The most up-to-date version:
Up-to-date statistics:
79 territories
17 Continents
16 terts autodeploy (and start with 4 neutral troops) - see map for details

Gettysburg: The Director's Cut DVD: $24.99

Hallowed Ground: A Walk at Gettysburg by James M. McPherson (Hardcover, 144 pgs.): $11.53
Gettysburg: the game at Conquer Club... PRICELESS!
With all due respect to the previous effort to base a game on this most famous battle to ever take place on American soil, and without intending to prejudice consideration of it, I offer this project...
I'll do all the graphics and XML unless more skilled and experienced volunteers come forward. I'm quite handy with Photoshop and have enough XML experience to get by if someone will answers a few dumb questions for me when the time comes. Long ago I submitted a draft here based on the TV show "The West Wing" but it got no real attention and may have been in violation of the property rights of the show's owners, so it's just as well. (The concept, however, was sound.) Even longer ago I designed over two dozen maps for the game Diplomacy at the Redscape website and achieved a good reputation. I'm confident I can make something playable, but beautiful will be a challenge.
STATISTICS (up-to-date)
My idea is to concentrate on the strategy behind the battle rather than the battlefield maneuvers. Lee had, for the second time, invaded the North. Meade was trying to pin him down in a position advantageous to the union forces and Lee would have been happy enough to meet the Army of the Potomac if he could do so at a time and place of his choosing. Gettysburg was a "meeting engagement" -- neither side expected it to be a battlefield much before the fighting started and neither would particularly have chosen it. The town is located in south-central Pennsylvania. To the northeast is Harrisburg and due east is Philadelphia; these were Lee's primary targets. To the southeast was Baltimore and due south was Washington DC; had Lee won a decisive victory he might have headed that way. To the west and southwest was rough terrain; Lee used that for his retreat when things didn't turn out as he'd wished.
In terms of strategy, what counted at Gettysburg wasn't the action of the battle (casualties were practically even), but the aftermath: would Lee's invasion succeed or fail? In what direction would he advance or retreat? Because Lee really couldn't afford the result he got, the battle is considered a significant or decisive Union victory. Not only was Lee's bold gamble to end the war quickly by stabbing at key northern cities turned back, but the North could much more easily replace the losses taken in the battle itself. The Army of Virginia wasn't crushed by any means, but Lee's hopes were dealt a severe blow.
In translating this to a CC-type game, I have given consideration to key terrain features but have paid more attention to the critical nature of Gettysburg as a road junction. "Areas" represent key bits of terrain such as Little Round Top, as well as sections of highway and (pink dots in the northeast quadrant) the railroad into town (it's continuation westward was still under construction). Zone bonuses will be lower than normal because holding any of those zones without holding the city as well makes them worth little. The town of Gettysburg itself belongs to no bonus area and is worth nothing on its own - no autodeploy. However, in combination with the roads designated here with colored diamonds, it generates bonuses in addition to those that might be earned otherwise. Holding Gettysburg is important, but if five players vie for Gettysburg while the other three work the fringes, who's to say which group the winner may emerge from.
Example: the two Hanover Road areas, Benner's Hill and Wolf's Hill for a four-area bonus zone with a value of two. On the other side of town is a five-area green zone containing two areas for Chambersburg Pike. It's worth two reinforcements per turn. If you own Gettysburg, Hanover Road I and II, and Chambersburg Pike I and II, you get a bonus of four reinforcements per turn even though we're still just looking at five areas. You don't have to own Hoffman's Creek, McPherson's Ridge, Oak Ridge, Benner's Hill or Wolf's Hill to claim the bonus for the four road sections plus Gettysburg. I envision fighting as normal for the roads and their zones, with efforts to secure Gettysburg on an opportunistic basis. Question: besides having Gettysburg start with six neutrals in it, should I make it that two guy go AWOL after every turn? (They get drunk and carouse in the town.)
While the large bonuses center on the roads and the city, there are several little bonuses to be had without having to engage in that main fracas. It might be advantageous to try to pick off two or three such bonus zones while everybody else is busy elsewhere. For instance, the Seminary and Railroad zones get an attractive two reinforcements each. Only slightly less attractive are the pink zone on the west edge of the map and the brown one top center. Still, while others may look at juicier targets, these are too close to the center of action to escape notice. I foresee significant fluidity in bonus awards.
The bonus levels are pretty sensitive matters and I'm not sure the overall levels are appropriate. The Australia map has 37 territories and a gross bonus pool of 23 reinforcements for a ratio of 1.6 to 1. The Charleston map has 60 areas and a gross reinforcement amount of 35 for a ratio of 1.7 to 1. This first draft Gettysburg map has 50 areas and gross zoneage of 39 for a ratio of 1.3 to 1. Too low? Probably. Suggestions?
• first draft posted 7/30/11
• second draft posted 7/31/11
• third draft posted 8/2/11
• fourth draft posted 8/11/11
• fifth draft posted 8/26/11
• ninth draft(s) posted 9/27/11
• tenth draft posted 10/13/11