This thread only use for registration for the following Challenge: Greater China I
Last Update (score,ranking): October 6th, 2011: Following player has been awarded a medal for be the winner: Moya !!!
Challenge news: September 30th, 2011: --> Moya join the final and will play against swimmerdude99, game sent out...Good Luck! September 26th, 2011: --> swimmerdude99 is first qualified for the final. September 17th, 2011: --> 1/2 Final games sent out, Good Luck! September 10th, 2011: --> R16 completed, 1/4 Final games sent out, google spread sheet updated...Good Luck! September 3rd, 2011: --> R16 games sent out, all qualified player earned 135pts so far. September 1st, 2011: --> 1 more game to finish and R16 will start. August24th, 2011: --> 4 games remain in R32 round. August 19th, 2011: --> 6 R32 games are completed so far, score table updated.
Q3 LL Draw List
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers: 3
Timestamp: 2011-08-17 13:39:50 UTC
1.Marshallbobby 2.BunnRee 3.gymnastQT dagdam0r (vanished from CC)
August 17th, 2011: --> All Q3 games are completed, LL Q2 & LL Q3 draw will occur sometime today and Main Draw game invit also. August 13th, 2011: --> All Q2 game completed, Q3 games sent out. August 2nd, 2011: --> 1 Game remain in Q2, Google spread sheet updated July 26th, 2011: --> Q2 games sent out, congrats to Q1 winners joining the Main Draw (R32). July 24th, 2011: --> 1 game remain in Q1. July 21st, 2011: --> 11 of 16 games completed, Google spread sheet updated.
Q1 (qualification Round 1) games sent out Random Sequence Generator Here is your sequence for Q1:
42 Marshallbobby vs 11 spartacus65 22 xman5151 vs 18 HighlanderAttack 29 aalii vs 26 generalhead 20 dumhic vs 37 uk massive 35 shaz2 vs 31 musicalmaven 41 darkbluesky vs 21 BunnRee 32 Willo.Kings vs 15 mwaser 24 Crarg vs 40 dani992 23 Joeri Chan vs 33 heatz 28 Dukasaur vs 17 dazza2008 36 dagdam0r vs 19 dfp2dep 14 Jessamine vs 27 rpshawn 38 rgrjoey001 vs 34 perchorin 25 wrexham vs 39 swimmerdude99 30 gymnastQT vs 13 rmjw10 16 BluU vs 12 sandman175
Timestamp: 2011-07-16 14:44:19 UTC
R32: 10 seeds qualify.(Mad777, mcshanester29, malapeiro, Moya, reahma, tokle, mr. CD, Eternal Shadow, Tripitaka, wendall2000) Q1: 16 winner qualify to R32 (26), 16 loser roll to Q2. Q2: 8 winner to Q3, 8 loser to LL Q2 list (1 pick). Q3: 4 winner qualify to R32 (30), 4 loser to LL Q3 list (1 pick). LL Q2: 1 pick qualify to R32 (31). LL Q3: 1 pick qualify to R32 (32).
-This tourney is a multiple tournaments drives you from Australia to Brazil (24 different maps). -Premium or Freemium accepted as 1 game at time will be played. -If there is a "No show" after 48 hours the game invitation was sent, the player is disqualify for this Challenge only and the opponent will be qualify for the next round.
Registration rules: -Registration desk remain open for 2 weeks only. -If the number of players are not enough, I will re-open it for another week. -If the amount of players are different than what is needed for start the 1st round, I will introduce qualification round(s). -If the number of registrants are uneven all the loser in qualification round will be part of a draw and will choose a Lucky Loser.
After all 24 Challenges be completed, Championship will start over using the same points rules and settings.
At the beginning of every Challenge game a certain amount of seeded players will be exempt of qualification round, refer below on Ranking & Results link.(This number could varie regarding number of registrants, from one map to another)
Again, If there is a "No show" after 48 hours the game invitation was sent, the player is disqualify for this Challenge only and the opponent will be qualify for the next round.
Last edited by Mad777 on Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:18 pm, edited 41 times in total.