1.This is a single elimination tournament - if you win you advance to the next round until there are two players left to play the final game. 2. 97% of turns taken (Unless you have played in a couple of my tourneys before with no deadbeating) 3. Each Round is the best of 5 so Premium only
Age of Realms 2: Magic - flat, chained, fog Battle For Iraq! - no spoils, chained, fog Celtic Nations - flat, chained, fog Das Schloss - no spoils, chained, fog Europe 1914 - flat, chained, fog Monsters - flat, chained, fog Pearl Harbor - no spoils, chained, fog Siege! - flat, chained, fog USA Rockies - flat, chained, fog California (Beta Map) - escalating, chained, sunny
Random.org will be used for the initial matchups.
Last edited by mcshanester29 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:03 pm, edited 26 times in total.