Open to all players as only 1 game will be played at at time!
Format Basically, you will play only 1 game each round and either with a partner in a doubles match or play 1vs1 against your partner from previous round. Round 1- You will randomly be assigned a partner and play in a 2vs2 game on a random map. If your team wins the game, you will move on to the next round. Round 2- You will play 1 game against your partner from previous round 1vs1 on the same map you played before. If you win, you will move on to the next round and be reassigned a new partner for the next round. Rounds 3-6 will be the same alternating again each time until only 1 player is left and named the winner.
Game Settings All games will have the same settings Gameplay: Standard Deployment: Automatic Map: Random Spoils: Escalating Reinforcements: Chained Fog: No Length: Casual (24 hrs)
Rounds 1- 64 players 2vs2 2- 32 players 1vs1 3- 16players 2vs2 4- 8 players 1vs1 5- 4 players 2vs2 6- 2 players 1vs1 (Finals) *Depending on number of players rounds 1 and 2 might vary.
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You're a star-belly sneech You suck like a leach You want everyone to act like you Kiss ass while you bitch So you can get rich But your boss gets richer off you