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IA vs The Pack - 23 - 28 of 51 Final (11/12)

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby Swifte on Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:31 pm

tec805 wrote:p.s. what's up with all these sunny maps? Are you being tricky and confusing us when we are used to seeing "?" all over the map? You know we can't handle seeing all troop counts and regions at once, it will overload our brains and cause us to just hit Auto the entire game! Devious bastards!

O:) :twisted:

Our extensive research showed that Packs hunt at night, so better to keep things sunny ;)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby Leehar on Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:54 pm

Swifte wrote:
tec805 wrote:p.s. what's up with all these sunny maps? Are you being tricky and confusing us when we are used to seeing "?" all over the map? You know we can't handle seeing all troop counts and regions at once, it will overload our brains and cause us to just hit Auto the entire game! Devious bastards!

O:) :twisted:

Our extensive research showed that Packs hunt at night, so better to keep things sunny ;)

Why would Vampires, demons et al shirk from that tho? :P
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby Swifte on Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:11 pm

Leehar wrote:
Swifte wrote:
tec805 wrote:p.s. what's up with all these sunny maps? Are you being tricky and confusing us when we are used to seeing "?" all over the map? You know we can't handle seeing all troop counts and regions at once, it will overload our brains and cause us to just hit Auto the entire game! Devious bastards!

O:) :twisted:

Our extensive research showed that Packs hunt at night, so better to keep things sunny ;)

Why would Vampires, demons et al shirk from that tho? :P

Well... umm.. I'm not supposed to talk about it, but our other researchers have developed an elaborate series of devices that will allow our spooky types to become daywalkers. Vampire sunscreen, for instance. I've said too much. Don't want to spoil all the surprises.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby John Deere on Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:48 pm

Swifte wrote:Well... umm.. I'm not supposed to talk about it, but our other researchers have developed an elaborate series of devices that will allow our spooky types to become daywalkers. Vampire sunscreen, for instance. I've said too much. Don't want to spoil all the surprises.

I was wondering about that helmet on your avatar... think I saw one just like it in Blade 2...
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby VampireM on Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:17 pm

tec805 wrote:p.s. what's up with all these sunny maps? Are you being tricky and confusing us when we are used to seeing "?" all over the map? You know we can't handle seeing all troop counts and regions at once, it will overload our brains and cause us to just hit Auto the entire game! Devious bastards!

O:) :twisted:

i ask the pack a similar question, whats with the exact settings for all games? dont like esc games? they to easy for u guys haha... we like to mix it up a little... maybe since ur so use to the dark the sun will hurt ur eyes and give u sunburn.. i dont think there is any one clan that uses all fog games...

maybe ur next set will be will be all esc to just shut me up:)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby Culs De Sac on Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:29 pm

Great-Ollie wrote:Thanks to IA for the war. Good luck to all participants, and lets all have some fun. :D P.S. I predict a very close war with the winner, winning by 1 or 2 games.

In support of IA.. one of your founders doesn't even have the balls to call victory for his squad with his ambiguous post. IA by an 8 game spread.. ..

And as for backing up talk JD.. I do believe you got your ass handed to you in that P.Rome trips game..

just in case you forgot here's the reminder Game 9569318
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby tec805 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:34 pm

Culs De Sac wrote: I do believe you got your ass handed to you in that P.Rome trips game..

just in case you forgot here's the reminder Game 9569318

Holy crap JD, you lost a PR! That means you've only won 32 out of 40 games :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby tec805 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:39 pm

demonfork wrote:gl Packers! Have fun!

Thanks, you too!

Hey DF, how did you get a 3.9 on ratings? Beating up cooks then yelling nasty things at them? A smile and a kind word goes a long way when you are killing someone ;) :D
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby GeneralRisk on Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:21 pm

tec805 wrote:
demonfork wrote:gl Packers! Have fun!

Thanks, you too!

Hey DF, how did you get a 3.9 on ratings? Beating up cooks then yelling nasty things at them? A smile and a kind word goes a long way when you are killing someone ;) :D This is a example of DR attempting to be a ladies man This is a example of DF attempting to befriend another player This is a example of DF complimentimg another players small butt (something DF often does when in a losing situation) I could go on and on, and am surprised his rating is so high.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby jimboy on Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:50 pm

You guys have too much time on your hands. Good luck on the battlefield, it should be fun
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby lynch5762 on Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:53 pm

Culs De Sac wrote:
Great-Ollie wrote:Thanks to IA for the war. Good luck to all participants, and lets all have some fun. :D P.S. I predict a very close war with the winner, winning by 1 or 2 games.

In support of IA.. one of your founders doesn't even have the balls to call victory for his squad with his ambiguous post. IA by an 8 game spread.. ..

And as for backing up talk JD.. I do believe you got your ass handed to you in that P.Rome trips game..

just in case you forgot here's the reminder Game 9569318

Is it a lack of balls or just being a gentleman and showing a little class?? There are plenty of threads out there to put your one cent into.. we prefer to keep this one on topic.
Thanks again IA for the war and good luck!
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby John Deere on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:05 pm

Culs De Sac wrote:
Great-Ollie wrote:Thanks to IA for the war. Good luck to all participants, and lets all have some fun. :D P.S. I predict a very close war with the winner, winning by 1 or 2 games.

In support of IA.. one of your founders doesn't even have the balls to call victory for his squad with his ambiguous post. IA by an 8 game spread.. ..

And as for backing up talk JD.. I do believe you got your ass handed to you in that P.Rome trips game..
just in case you forgot here's the reminder Game 9569318[/q uote]
One game... Really... Oh craps I'm probly gonna loose the rest I ever play.....
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Pre Game Skuttle

Postby demonfork on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:09 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:
tec805 wrote:
demonfork wrote:gl Packers! Have fun!

Thanks, you too!

Hey DF, how did you get a 3.9 on ratings? Beating up cooks then yelling nasty things at them? A smile and a kind word goes a long way when you are killing someone ;) :D This is a example of DR attempting to be a ladies man This is a example of DF attempting to befriend another player This is a example of DF complimentimg another players small butt (something DF often does when in a losing situation) I could go on and on, and am surprised his rating is so high.

Those were definitely some df classics!

Here are some other df "oldies but goodies"... df farming another upset Colonel df being nice to another obviously upset Packer. df once again upsetting Mr. Packer with his "magic" dice.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby chemefreak on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:11 pm

jimboy wrote:You guys have too much time on your hands.

Understatement of the year? :lol:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby grifftron on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:13 pm

jimboy wrote:You guys have too much time on your hands. Good luck on the battlefield, it should be fun

LOL.. I hope you were talking for your own team as well, I mean your fearless, mighty, powerful spokesperson who we are not worthy to play just map ranked each of our crappy players against his greatness to show us remind us we are worthless shi*

But you got to admit that the post above with demonspoon losing against a cadet that he was farming was funny, look at how pissed off he was in the game chat, he couldn't even contain his golden fingers from posting nonsense!

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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby demonfork on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:29 pm

grifftron wrote:
jimboy wrote:You guys have too much time on your hands. Good luck on the battlefield, it should be fun

LOL.. I hope you were talking for your own team as well, I mean your fearless, mighty, powerful spokesperson who we are not worthy to play just map ranked each of our crappy players against his greatness to show us remind us we are worthless shi*

But you got to admit that the post above with demonspoon losing against a cadet that he was farming was funny, look at how pissed off he was in the game chat, he couldn't even contain his golden fingers from posting nonsense!


I agree 100% It is pretty funny that someone would get upset over a silly internet game...Hardly farming a cadet though, I lost 20 points so we were obviously evenly ranked at the time that the game took place.

BTW love the siggy...I gotta hand it to you pretty damn funny as well :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby grifftron on Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:58 pm

Your just happy you gotta be the mom

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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby Redfelt on Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:29 am

Dog makes a fine meal :twisted:
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby tec805 on Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:45 am

demonfork wrote:
Hardly farming a cadet though, I lost 20 points so we were obviously evenly ranked at the time that the game took place.

Now don't go screwing up smack-talk with facts and logic!
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby lynch5762 on Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:52 pm

Can someone add the game links to first page please... thank you
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby NanoTheGreat on Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:07 pm

Pack has been doing good and have good players. But i don't think they've been an established clan long enough to work really well together. I have IA on this one! Gl to both sides though, i'm kind of interested in how this plays out.
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby grifftron on Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:54 pm

NanoTheGreat wrote:Pack has been doing good and have good players. But i don't think they've been an established clan long enough to work really well together. I have IA on this one! Gl to both sides though, i'm kind of interested in how this plays out.

Hey, who are you and who is AoC? Opinion box is outside of the big boys room. Thanks bud

AND i can tell the the first and middle name of every pack member except for John Deere who keeps his name to himself on the fact that one day he is going to run for president.

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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby lynch5762 on Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:10 pm

grifftron wrote:
NanoTheGreat wrote:Pack has been doing good and have good players. But i don't think they've been an established clan long enough to work really well together. I have IA on this one! Gl to both sides though, i'm kind of interested in how this plays out.

Hey, who are you and who is AoC? Opinion box is outside of the big boys room. Thanks bud

AND i can tell the the first and middle name of every pack member except for John Deere who keeps his name to himself on the fact that one day he is going to run for president.


:lol: :lol: his middle name has to be Eugene or something.. otherwiswe he would have let us know... and I was thinking the same thing seeing as I have played more games with my clan mates than he has total.. ;)
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby Falkomagno on Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:01 am

This is an interesting battle. I'm going for....well...not sure...let's say IA
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Re: IA vs The Pack - Round 1 Starting

Postby lord voldemort on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:31 am

I wish I had a big as e-penis as you guys do.
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