Iv finerly got Premium! Now i can finerly start playing games instead of waiting the hole time for my next turn:P
But now iv come across a small problem, i want to start alot of games with about the same beginning options.
Right now if i want to start these games i have to go a hundred times to the "start a game" menu=> fill in 8 players and the rest of my preferd options and create.
(yes call me a lazy barsted but it would be nice to have a script with the option start "10" or "x amount of" games with these options...)
For game finder this would also be very handy if there was a script so you can scroll through the list of games and be able to click on a box in front of the maps so you can select multiple games to join at once instead of have to go back to the game finder evey time you join one of the games.
I havent been able to find a script like this but if anyone could make one or know something to help that would be great!