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[Official] Clan Medals

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[Official] Clan Medals

Postby Masli on Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:14 am

Clan Medals

A Clan Achievement Medal is available to qualifying winners of Clan Wars, and other Clan Tournaments/Leagues.


The clan medal will be handed out to players and will encourage players to join clans and participate in wars and other events.

Qualifying Challenges

In order to receive a Clan Achievement Medal, the war and players will need to meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • The clan war must be of a minimum 41 games and must provide a winner during the regular flow of the war. A random triples neutral game is recommended.
  • War restrictions must adhere to the basic restrictions inherently built by clans meaning No Freestyle, No Manual, No Speed, No Beta Maps.
  • The game composition must comprise of at least 80% Team Games. Recommended setup is 25% Doubles, 25% Triples, 25% Quadruples and 25% Choice of Games
  • Clan Wars must be fairly negotiated, if you feel you are being pressured into an agreement or are unsure, please seek the advice of a Clan Director
  • A minimum of 10 players must be used.
  • All Clans must follow the 1 Clan Rule
  • Clan War thread must be adequately documented to ensure medals are properly given out, primarily game numbers and winner, games not used etc.

  • The clan war must be a minimum 20 homes game per clan involved
  • Restrictions must adhere to the basic restrictions inherently built by clans meaning No Freestyle, No Manual, No Speed, No Beta Maps and meet or exceed the Maximum game limit formula.
  • A minimum of 10 players must be used.
  • All Clans must follow the 1 Clan Rule for the entire tournament/event
  • Clan War thread must be adequately documented to ensure medals are properly given out, primarily game numbers and winner, games not used etc.

show: Maximum Game Limit Example

  • Be on the winning clan
  • Have played in a minimum of 3 games.

Forfeits and Penalties

Many wars have come down to only a single game a number of times and really should not be decided by forfeits or penalties. (22% decided by 2 games or less, 33% by 4 games or less, 60% by 8 games or less) The general interpretation is that the games should be remade; however, penalties can be issued by Clan Directors for extreme cases like abandonment etc.

War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

Examples (including but not limited to)
-Dead beating games to gain advantage
-Cheating claims and accusations in the war threads (excessive sitting, fog courtesy etc.) There is a site process for C&A, so please follow it.

Fog Courtesy

Fog Courtesy is not a rule and will not be enforced.

However, if you do choose to use this agreement, please use “12H Fog” in the game label so that all players are aware of this request.

Historical Awarding of Clan Achievement Medals (End of 2010)

Over the last 4 years, there have been clan wars of all sizes (3 games to 120 games) and formats. In defining which ones in the past would receive them, we looked at the average war size in each year and overall. The intention was to grant medals at that level, however, there were challenges only a few games less in some years, and a large war in 2010 raised the average. The most fair level was to look at median and there was a distinct cut-off point in all the years.

All wars with a total Final Score of 36 or more points/games were awarded medals. No other criteria will be applied to historical wars, with the exception of farming and proper documentation.
Players will have to still meet the above player requirements.

This means approximately 1500 player medals were handed out. There were approximately 5000 games reviewed in the process.

Players of the War/ Top Players Medals



Medal for Clan Tournament/Event Organizers

Anybody who organizes and successfully completes a clan tournament or event will be awarded a General Contribution Medal, as long as the tournament/event follows the same guidelines/rules that apply to players to be eligible for a Clan Achievement Medal.

If an organizer is no longer able or willing to continue his/her tournament/event, the person who takes over and successfully completes it will be awarded the medal.

Assistants or co-hosts approved by the Clan Tournament Director will generally also be eligible for the medal.

The CD-Team reserves the right to make exceptions (withhold or approve medals) at their discretion.

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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

Postby Leehar on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:30 am

With regards to Clan tournaments, I'm not sure how or whether there is a differentiation for medal given for each individual 'stage' in the tournament, or for overall tournament victory?

Also, what are the exact specifications for those considerations? (for first obv D,T,Q; but for third, any lower-limit for variety?)
Similarly, will they be used as a tie-break after something like Win Percentage is used, or as a requirement in order to qualify for the running?
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby FarangDemon on Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:48 am

You did the right thing by granting medals regardless of whether the match could be considered too lopsided or uncompetitive. After all, medal count is not intended as a real measurement of a clan's skill, merely as panem et circenses for the conquering, medal-crazed masses.
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby Ace Rimmer on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:02 am

Masli wrote:War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

Examples (including but not limited to)
-Dead beating games to gain advantage
-Cheating claims and accusations in the war threads (excessive sitting, fog courtesy etc.) There is a site process for C&A, so please follow it.

Can you give us some examples? Who would be denied from the KORT/TOFU war? What about the BpB/THOTA war? Not sure there has been much other drama, except lord voldemort vs somebody in one of their challenges. Are you trying to water down the war threads so it's nothing but "good luck" and Bruceswar's guesses at the final score?

Masli wrote:Fog Courtesy

Fog Courtesy is not a rule and will not be enforced.

However, if you do choose to use this agreement, please use “12H Fog” in the game label so that all players are aware of this request.

What do you mean will not be enforced? You mean not adhering to the fog rule doesn't count as a violation that you would punish for, even if both teams agree to it?
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

Postby chemefreak on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:07 am

Leehar wrote:With regards to Clan tournaments, I'm not sure how or whether there is a differentiation for medal given for each individual 'stage' in the tournament, or for overall tournament victory?

Also, what are the exact specifications for those considerations? (for first obv D,T,Q; but for third, any lower-limit for variety?)
Similarly, will they be used as a tie-break after something like Win Percentage is used, or as a requirement in order to qualify for the running?

What we want to do here is encourage players that are organizing "tournaments" to contact and work with us CDs prior to promising medals, etc. DJ Teflon did this with his new cup and it worked pretty well. We can assist in working out details and making decisions on allowable restrictions, etc.

At this point, there is no set restriction as to what percent of what type of team games must make up the 80%. We want to encourage clans to think up and conduct interesting and innovative wars. Again, if there is a question go to a CD and we can help.

I'm not really clear what the last part of that question means. But what I will say is that we want you to be interactive with CDs. Allowing us to assist you and "blessing" your wars and tournaments (if they are other than standard) will give you the best results and will clear up most confusion about privs, medals, etc. We are here to help.

FarangDemon wrote:You did the right thing by granting medals regardless of whether the match could be considered too lopsided or uncompetitive. After all, medal count is not intended as a real measurement of a clan's skill, merely as panem et circenses for the conquering, medal-crazed masses.

I'm not sure this is an absolute. However, I believe we will be issuing the CC2 medals here very soon. This was a process that was started under jpcloet so it has nothing to do with who is currently in charge. Again, tournament organizers must make sure they keep in contact with CDs (not for micromanagement purposes) and keep an open line of communication.

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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby chemefreak on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:11 am

Ace Rimmer wrote:
Masli wrote:War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

Examples (including but not limited to)
-Dead beating games to gain advantage
-Cheating claims and accusations in the war threads (excessive sitting, fog courtesy etc.) There is a site process for C&A, so please follow it.

Can you give us some examples? Who would be denied from the KORT/TOFU war? What about the BpB/THOTA war? Not sure there has been much other drama, except lord voldemort vs somebody in one of their challenges. Are you trying to water down the war threads so it's nothing but "good luck" and Bruceswar's guesses at the final score?

Masli wrote:Fog Courtesy

Fog Courtesy is not a rule and will not be enforced.

However, if you do choose to use this agreement, please use “12H Fog” in the game label so that all players are aware of this request.

What do you mean will not be enforced? You mean not adhering to the fog rule doesn't count as a violation that you would punish for, even if both teams agree to it?

Man, getting used to your new "disguise" is going to be hard to do! No. We are not going to water down war threads. They are fucking wars! However, in prior instances, the CDs had no "decorum" clause and had no real authority to punish offending clans. We don't feel that it is necessary to single out previous wars or conduct. Just keep it in line and you will be fine.

Basically, the fog rule is a gentlemen's agreement. So you can have it in your wars. You can also make rules about it like posting the first move or in extreme situations (where no player posts the first move after being told to) you can remake. But we are not going to enforce a forfeit clause for the violation of this rule.

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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:22 am

Ace Rimmer wrote:
Masli wrote:War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

Examples (including but not limited to)
-Dead beating games to gain advantage
-Cheating claims and accusations in the war threads (excessive sitting, fog courtesy etc.) There is a site process for C&A, so please follow it.

Can you give us some examples? Who would be denied from the KORT/TOFU war? What about the BpB/THOTA war? Not sure there has been much other drama, except lord voldemort vs somebody in one of their challenges. Are you trying to water down the war threads so it's nothing but "good luck" and Bruceswar's guesses at the final score?

Masli wrote:Fog Courtesy

Fog Courtesy is not a rule and will not be enforced.

However, if you do choose to use this agreement, please use “12H Fog” in the game label so that all players are aware of this request.

What do you mean will not be enforced? You mean not adhering to the fog rule doesn't count as a violation that you would punish for, even if both teams agree to it?

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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby TheSpaceCowboy on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:37 am

LOL. . .the 6 of spades taunts the Ace. . . .you gonna stand for that, shades??
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011]

Postby Leehar on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:37 am

chemefreak wrote:
Leehar wrote:With regards to Clan tournaments, I'm not sure how or whether there is a differentiation for medal given for each individual 'stage' in the tournament, or for overall tournament victory?

Also, what are the exact specifications for those considerations? (for first obv D,T,Q; but for third, any lower-limit for variety?)
Similarly, will they be used as a tie-break after something like Win Percentage is used, or as a requirement in order to qualify for the running?

I'm not really clear what the last part of that question means. But what I will say is that we want you to be interactive with CDs. Allowing us to assist you and "blessing" your wars and tournaments (if they are other than standard) will give you the best results and will clear up most confusion about privs, medals, etc. We are here to help.

Sorry, the last part of the question was about the 'Top Player' awards and the specifications with regards to them. (the bullet points)
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby Ace Rimmer on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:55 am

chemefreak wrote:
Ace Rimmer wrote:
Masli wrote:War Thread Behaviour

In order to curb some poor behaviour in the war threads, players will be denied medals if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive or inappropriate, even if it does not meet the site wide policy for a forum infraction. In the past, we’ve locked war threads due to the behaviour of a single individual, thus inherently punishing both clans. In order to be consistent, this will only be applied by the Clan Dept Head (most often these issues are raised by the CD team).

Examples (including but not limited to)
-Dead beating games to gain advantage
-Cheating claims and accusations in the war threads (excessive sitting, fog courtesy etc.) There is a site process for C&A, so please follow it.

Can you give us some examples? Who would be denied from the KORT/TOFU war? What about the BpB/THOTA war? Not sure there has been much other drama, except lord voldemort vs somebody in one of their challenges. Are you trying to water down the war threads so it's nothing but "good luck" and Bruceswar's guesses at the final score?

Masli wrote:Fog Courtesy

Fog Courtesy is not a rule and will not be enforced.

However, if you do choose to use this agreement, please use “12H Fog” in the game label so that all players are aware of this request.

What do you mean will not be enforced? You mean not adhering to the fog rule doesn't count as a violation that you would punish for, even if both teams agree to it?

Man, getting used to your new "disguise" is going to be hard to do! No. We are not going to water down war threads. They are fucking wars! However, in prior instances, the CDs had no "decorum" clause and had no real authority to punish offending clans. We don't feel that it is necessary to single out previous wars or conduct. Just keep it in line and you will be fine.

Basically, the fog rule is a gentlemen's agreement. So you can have it in your wars. You can also make rules about it like posting the first move or in extreme situations (where no player posts the first move after being told to) you can remake. But we are not going to enforce a forfeit clause for the violation of this rule.


I'm thinking of those three as ones where the decorum clause would have been invoked, so I'm trying to get a feel for what is and isn't allowed, and who would be punished for what. There are clear cases of war threads getting locked, so I'd like to know what you would have done in that case.

PS it was lord voldemort vs lokisgal that I am thinking of.
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:58 am

oh when you mean she accused me and my clan for cheating and not taking my turns when we beat them...i remember that
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby Dako on Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:35 am

FarangDemon wrote:You did the right thing by granting medals regardless of whether the match could be considered too lopsided or uncompetitive. After all, medal count is not intended as a real measurement of a clan's skill, merely as panem et circenses for the conquering, medal-crazed masses.

TOFU vs T4C is still counted uncompetitive I am afraid.
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby jpcloet on Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:25 am

Dako wrote:
FarangDemon wrote:You did the right thing by granting medals regardless of whether the match could be considered too lopsided or uncompetitive. After all, medal count is not intended as a real measurement of a clan's skill, merely as panem et circenses for the conquering, medal-crazed masses.

TOFU vs T4C is still counted uncompetitive I am afraid.

You should continue on the conversation with Masli as to the idea you had brought to me about the alternative medal in regards to these.
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby chemefreak on Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:05 pm

jpcloet wrote:
Dako wrote:
FarangDemon wrote:You did the right thing by granting medals regardless of whether the match could be considered too lopsided or uncompetitive. After all, medal count is not intended as a real measurement of a clan's skill, merely as panem et circenses for the conquering, medal-crazed masses.

TOFU vs T4C is still counted uncompetitive I am afraid.

You should continue on the conversation with Masli as to the idea you had brought to me about the alternative medal in regards to these.

Actually, there are discussions going on internally about these types of things. My opinion, for those who do not know, is that until we have a clear "uncompetitive" war policy, all wars that qualify should get medals. So those of you who feel this is fair do have someone sticking up for your position. I am however still in favor of a "noncompetitive" war policy based on the ladder. Hopefully soon.
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby Qwert on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:58 pm

I have several thing what need clarification:

The clan war must be of a minimum 41 games and must provide a winner during the regular flow of the war. A random triples neutral game is recommended.

What will be with 40 clan chalenges who have clear winner? Many times i recomended(in some old topic) that need to be 40+1,instead 41.
A minimum of 10 players must be used

Must be used? Maybe need to write >Must play in clan war<
These more sound that need to start with 10 players,but its not need to all 10 play games.These need to be clear more.

Consideration for the award will include:

Played in all types of team games
Played in both home and away
Played in a variety of maps and a variety of partners

What will be preferences for these award? Number of chalenges?Number of total games?Number of wins in doubles,triplse,quads?
What requirements some player need to fulfill to get award?
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Re: Clan Medals [Revamp 2011] thanks to jpcloet

Postby chemefreak on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:10 pm

qwert wrote:I have several thing what need clarification:

The clan war must be of a minimum 41 games and must provide a winner during the regular flow of the war. A random triples neutral game is recommended.

What will be with 40 clan chalenges who have clear winner? Many times i recomended(in some old topic) that need to be 40+1,instead 41.
A minimum of 10 players must be used

Must be used? Maybe need to write >Must play in clan war<
These more sound that need to start with 10 players,but its not need to all 10 play games.These need to be clear more.

Consideration for the award will include:

Played in all types of team games
Played in both home and away
Played in a variety of maps and a variety of partners

What will be preferences for these award? Number of chalenges?Number of total games?Number of wins in doubles,triplse,quads?
What requirements some player need to fulfill to get award?

40 games is fine. We just recommend that you start the 41st game or tiebreaker games before the end of your war to hurry it along.

10 players need to play in games during the war. This is pretty obvious and couldn't be MORE CLEAR.

Whatever we CDs feel like! Honestly, it is usually pretty obvious who the best player from each clan was in each war. As we roll along we will probably be better able to define these parameters.
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Re: [Official] Clan Medals

Postby xroads on Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:48 am

Is there any way to host a war based on 1 vs 1 speed games and have it eligible for a medal?

I know you cant have speed games in regular wars, but hoping to have a speed only war.
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Re: [Official] Clan Medals

Postby emilywink on Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:20 pm

RotS would love to do a speed freestyle war!
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Re: [Official] Clan Medals

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:02 pm

Masli wrote:Minimum Game Requirement Example]Min Games = Total Spots / Players Used * Participation Factor

Total Spots available (eg 20D 20T 21Q) = (20*2 + 20*3 +21*4) = 184 total spots
Players Used = Example is 15 players
Participation Factor initially set to 50%
The bare minimum, regardless of the formula will be 3 games.


Min Games = RoundDown (184 /15 *0.5) = 6 games in this example.

Okay, so I see "Participation Factor initially set to 50%" but I see no mention of what circumstances cause the Participation Factor to change. Does this mean it is always 50%, or is there some other formula I don't know about?
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