As most people probably know im touching up the graphics on operation drug war. The conditions i have put on this touch up are:
- No style change
No XML change
Full Draft
Army number test
Changed the special army circles to make them look finish. I reckon this is now a fully finished draft i think. So i have posted it with the army numbers aswell
To Do
Still got to finish the small map, post it soon.
But mainly moving a few army numbers to make it fit better.
General thoughts on the graphics please?
Border styles:
- A - pen effect on the photo More about the style rather than implementation
B - Adding borders in gimp
C - Borders added in the 3D program when making everything else

So here is my first (almost (special army circles and names need properly doing)) complete draft. Major questions i want answering:
- Im planning to keep the legend the same, any comments?
Do the borders from the top 2/3 or bottom 1/3 look better? (ignoring the errors on the top part, it is just style im looking at, and the bottom ones can be made more bright)
Do borders going under things (cars etc) ruin them? Will people still be able to understand them?
Original Image for comparison etc.
Original Thread
Cheers Tel.