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Re: Legend Of Zelda: Dreamwalker ~ Night 2! Impa Intervenes.

Postby / on Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:53 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:The way I read it: scum tried to kill tree, Link w/ potion saved tree, and an item thief stole the bottle from Link. Maple & sword Link seem to be absent...maybe they were gun-shy from Night 1's events? Or possible that rds blocked one of them.

Does anyone with more Zelda knowledge have an idea who an item thief could be? As in, likely town or scum?

Maple herself might be a thievish type role, perhaps the mechanics are a bit more complex than we thought, because there are parts where if link collides with her they both drop items and they both try to grab them all for themselves: see "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons "

otherwise For monsters there is Takkuri, but it is by no means an iconic monster, I'm not really sure if it counts as a "minion" either
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby pancakemix on Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:22 pm

Takkuri no, but can you guess what enemy is both a thief and iconic?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Epitaph1 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:02 pm

There was also a thief in Link to the Past, but I'm not sure if he had a name. His actions were similar to Maple, insofar as he would run into Link and collect what he had dropped, but Link wouldn't be able to collect any new items. But the flavor made the thief act more surreptitious than the character from SNES though.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:37 pm

The Skull Kid steals stuff, right? He's the only one I can think of. Also, I'll reveal who I roleblocked if it becomes important. Though, from the Night Scene, it's weird.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:18 pm

Like Like would make sense and would definitely be one of Ganon's minions. There was also the Bomb thief in Majora's Mask.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Rodion on Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:31 pm

Tricky situation.

It looks like the Potion Link (doctor) successfully found mafia's N2 target, but at the same time they got their item stolen. A mafia-aligned thief (like Like Like - NOTICE THE PUN!) means we are losing the doctor tonight and there's not much we can do about it.

Since the doctor apparently targeted the Deku Tree, we don't really need him to out himself in order to clear a townie. We can just assume that whoever claims the Deku Tree later on is a pro-town player.

About the doctor outing himself or not, I think there are 2 scenarios we ought to consider:
a) thief is not mafia-aligned and the fact that he targeted the doctor does not mean mafia knows who the doctor is -> not claiming is the best course of action
b) thief is mafia-aligned and mafia knows who the doctor is -> claiming is the best course of action since mafia could be afraid of killing him (for instance, a town watcher - like the Owl could possibly be - targeting the doctor means we either keep the doctor alive OR we find one mafia after the doctor dies)

I'm not sure which assumption is best, though. There's also the possibility that the stolen item disabled the doctor from using his powers in the future (this happened in Pokémon Mafia when Fircoal had his bike - passively - stolen by Nagerous).

As far as actually finding scummy players I'll try to reread the thread and post something in the next 48 hours.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:11 am

Hey! my lack of Zelda knowledge is making me mega confused by all of this. The links to sites is helping alot so cheers guys. Seems to me that Link with the potion bottle was the doc and he saved the tree.

BG's poisoning theory does not seem to make much sense at all. Is he just confused or sh*t stirring to confuse us? I cannot decide which. I will have another read and see what I can see.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:27 pm

I find it suspicious that rds does not share who he roleblocked last night. I think it would help us determine who's pro town or not and rds' refusal to do so makes me suspicious.

As for the scene flavor, I have not much experience with Zelda games but I think that yes, some sort of role thief or other is in this game. Maybe Maple has a 50% chance of switching objects and 50% chance of stealing objects. Or maybe there's also the possiblity she gives an object and doesn't get one back.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:32 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:I find it suspicious that rds does not share who he roleblocked last night. I think it would help us determine who's pro town or not and rds' refusal to do so makes me suspicious.

How so? He didn't block the mafia kill, or the person who stole the bottle from Potion Link (possibly mafia). Since we didn't see any town actions besides the doctor, it's quite possible he blocked a town power role. I don't think that information should be shared.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:38 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:I find it suspicious that rds does not share who he roleblocked last night. I think it would help us determine who's pro town or not and rds' refusal to do so makes me suspicious.

As for the scene flavor, I have not much experience with Zelda games but I think that yes, some sort of role thief or other is in this game. Maybe Maple has a 50% chance of switching objects and 50% chance of stealing objects. Or maybe there's also the possiblity she gives an object and doesn't get one back.

-SG7 ( :) )

Don't twist my words. I'm not refusing to reveal anything, but I can't take back if I do reveal, so I was trying to be cautious.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:10 pm

There are almost endless possibilities here, so I will try to break them down as simple as possible.

1) Rds blocked vig, vig knows he was blocked. IF REVEALED: Benefits both town and mafia. Mafia has a guess at who is the vig and a good target for their night kill. However, Maple, watchers and whoever has the potion can also target the Vig. Town benefits slightly more, as they know that the vig stays safe. Also, since this option is indistinguishable from option 3*, no REAL information is actually gained. So, if the case is option 1 or option 3, I say it makes sense to reveal who rds blocked.

2) Rds blocked mafia, and vig attacked Deku Tree. This I feel is somewhat unlikely, but it would obviously benefit town to reveal.

3) Vig was either gunshy or lost his sword or targeted bulletproof, or whatever (basically meaning that the fact that there were no kills is unrelated to the roleblocking). Town Power Role was blocked. The player may or may not know they were blocked, so it might help the town power role figure out what happened last night. There was no mention of a boomerang in the night scene, so there are no clues there for them to figure out by.

4) Vanilla, or passive role or someone who chose not to do an action last night was blocked. This would alert the blocked player that there is suspicion on them and probably lead to more discussion.

So far, I can't see any reason to not reveal the information. However, others are saying that this information wouldn't help. I agree with you rds... it is better to be cautious, but I can't think of any way this would hurt town.

I would like some others to weigh in on the topic though.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:16 pm

* Unless the player roleclaims - terrible idea BTW

Also, I was looking through rds' day 2 activity to figure out who he might have fosed. Unfortunately, it was very low activity. My two best guesses are killboy, who was the main topic of discussion and shield, who was the only one he replied to.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby pancakemix on Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:20 pm

Rodion wrote:It looks like the Potion Link (doctor) successfully found mafia's N2 target, but at the same time they got their item stolen. A mafia-aligned thief (like Like Like - NOTICE THE PUN!) means we are losing the doctor tonight and there's not much we can do about it.

I don't think so. They'd know who the Link was but he doesn't have the potion anymore. So far it seems the items enable the Links to perform associated actions, so unless for whatever reason he has a second item it's actually safe for him to claim seeing as he's vanilla and probably already exposed to the mafia.

Rds, tell us who you blocked. It could potentially eliminate a suspect.

@Yoshi: If Rds blocked a kill, there'd probably at least be mention of a boomerang in the scene. And at least in Wind Waker, the Wizrobe (who was in the first night scene) shoots fireballs. I'd also guess that the vig held back since there were no real leads.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Mr. Squirrel on Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:54 pm

Vote Count

Killboy (2) - victor, drunkmonkey

18 alive, 10 to lynch
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:36 pm

Thought about this some more on the drive home from work - since the mafia already knows who the tree is, is there any harm in him claiming? Wouldn't that eliminate another suspect?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:20 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:Thought about this some more on the drive home from work - since the mafia already knows who the tree is, is there any harm in him claiming? Wouldn't that eliminate another suspect?


Yeah, that makes sense.

Alright, since there is a lot of popular demand for me to reveal who I blocked, it was Victor Sullivan and Rodion.
Reason: Victor's relatively inactive, and he's weird. Rodion is really good at Mafia, so I thought it'd be good to try and establish whether or not he was ASAP. In other words, an Italian Rex scares me.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Rodion on Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:39 pm

Can you explain why you were able to block 2 people?
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:48 pm

Rodion wrote:Can you explain why you were able to block 2 people?

Oh, on the first night, the great fairy of the spring or whatever visited me and upgraded my boomerang.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:51 pm

rdsrds2120 wrote:
Rodion wrote:Can you explain why you were able to block 2 people?

Oh, on the first night, the great fairy of the spring or whatever visited me and upgraded my boomerang.


I don't know if the Fairy is a random event that happens to players, or if it's a night action by someone.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:03 pm

Rds must be lying, I was definitely not roleblocked last night.

LAL vote rdsrds2120

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:00 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:Rds must be lying, I was definitely not roleblocked last night.

LAL vote rdsrds2120


There is always also the possibility of a busdrive. However, this seems unlikely. Victor was hardly a target even in my eyes, so I doubt that 2 people would target him.

vote rds
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby rdsrds2120 on Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:14 am

DoomYoshi wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:Rds must be lying, I was definitely not roleblocked last night.

LAL vote rdsrds2120


There is always also the possibility of a busdrive. However, this seems unlikely. Victor was hardly a target even in my eyes, so I doubt that 2 people would target him.

vote rds

It's not impossible, and from my view, this must've happened. We have that witch that can move around items, why not a character with a busdrive effect?

Also, I think it seems a little rash to vote on me with such low conviction, especially with such an interesting Night Scene. I'd like to see who the Deku Tree is so we don't mislynch them. I think somebody said this earlier, but if the mafia know who they are, I think the town should as well (this would clear them from being voted, so it takes one less town from our pool of people to lynch). We haven't killed a Mafia member yet and we're on Day 3. I would like to not have a mislynch.

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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:51 am

If rds was going to lie, why would he give 2 names? That doubles his chances of being caught, and before he told us, we had no idea he had the ability to block 2 people.
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby dazza2008 on Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:57 am

Listen! If Victor was not blocked it sounds to me that rds is lying. It is also not the first time in the game rds has appeared scummy in my opinion. With him roleclaiming early day 1 for no reason and playing the newb card alot(even though he is actually experienced enough). Just all seems scummy to me.

vote rds
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Re: Zelda Mafia ~ Day 3. Only Link can prevent forest fires

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:42 am

drunkmonkey wrote:If rds was going to lie, why would he give 2 names? That doubles his chances of being caught, and before he told us, we had no idea he had the ability to block 2 people.

You have a fair point. I guess there is the off-chance that I could have been busdriven. Unvote for now. If the busdriver is town, it may be best for him or her to come out and say who they busdrove. I doubt if they'd be a mafia target anyway, would they?

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