players) . . .ADDED: 4th game for all: top half of pools together, bottom half of pools together in 4th game. -similar will occur for second round (8 players in 4 games); Finals will be FOUR PLAYERS IN 4 games -- Random order so equal chance of going first/last. -min games played per person: 4, max will be 12 -total games needed for tourney: 12 - MUST reply to this thread (-- NO PM's or emails, please; per Serbia, tourney Director). WINNER: determined by MOST assassinations over 3 ALL rounds -- by the people in the Finals; tie breaker: single closest loss in finals based on round in Finals and % round; then armies. *subject to change by Tournament Directors or host - so saith GLG **especially behaving and not wreaking havoc in the tournament .
show: Registration-List
. Registration List: Rg Player 01 Master Bush 02 thehippo8 03 shaz2 04 HighlanderAttack 05 mr. C.D 06 Risk_Averse 07 Marchallbobby 08 Greycloak 09 Tomod 10 rmjw10 11 JJ41375 12 theheadholes 13 jke3071 14 Draq 15 shoop76 16 guzmanuk -----17-19 reserves 17 czech59 18 Crowley ______(21) 19 20 .