Title: 18-GLG HA-120 Woodboro 16 person 1v1
Type: 16 person - 1v1
Topic: Help Highlander Attack get to 120 tourney wins in 2012 -- on one of his fav maps
Organizer: Gen.LeeGettinhed
Round 4: BluU beat dazzla35 best 2 of 3
(Very similar to other ##-GLG HA-120 ArmRace/Monsters 16 person 1v1; follow-on: new players, different seeding process (reverse alphabetically))
show: Matchups-Standings
. Standings: Rd 3: WR Ar ID 5.1 54 BluU 5.1 42 dazzla Round 1 (preliminary) -- check/confirm before game 16 over!: ID. . . . . . . .Rds Mr. CD. . . . .5.2 49 dazzla . . . . .5.1 46 dowian2. . . .5.1 45 bernooch . . .6.x BluU . . . . . .7.x Marshallbody 8.x deantursx . . 9.x ???????? . . . .11.x Matchups: Rd 1: 1 HIghlanderAttack 11 16 bernooch 2 traffic133 12 15 BluU 3 shoop76 13 14 dazzla35 4 rpshawn 14 13 deantursx 5 rmjw10 15 12 dowian2 6 rmjw10 16 11 Elmo9199 7 plurple 17 10 Marshallbobby 8 mr. CD 18 9 paws1610 Seedings: Rd 1: 01 - HIghlanderAttack 02 - traffic133 03 - shoop76 04 - rpshawn 05 - rmjw10 06 - rmjw10 07 - plurple 08 - mr. CD 09 - paws1610 10 - Marshallbobby 11 - Elmo9199 12 - dowian2 13 - deantursx 14 - dazzla35 15 - BluU 16 - bernooch .
show: Registration-List
. Registration List: Rg Player-ID --- ---------- 01 HIghlandAttack - reserved, replied: in 02 BluU 03 plurple 04 paws1610 05 mr. CD 06 deantursx 07 shoop76 08 rpshawn 09 traffic133 10 Marshallbobby 11 rmjw10 12 dowian2 13 dazzla35 14 Elmo9199 15 rmjw10 16 bernooch -----17-19 reserves 17 DD2 18 sandman175 ___(19) 19 .
show: Details-requirements-etc
. Notes: - Featured Player: HighlanderAttack -- in his quest for 120 tourney victories in 2012 - Map: Woodboro (one of his favorites) - open to all players -- MUST keep only 1 slot required open - standard, automatic, sequential, escalating, chained, no fog, 20 round limit - 1 game matches -- finals best 2 of 3 - MUST reply to this thread (-- NO PM's or emails, please; per Serbia, tourney Director) Seedings based on: 1st round: #1 is saved for HighlanderAttack; rest: based - REVERSE alphabetically, opposite of 14-GLG 2-4th: margin of victory in 1st round: Rounds (x.2 beats x.1); then armies left over; then lower rank3rd round: *ALL subject to change by Tournament Directors or host - so saith GLG .