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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby / on Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:03 am

Geez, my apologies again, for being among the many inactive, I would ask to be replaced, but as we see there is a larger base of priorities than myself if we want to get this moving again...
I won't stall this any longer, the meme doesn't seem to quite fit, it seems more like a type of role that would talk secretly if following the meme, like a mason or such perhaps. Nothing better than a note filled with contempt to get one really excited ME GUSTA :shock:
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby zimmah on Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:26 pm

dazza2008 wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
dazza2008 wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:
dazza2008 wrote:Hurry up and lynch me so I don't need to check this shitey thread :roll:

If you vote yourself, that will finish it.

I don't always suggest people self-destruct, but when I do, I prefer they tie their own noose.

Nah. I'll leave it to you lot to do.

Considering how many inactives we have in this game... that make take about a week.

Good. I'm not going to hurry the game along for you lot.

vote dazza.

Good? i expected better from you. Good is not good enough, Excelent comes close.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby pancakemix on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:03 pm


Vote Count

dazza - 10 (Victor, sheep, Doom, chap, safari, TFO, edoc, drake, /, zimmah)

With 19 alive it takes 10 to lynch.

dazza has been lynched. Scene when I have a moment.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:16 pm

I would say good game but I was raped and lyched 8-[ Well done mods it was fun =D>
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby chapcrap on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:45 pm

dazza2008 wrote:I would say good game but I was raped and lyched 8-[ Well done mods it was fun =D>

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby sheepofdumb on Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:23 pm


The poor girl.

DoomYoshi wrote:Test it on me. Tree stump is my favorite role anyway lol. Next time I am picking Wispy Woods as my character.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:52 am

pancakemix wrote:Image

Vote Count

dazza - 10 (Victor, sheep, Doom, chap, safari, TFO, edoc, drake, /, zimmah)

With 19 alive it takes 10 to lynch.

dazza has been lynched. Scene when I have a moment.


That's hilarious! Complete torture! (except for the first half minute of the song, and then it goes down hill from there)

*sees a girl getting tortured by Friday, keeps walking*

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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Re: Memebase Mafia [19/31] Day 3 - Tomorrow is Saturday...

Postby pancakemix on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:12 am

I'll forego a scene to get this moving.


The final lynch of Friday starts now. With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch.
Last edited by pancakemix on Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:02 pm

wait so dazza is lynched?
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby dazza2008 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:13 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:wait so dazza is lynched?

Yup bye bye :) :cry:
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:17 pm

dazza2008 wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:wait so dazza is lynched?

Yup bye bye :) :cry:

bye dazza! good game!
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:22 pm

Ok shield, you had dazza on your town list. Now you are the best target. He didn't quite flip scum, but he still didn't flip town. I am definitely in favour of clearing 3rd Parties. What gives?

vote shield

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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:12 am

I'd like to send my wishes to safariguy5, and hope he recovers quickly, so he can return to hunt some more scum.

I cough up a lung, but I still breathe. You can't explain that.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:12 am

the case on me is weak. I thought dazza was town becuase Rodion targeted him and Rodion was scum. Remember, I did put a question mark next to her name on the list.

I don't always see people using illegal drugs, but when I do, I keep walking

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby strike wolf on Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:21 am

I have to admit shield you confuse me...At times it almost seems like you remember more of the general things that happen in the game than most but they're all distorted even if it is something that has come up recently. Rodion was third party and likely framed which lead to his lynch. Right before you announced you believed Dazza to be town he had just stated that he was 3rd party...everything you say is some distorted form of what has happened in the game and when you aren't distorting things it's like you understand the what but don't acknowledge the possible whys. It's like you watch porn looking at the people's faces but don't acknowledge that the reason they're making those expressions is because of what they are doing...
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:26 pm

strike wolf wrote:I have to admit shield you confuse me...At times it almost seems like you remember more of the general things that happen in the game than most but they're all distorted even if it is something that has come up recently. Rodion was third party and likely framed which lead to his lynch. Right before you announced you believed Dazza to be town he had just stated that he was 3rd party...everything you say is some distorted form of what has happened in the game and when you aren't distorting things it's like you understand the what but don't acknowledge the possible whys. It's like you watch porn looking at the people's faces but don't acknowledge that the reason they're making those expressions is because of what they are doing...

that's funnny because I don't watch porn, but if I did, I would only look at their faces... oh wait... that's your PR. never mind.

Ok I thought maybe he was. I forgot. I did say he was scum, not necesarily mafia.

One thing that probably adds to it is that I hardly ever recheck the thread because I'm too lazy to. BUt enough about me.

Strike, I have to admit, you are a very admirable mafia player and I you are very experienced and trustworthy, except when you're scum.

Now back to the game. ANyone got any good leads? I think we decided to not pressure Victor due to his possible helpfulness to town. Anyone got any ideas?

*sees someone sulking by themselves, keeps walking*

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:31 pm

My only lead is you. And dazza is not a girl. This point has been raised in this game and in Clue. How could you not remember that? Uberskimmer.

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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby Victor Sullivan on Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:35 pm

I believe shield even admitted to making up his PR... Trying to be mainstream. Pitiful. unvote vote shield

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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby sheepofdumb on Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:38 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:I believe shield even admitted to making up his PR... Trying to be mainstream. Pitiful. unvote vote shield

Answers, good sah, answers.


I believe this is what you are looking for:

shieldgenerator7 wrote:anyway, yeah I hate nasty PRs. Mine is actually kind of fun tho I suppose my character doesn't require a PR, but I can make one out of it so I do. And I did a self-imposed PR in an RT game, and that was fun!

Yeah I guess that is what he's saying.

DoomYoshi wrote:Test it on me. Tree stump is my favorite role anyway lol. Next time I am picking Wispy Woods as my character.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby pancakemix on Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:04 am


Leehar replaces Talapus
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby Leehar on Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:10 am

I be replacing Talapus?


(Give me a bit to read through the thread a bit before putting in any thoughts tho.. - There are a 1000 posts, so may take a while >_<)
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby drake_259 on Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:30 am

Leehar wrote:I be replacing Talapus?


(Give me a bit to read through the thread a bit before putting in any thoughts tho.. - There are a 1000 posts, so may take a while >_<)

Haha, your brave.
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby strike wolf on Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:28 am

Leehar wrote:I be replacing Talapus?


(Give me a bit to read through the thread a bit before putting in any thoughts tho.. - There are a 1000 posts, so may take a while >_<)

You have until tomorrow or I'll lynch you. :twisted:
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby Leehar on Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:57 am

Before I start tho, whats with the weird gaps between the names on the first page? are we being hinted something? o.O
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Re: Memebase Mafia [18/31] Day 3 - ...And Sunday Comes After

Postby strike wolf on Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:03 am

Leehar wrote:Before I start tho, whats with the weird gaps between the names on the first page? are we being hinted something? o.O

That's where the dead players were taken off the living list and put on the dead list. You will also notice that the list doesn't go in complete numerical order and that the missing numbers correspond with the dead players.
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