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Postby feng shweez on Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:24 am

Firstly, I really, really like this map.

I would like to echo someone's earlier point about the colors though. The colors on the key and on the regions for Contra Costa, and to a lesser extent, S. San Francisco don't match up as well as they could and should. Perhaps a bit of a tweak there would be in order?
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Postby Wisse on Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:21 am

hulmey wrote:^^read rest of thread pls^^

you had to read the rest of qwert's map, it did reach final forge.... but he putted it on vacation
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Postby johloh on Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:41 am

the no escape from alcatraz is brilliant. who ever thought of that deserves a prize.
I agree...and the prize goes to...GUISCARD!
in the small map the army circles are barely big enough to hold the numbers, no point in having them in there then since you can barely see them.
on my to do list...
also, whats with that blury stuff on the south west coast line?
those are waves from the satellite photo...they only show up on the borders that are close to the pacific ocean (SW)
and why do some water routes have glow nad others dont?
the ones that have a whitish look underneath them are bridges that showed up in the satellite photos...golden gate bridge and bay bridge...
i think the title could use more character too.
I agree. i havent been quite happy with it yet...
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Postby johloh on Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:45 am

:lol: TO DO LIST :lol:
-fix fonts in small version
-enlarge army circles in small version
-move and fix signature
-add 'no escape from alcatraz' or something similar to legend
-check colors in legend again...specifically contra costa / s. san fran
-try and work on title
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Postby fireedud on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:43 pm

Tou could add there's no ecape from alcatraz, in quotes (") underneath the title (and make it italicized).
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Postby johloh on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:44 pm

-bigger army shadows in small version
-cleared up text in small version (though i did not make it bigger, i dont believe the downtown area can handle bigger text)
-moved sig to top right and faded it
-added more alcatraz stuff to legend
-slightly changed legend colors of 'contra costa' and 's. san francisco'

ill gladly take suggestions on how to improve the title...i couldnt really think of anything i didnt update it.

also, i realize the alcatraz description text in the small version looks a little funky...but if i bold it (as in large version) it takes over the outer
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Postby KEYOGI on Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:12 pm

johloh wrote:also, i realize the alcatraz description text in the small version looks a little funky...but if i bold it (as in large version) it takes over the outer

If you're working with Photoshop, try playing around with the font sharpness options next to font size. It may make a difference, it may not.
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Postby johloh on Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:44 pm


-changed alcatraz legend font
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Postby luckiekevin on Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:39 pm

I don't think the text needs to be bigger or bold in the smaller map, I just think it needs to be sharper. It seems a little blurry
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Postby darkmagus on Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:32 pm

Didn´t Sly& the family Stone come from Haight?

If so then that country should have +1 imo
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Postby johloh on Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:41 pm

there are no more comments because....?

I know that theres no way I can be done...
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Postby EvilOtto on Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:55 pm

johloh wrote:there are no more comments because....?

because my comments have been said before?

It (still) seems odd that the army shadow for Corte Madera is up in the corner when there is so much room under the name. I'd also like to see some graphic distinction between bridges and ferry routes, but don't have any new suggestions (different colors? different dot spacing? I guess those are new suggestions).

I'd like to get the Alcatraz text out of my backyard. Does it need the word "region"?

Could we change:
"no escape from Alcatraz (one way)"
to (slightly shorter):
"Alcatraz can't attack; No escape!"
"No attacks/escape from Alcatraz"
or something even shorter?

That's all I've got today.
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Postby johloh on Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:38 pm

evil - im going to play around some with the wording of alcatraz...i dont want it in my backyard either! (actually i live in a apt with no backyard, but i do live in the outer sunset)

im not ignoring the blurred text comments...I cleared it up from the previous first version of the small map...but they are vector text, and cant be cleared up anymore...I can either use a different font, or enlarge the font...ill try to enlarge and see if i can fit everything in still....
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Postby luckiekevin on Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:39 pm

I'm not a designer or anything so I'm sure you know the answer better then me but, can you increase the pixles per inch?
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Postby luckiekevin on Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:52 pm

Also Ive noticed that the text shadows in the legend on the smaller map looks a bit blurry but not like I've commented in regards to the regular text, more like double vision. Would darkening the shadows there help?
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Postby johloh on Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:37 pm

ill play around with the shadows too...that might be contributing to why the text does not look as good on the smaller version...
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Postby oaktown on Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:19 am

yeah, weirdness with the small text, especially every lower case r.

Like Otto, my concerns have been raised. Play issues are largely resolved, the ferry attack lines still look weak, but I don't know what to do about it.

Looks like there's a weird oil spill coming out of the refineries.
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Postby luckiekevin on Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:39 am

oaktown wrote:
Like Otto, my concerns have been raised. Play issues are largely resolved, the ferry attack lines still look weak, but I don't know what to do about it.

I don't know if it would help but, what if the lines that represented bridges differed from those representing ferry routes? A more solid line for the bridges might make the dots representing ferry routes, look more like ferry routes. It could also be a mess.
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Postby luckiekevin on Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:40 am

i like the ferry routes they way they are btw
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Postby mibi on Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:25 am

johloh wrote:evil - im going to play around some with the wording of alcatraz...i dont want it in my backyard either! (actually i live in a apt with no backyard, but i do live in the outer sunset)

im not ignoring the blurred text comments...I cleared it up from the previous first version of the small map...but they are vector text, and cant be cleared up anymore...I can either use a different font, or enlarge the font...ill try to enlarge and see if i can fit everything in still....

i think what keyogi was refering to is the anti-aliasing of the text. if you are using photo shop its either set at Sharp, Crisp, Smooth or Strong. if you can, test them out to see which works best.

also if the tracking is set to 0 i would suggest increasing it to 10 or so.
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Postby johloh on Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:31 pm

im not using i cant use those suggestions...but I did increase the size and i think it looks much guys be the judge...
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Postby johloh on Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:44 pm


I dont know...i think its better but im not eyes are starting to hurt from staring at it...I dunno what else to do...I cant make the font any bigger...

better? or not?
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Postby mibi on Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:10 pm

i have no problem with the font. seems fine to me, if people dont like it that small then play the big map! its not that small anyways.

the asterisk is a bit silly, since its about half an inch away from the 'footnote'. maybe you can lose the asterisk and put 'for each' on the line with the alcatraz bonus, and then the rest on the second line. keeping the 'held' off the beach.
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Postby johloh on Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:24 pm

maybe you can lose the asterisk and put 'for each' on the line with the alcatraz bonus, and then the rest on the second line. keeping the 'held' off the beach.
interesting idea...ill try it.
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Postby johloh on Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:59 am

-removed asterisk
-moved 'for each' up a line in alcatraz text
-replaced bridge 'dots' with 'dashes'

is the new text alignment better? or worse? (im on the fence)
are the bridges better now? or should I keep trying other things? (i know the dashes arent perfect, i just wanted to see if people liked them or not, i can straighten the pixels easily)

I thought about using a different color on the bridges too...but black/gray just disappear and you can hardly see them...with the dark colors of the map, white is really the only color that shows up...
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