Interesting over-arching conundrum here...I agree Jew is both an ethnicity and a religion and an attack on either criterior should be seen as an attack on both ie a racist slur but the complainant states later that he was but his parents still are which is why he takes offence...
if he can renounce it for himself then he is using Jewish as a religion
My understanding is that CC guidelines do not outlaw racist or sexist put-downs but do NOT specifically outlaw statements that offend others based on religion (nor politics for that matter)...
Catholics are a religious group but not an ethnic one so an statement against an Irish player as Catholic scum would not be specifically outlawed whereas Mick scum would be...thorts.
I'm a Druid myself and have never felt discriminated against (hardly even acknowledged, really) but if we go down this path do CC Mods rule on ALL things that may upset SOME pps???
in this particular complaint, I agree that it is a racial slur based on my first paragraph above but the complainant has opened a can of worms by then moving it from Race to religion in his own eyes...thorts?