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[UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 5 - The Disappearance [Abandoned]

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby freezie on Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:35 pm

edocsil wrote:
strike wolf wrote:I really hate these scenarios...I really distrust vio as it really does sound like she meant to claim Jacques Chevalier (I am a bit skeptical of her claim that she is a Jacques in another game) as it really sounds from her original claim. It is still a bit early to say that she won't be counter claimed on this claim but as my activity will be low today and possibly tomorrow for my standards I am going to go ahead and unvote vio and spend most of the time I have reading back through freezie's posts just to see if I can't get my own opinion. For the record vio please don't jump to conclusions about whom might have blocked you or taken upon any actions against you or others without proper evidence.

Wth strike? You really saying you want to hang a claimed cop? FOS

Do you see many cops lying 4 times before actually claiming he got a guilty result?
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 1 - A Day To Remember!

Postby strike wolf on Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:41 pm


freezie wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think it is getting close to replacement time for Campin :( although with such a big game, everyone is already in it so perhaps we need to lynch him or at least get an NK on him... At this point it is seeming more like a vanishing act than submarining though.

With how long this game took to fill, I doubt any replacement will come this as well kill out an inactive over an active..


Vote: CK

Voting the inactive.

freezie wrote:unvote

Vote: AoG

Target..Nice job. That is a case that's worth to follow, at least on day1.

Says his reason to vote's been taken away and then votes another inactive (admittedly the argument is a bit different but the point he is voting an inactive remains).

freezie wrote:Even if Nam said something, generally lovers don't know if their counterpart are town alligned or not.

And nam did post something.......2 words. In 2 posts. I say go for it.

Heck, I will go for it.

So, my apologies for defending shield at first. Now I am hammering him it seems XD

Vote: Shieldgenerator

Idk...again probably over thinking this but it does kind of sound like you're overly worried about being connected with shield possibly if shield turned up scum.

freezie wrote:Violet, I presented my reasons to vote saf, and my one word post was in answer to his question directed at me.
He asked if I had a better lead than inactives. I said saf was my lead.
Go back and read my last posts if you want a proof..
But since YOU asked a ''well presented case'' against you go:

safariguy5 wrote:Besides doing the easy thing and lynching shield, the other thing we could do is go for an inactive Day 1.


seem to be the least active, especially when we factor track record in. We could pressure activity out of one of them.

Here is his first post on day 1 that tries to pressure inactives. Granted, it'S day 1 so nothing out of the ordinary..However, keep in mind he mentioned ndrs back then. Ndrs has made a few good substances post afterward.

safariguy5 wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:yeah I'm a newbie and still trying to work on my "trolling" (I still don't quite understand that term, but I get the jist). Sorry if I'm not up to par yet, I'm still working my way up there.
I agree with Streaker about voting for the inactives. if they're never around they can't be of much help to the town.
Unvote Vote Campin_Killer
@Iliad - And why should I have to defend myself right now? It's still in the joke vote stage, although it appears it is coming out a bit.
To be honest, i don't get the case on Streaker. It doesn't seem he did anything scummy.
AoG, however, did 2 unusual things this game: he voted before the day scene AND tried to force the town from the joke vote stage. It seems very unusual, even for him, and although I can't tell thus far if he is scum because of it but I just wanted to point that out, maybe it's due to nervousness of being found out as a mafia member? IDK as of yet. Do you care to explain this AoG?

Trust me, it's 100% out of the joke vote stage at this point. The problem here is that CK not being around a lot is also somewhat true for other people. There's been a very uneven amount of participation in this game, and by no means is he the only person flying under the radar. But I'm willing to give shield a chance this time, and unvote vote Campin_Killer but I am keeping an eye on you right now.

Saf once again trying to divert attention from the current cases back to an inactive, CK.


safariguy5 wrote:I think a prod of AoG is in order and a replacement if possible. Lynching inactives Day 1 is less desirable in larger games I think because we definitely have more leads.

He has tried to get the pressure on inactive for half the day, then post that lynching an inactive is not desirable. Then, why, he is diverting all the attention on them?

safariguy5 wrote:Hmm, I thought I was voting for someone. Oh well. I really wanted to give shield a chance, I really did. But you can't use the noob card every single game you've played. With deadline approaching, I'd rather hear a claim from someone who's active than lynch an inactive and pray he's mafia.

vote shield

Again he's contradicting himself

In the meantime, I voted saf for trying to push us on pressuring Nam, who is clearly not allowed to talk today, and even if he were, we know something is up with him.

After saf realised that we would not bite on lynching nam, he goes back on trying to divert attention on inactives:

safariguy5 wrote:Well neither ndrs nor bleed green have posted since the start of Day 2. So I will FOS both of them for extended submarining.

Afterward...Realised I said that Saf pointed out Ndrs back on day 1? Look at him going here:

safariguy5 wrote:
ndrs wrote:Not trying make excuses, but I'm in a few games with C9 and was expecting him to be out for the week. Therefore, I didn't keep track of the thread. It's three in the morning, so I'll come back in the morning to read and post if I find anything that catches my attention.

BTW, not fair to single me out for "submarining", there is a few other names I can think of. This is how many pages I had to go back to find the last post from (sorry in advance if I miscounted or missed any posts ā€“ I'm tired):

ndrs 6 pages
illiad 8 pages
vioIet 9 pages
sheepofdumb 10pages
jeraado 11 pages
karelpietertje 17 pages

So why me safariguy4?

Quite frankly, because you haven't gotten a lot of experience and all of the people that you've listed have played mafia and I know they can be productive. This is what, the second game you've played and neither of them have you been particularly active or contributing very much.

I can tell you personally that I likd Ndrs' posts as of yet. They seem logical and offer substance..However saf has voted ndrs for the fact that he wasn't contributing.

safariguy5 wrote:[I wanted a post that actually has some substance to it. The simplest thing to do would be to take a stand on this Namliam issue. [...] I'm not asking for post quantity, I'm asking for post quality. 1 well presented case per day is much better than 10 fluff posts that give you the illusion of activity while saying nothing.

I cutted off most of the post as mine is long enough already...Here is saf ONCE AGAIN diverting our attention back to Nam, and also manipulating Ndrs to post in Saf's direction, by telling him that his posts have been fluff and of no quality. Personally, Ndrs' posts have had enough substance to look at, while saf simply throws the ball back on any other players' court.

Both Vio and Saf has now played the card that no '' well presented case'' have been showed..While they both don't. I beleive saf to be up to no good, and that's why I voted him and told him head on that he was my lead for today.

As far as Rodion's case....You either post a valid reason to ask, or you stop asking...for now you get my Fos for that

And I realised I vote saf without using color, so I'll fix that now Unvote Vote: Saf

To be fair. Safari has made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not vote for inactives seeking to lynch them so much as to try to get them to contribute. In his eye he didn't feel that ndrs had contributed adequately in his eyes. It also seems a bit like grasping at straws that you used the fact he mentioned ndrs in his first inactive list and voted him day 2. Also considering there are two inactives you voted day one I think the post is just a wee bit hypocritical.

freezie wrote:
VioIet wrote:Freezie is on this bandwagon, and if Rodion turns up town, I will make a note of that.

Yes, and then why not lynch everyone who was on on last day's waggon and everyone here aswell?

Everyone's on a townie's wagon is 100% defenitly scum
I am unmasked. Good Job vio, flawless case


I more or less beleive Rodion's claim, and anyway I won't unvote since that's a good way to verifying that claim.

Of course, however, I should unvote cause Vio will otherwise fall on me like a giant batcloud on a drip of blood.

Decisions decisions....

FoS Vio if I were a vig I would have my target tonight..

freezie wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:How is strike not the most suspicous? So you believe Rodion's evidence and yet still want to lynch him and pressure him rathter than Bleed who you agree is likely to be scum.

Explained. Skimming number 1 for you.

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:Your day 1 and early day 2 actions.

And I never said he wasn't. I said at the moment I don't think he is.

Never said I was following fircoal like a puppy dog either.

Saf asked you about this once (which you conveniently ignored), which actions are you referring to?

Explained for about 3 pages early day 2. Skimming number 2 for you

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:Either way it doesn't make sense in my eyes cause losing a prevent lynch on yourself power is nearly useless...we won't spend the whole damn game lynching you every days until you lose it..

You misunderstood, you later claimed. However, I would like to know what you are thinking. This statement borders on incomprehensibility, as do my word choices.

vote freezie

Know what I am thinking? Read back, I have been pretty open all day long. Skimming number 3 for you.

If this was baseball, you'd been eliminated.

You say doomyoshi skimmed over your explanation of why you felt saf was suspicious and not me but he provided your very quote attempting to explain it as the next part and you use it for your second example? I do not think you can even say you defended against his allegation as you didn't even really explain why you didn't find me suspicious you just said you didn't.

freezie wrote:EBWOP: My last post is all screwy. This one looks much better.

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:I had bolded unvote, not color unvoted. It has been fixed. Sorry that only 10% of the games I play required colors.

This is untrue. The post immediately before you said you were keeping your vote on Rodion. LAL.

vote freezie

freezie wrote:I completly misunderstood the part about your own lynch prevention, which confused me into thinking you could only used it on yourself.

changes a lot of things in my head now..


for the time being..

The post right after this one is the one that I told you you were ''out'' for skimming 3 times.


No, lynch the numerous times skimmer, trying to mislead the town with fake statements.

Vote: Doomyoshi

Now hold on. Doomyoshi didn't skim that he said he got that you later claimed to have misunderstood which means he did read the very post you accuse him of skimming.

freezie wrote:
safariguy5 wrote:
Fircoal wrote:
Rodion wrote:
freezie wrote: They had references. Everything I have said, I repeated it times and again for you. Read back the last 2 pages, where I said what I thought and rodion corrected me.


If this was baseball, you'd been out twice for 6 skimmings. :lol:

But since baseball's a 9-inning game he'd still have at least 1 more "at bat". ;)

Unless he got pitch hit for.

That would be "pinch hit" for btw Chu.

And yes, Target has been bandwagonning and fipflopping rather hard, but everyone seems willing to extend the noob leash, so I'm not going to press it. Also, could be construed as "jumping on the easy lynch" and I'm sure freezie would love another opportunity to revote me. :roll:

Nice try to paint me as the demon that would jump down your throat on any given occasion.

For instance, I'd easily see why you would vote target. He has been mind switching every couple of post.

And I never accused you of trying to find the easy lynch, my main stone in why I voted you earlier today is about how you contradicted yourself on day 1.

Maybe not directly but by saying he was going after inactives and the nam issue you were basically accusing him of the easy lynch issue.

freezie wrote:
VioIet wrote:
freezie wrote:Good job town =D>

Alright, I am here only for a small moment ( got a very busy day ahead: Driver's license, gf coming over and bunch of stupid work around the house ) but I'll re-read tonight and tomorow and see if something catches my eye...Or if strike has another stroke of genius :lol: . Anyway, I need to note something about someone who has been acting..yea, you know:

VioIet wrote:Freezie is on this bandwagon, and if Rodion turns up town, I will make a note of that.

Now that Rodion turned out to be a vampire, what do you have to say violet? Still hate me like you can't stand garlic? Or maybe you'll finally spit out what you've been hiding so well, well enough to prevent you to post anything most of the time?

I still say the same exact thing. You are dangerous for town.

Yea I know I am quite the danger in town..However I am not dangerous FOR the town. Slight wording mistake there ;)

Vote: Violet

I reread the thread a little and for now I'll set my eyes on Violet, who keeps acting scummier and scummier by the minute.

But, anyway:

FoS: Doomyoshi for speedy skimming
FoS: Safari for contradicting himself on his gaming behaviour

safariguy5 wrote:While I personally have no real love for freezie this game either, I haven't seen any real evidence to prove that he's scum. He presented a somewhat true case on me that made me at least back off a little bit, but besides that, not much that can really be considered scummy.

Dude...I said half of day 2 my only accusations that remained from me is the fact you CONTRADICTED yourself. true I said you were going for an easy lynch, especially against nam..But I backed off from that. I am neither Target nor Ndrs, mind you.

Hence why I am been focusing on other stuff...And well because going after the same guy a whole day without any other support from the town is useless.

But didn't you say you never accused him of going for the easy lynch?

Hopefully I didn't rush too much on this post but anyways looking back there does seem to be a legitimate case to put some suspicion on freezie.

I also looked back through vio's posts and the cadfael character. First it does look like vio became more tunnel visioned after day 2 started so a night 1 investigation could fit. The Cadfael character himself would fit into an investigation type role...

Edit before post: @edoc: no I am saying I thought it was a poorly played fake claim. With how it was pieced together with at least three lies including what appears to be a failed attempt at fake claiming I don't think that was unreasonable.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:46 pm

The problem with Vio is that she basically outed me and strike as masoned townies. This puts us in the crosshairs for third party/anti town recruitment as well as mafia and SK kills. So yes, I do think she played it poorly, forcing me to back up strike earlier than I wanted to. Am I convinced she's a cop, maybe, maybe not. I don't know where she got the strike killing information from, but she's traded apparently 1 guilty investigation for her role and 2 masoned townies, which is probably much more detrimental to town than it is to whatever scum faction freezie might be aligned to.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby strike wolf on Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:07 pm

Pretty much agree with safari (though I think we made it fairly clear we were aligned to anyone reading closely) and perhaps I did react. At this point I would have expected someone to have countered vio's claim as there would be at least one who'd be able to tell if she was lying if she was and considering what else has been brought up. vote freezie
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby VioIet on Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:57 pm

safariguy5 wrote:The problem with Vio is that she basically outed me and strike as masoned townies. This puts us in the crosshairs for third party/anti town recruitment as well as mafia and SK kills. So yes, I do think she played it poorly, forcing me to back up strike earlier than I wanted to. Am I convinced she's a cop, maybe, maybe not. I don't know where she got the strike killing information from, but she's traded apparently 1 guilty investigation for her role and 2 masoned townies, which is probably much more detrimental to town than it is to whatever scum faction freezie might be aligned to.

I understand what you are saying, and I agree that I did play this out poorly. However, technically, you never had to outright claim your role, and strike's role as well. My thinking that he was a roleblocker, really didn't detriment the town much by itself, imo. Roleblocker is a very common role. So I understand why you did claim- to prove that strike wasn't a roleblocker. However it probably wasn't absolutely necessary. My vote was on freezie, and not strike.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:04 pm

VioIet wrote:
safariguy5 wrote:The problem with Vio is that she basically outed me and strike as masoned townies. This puts us in the crosshairs for third party/anti town recruitment as well as mafia and SK kills. So yes, I do think she played it poorly, forcing me to back up strike earlier than I wanted to. Am I convinced she's a cop, maybe, maybe not. I don't know where she got the strike killing information from, but she's traded apparently 1 guilty investigation for her role and 2 masoned townies, which is probably much more detrimental to town than it is to whatever scum faction freezie might be aligned to.

I understand what you are saying, and I agree that I did play this out poorly. However, technically, you never had to outright claim your role, and strike's role as well. My thinking that he was a roleblocker, really didn't detriment the town much by itself, imo. Roleblocker is a very common role. So I understand why you did claim- to prove that strike wasn't a roleblocker. However it probably wasn't absolutely necessary. My vote was on freezie, and not strike.

If I hadn't claimed, you might have pursued strike on a later day. Bottom line is that you had circumstantial if any evidence that strike was a roleblocker, and you tried to pull him into your accusation of freezie. How hard would it have been to just said you got a guilty result on freezie and left it at that?
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby VioIet on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:12 pm

Saf, you said word for word- then i might have pursued strike another day. Then on the day I pursue strike, you can claim your role, but not the day before.

The reason I was so hostile towards strike is because he told someone to kill me, right before the night scene was posted. And then- miraculously- I am indeed targeted for a night kill- i believe even two of them. Maybe three. In addition, I am blocked. And who knows- someone else may have even tried to do something to me last night.


It is extremely annoying and frustrating to me when someone suggests that I be vig'd, not even knowing what my role is. Especially when I had been trying (albeit unsuccessfully) to find guilty info on a true scum all day long.

I was angry at strike for that, so I was quite verbal towards him today.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 2 - Deadline on June 7th.

Postby VioIet on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:20 pm

strike wolf wrote: Vio should be nked.

There it is. That is what he said.

strike wolf wrote: Vio hasn't contributed in a way I have found productive to town and thus her absense from the game I think would be an improvement in this case.

This was his reasoning to justify it. Fair enough, as I will admit i seemed scummy. I just couldn't find the proper bandwagon case for freezie. I wanted to do that without outing myself. But someone mentioned that I should always come out, if I get a guilty verdict, because there is no guarantee that I'll be around the next day. This is true, and the thing is, if Rodion had not been the main focus of yesterday, I probably would have.

However I knew that I went into night, holding that bit of information. And I wanted to make it back on Day 3, so I could tell-all. Thus why my response was:

VioIet wrote:Strike if you pursue this line of thought, I will be encouraged to make a case on you tomorrow.
NO, I should not be NK'd. That would be extremely detrimental. I don't even think that you should have suggested such a thing.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby strike wolf on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:37 pm

Yes vio. I did suggest that you or bleed should have been nked and I admit to being a bit surprised bleed made it through the night. I would probably suggest it again in a different game if you acted in this manner again. As far as you bringing me up today, admittedly I reacted emotionally as you did against me. I am willing to put this behind me if you can do the same.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby Iliad on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:58 pm

Vio could you stop the dramatisation? You weren't targeted night 1, and there is only one mention in the night 2 scene, not the three night kills you seem to imply. If what you said was true, there's at least 7 or so killing roles then.
3 who targeted you
Demon hunter who targeted the werewolf
Someone with a shield who targeted him
A wolf who targeted the Vampire
And the vampire I think might've targeted someone

Also don't try and pin this on strike. It was through your strange insistance on not coming out with a guilty result and isntead making meaningless cases agaisnt freezie that made him look more pro-town that you appeared scummy enough to to be a vig target.

Your subsequent and needless on strike has exposed two roles.

Also freezie, obviously nice try, but there isn't much you can do against a cop result.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:12 pm

Iliad wrote:Vio could you stop the dramatisation? You weren't targeted night 1, and there is only one mention in the night 2 scene, not the three night kills you seem to imply. If what you said was true, there's at least 7 or so killing roles then.
3 who targeted you
Demon hunter who targeted the werewolf
Someone with a shield who targeted him
A wolf who targeted the Vampire
And the vampire I think might've targeted someone

Also don't try and pin this on strike. It was through your strange insistance on not coming out with a guilty result and isntead making meaningless cases agaisnt freezie that made him look more pro-town that you appeared scummy enough to to be a vig target.

Your subsequent and needless on strike has exposed two roles.

Also freezie, obviously nice try, but there isn't much you can do against a cop result.

I did forget to vote, so

unvote vote freezie

All the same Vio, it's a good learning experience. In a game as large as this one, you can be certain there's at least 1 strong protective role.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby Commander9 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:26 pm


freezie (7) - vioiet, edoc, iliad, shaggy, yoshi, strike, safari L-3
vioiet (1) - freezie
TheSaxlad (1) - bleed
Got tonkaed
Strike Wolf
Bleed_Green (1) - target

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.
But... It was so artistically done.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby freezie on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:32 pm

I am STILL waiting on Vio answers to my question. When I get them, I will claim. Before then, I will not beleive she is pro town, cop or not.

And Iliad..Nice try, but while you guys aren't doing such a bad mistake, as I am not as useful ( yet ) to town, you are doing a bad mistake following someone caught in many lies..

Yes, I still beleive Vio to be a lyncher.

Now re-reading strike's post..
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 1 - A Day To Remember!

Postby freezie on Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:09 pm

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think it is getting close to replacement time for Campin :( although with such a big game, everyone is already in it so perhaps we need to lynch him or at least get an NK on him... At this point it is seeming more like a vanishing act than submarining though.

With how long this game took to fill, I doubt any replacement will come this as well kill out an inactive over an active..


Vote: CK

Voting the inactive.


strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:unvote

Vote: AoG

Target..Nice job. That is a case that's worth to follow, at least on day1.

Says his reason to vote's been taken away and then votes another inactive (admittedly the argument is a bit different but the point he is voting an inactive remains).

Inactive is only half the reason..the fact AoG joke voted himself, and left it at that, was the other half. Now however I know better about him.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:Even if Nam said something, generally lovers don't know if their counterpart are town alligned or not.

And nam did post something.......2 words. In 2 posts. I say go for it.

Heck, I will go for it.

So, my apologies for defending shield at first. Now I am hammering him it seems XD

Vote: Shieldgenerator

Idk...again probably over thinking this but it does kind of sound like you're overly worried about being connected with shield possibly if shield turned up scum.

If you look back, I defended shield for beeing a newbie back on day 1. Of course, he if turned out scum, that would have been bad news for me even though I simply wanted to give him some loose to learn. Anyhow that is my kind of post, saying something and doing it the line after-ish...somewhat.

strike wolf wrote:To be fair. Safari has made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not vote for inactives seeking to lynch them so much as to try to get them to contribute. In his eye he didn't feel that ndrs had contributed adequately in his eyes. It also seems a bit like grasping at straws that you used the fact he mentioned ndrs in his first inactive list and voted him day 2. Also considering there are two inactives you voted day one I think the post is just a wee bit hypocritical.

I cutted off my own quote and if anyone feels like verifying my words, feel free. Strike, I said times and again that my reasons to vote Saf was because he contradicted himself, not the fact he voted inactives.

strike wolf wrote:You say doomyoshi skimmed over your explanation of why you felt saf was suspicious and not me but he provided your very quote attempting to explain it as the next part and you use it for your second example? I do not think you can even say you defended against his allegation as you didn't even really explain why you didn't find me suspicious you just said you didn't

I have said enough on that matter against doom yesterday. And I stick to what I said. Second..I had no reasons and still doesn't to find you suspicious, hence why I find you not suspicious. Or do I really need reasons to find you not suspicious? In that case, I will ask you every reasons against all players currently in the game that you don't find suspicious.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:EBWOP: My last post is all screwy. This one looks much better.

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:I had bolded unvote, not color unvoted. It has been fixed. Sorry that only 10% of the games I play required colors.

This is untrue. The post immediately before you said you were keeping your vote on Rodion. LAL.
vote freezie

freezie wrote:I completly misunderstood the part about your own lynch prevention, which confused me into thinking you could only used it on yourself.

changes a lot of things in my head now..


for the time being..

The post right after this one is the one that I told you you were ''out'' for skimming 3 times.


No, lynch the numerous times skimmer, trying to mislead the town with fake statements.

Vote: Doomyoshi

Now hold on. Doomyoshi didn't skim that he said he got that you later claimed to have misunderstood which means he did read the very post you accuse him of skimming.

Read the quote in Pink from doomyoshi. Tell me where he said he aknowledged reading I missed my unvoting. He didn't. He simply looked at where the vote was without reading my post.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:Nice try to paint me as the demon that would jump down your throat on any given occasion.

For instance, I'd easily see why you would vote target. He has been mind switching every couple of post.

And I never accused you of trying to find the easy lynch, my main stone in why I voted you earlier today is about how you contradicted yourself on day 1.

Maybe not directly but by saying he was going after inactives and the nam issue you were basically accusing him of the easy lynch issue.

Wrong. He was going after inactives, and said going after inactives is not desirable. Yes the fact he voted inactives had something to do with it, but, like I said, that wasn't a big deal. I pointed out the contradiction.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:
VioIet wrote:
freezie wrote:Good job town =D>

Alright, I am here only for a small moment ( got a very busy day ahead: Driver's license, gf coming over and bunch of stupid work around the house ) but I'll re-read tonight and tomorow and see if something catches my eye...Or if strike has another stroke of genius :lol: . Anyway, I need to note something about someone who has been acting..yea, you know:

VioIet wrote:Freezie is on this bandwagon, and if Rodion turns up town, I will make a note of that.

Now that Rodion turned out to be a vampire, what do you have to say violet? Still hate me like you can't stand garlic? Or maybe you'll finally spit out what you've been hiding so well, well enough to prevent you to post anything most of the time?

I still say the same exact thing. You are dangerous for town.

Yea I know I am quite the danger in town..However I am not dangerous FOR the town. Slight wording mistake there ;)

Vote: Violet

I reread the thread a little and for now I'll set my eyes on Violet, who keeps acting scummier and scummier by the minute.

But, anyway:

FoS: Doomyoshi for speedy skimming
FoS: Safari for contradicting himself on his gaming behaviour

safariguy5 wrote:While I personally have no real love for freezie this game either, I haven't seen any real evidence to prove that he's scum. He presented a somewhat true case on me that made me at least back off a little bit, but besides that, not much that can really be considered scummy.

Dude...I said half of day 2 my only accusations that remained from me is the fact you CONTRADICTED yourself. true I said you were going for an easy lynch, especially against nam..But I backed off from that. I am neither Target nor Ndrs, mind you.

Hence why I am been focusing on other stuff...And well because going after the same guy a whole day without any other support from the town is useless.

But didn't you say you never accused him of going for the easy lynch?

Good point there. It's true I never said he was going for an easy lynch, and I dunno why I said so there. Except on Nam, of course, which I said it was easy as he was the second lover.

strike wolf wrote:I also looked back through vio's posts and the cadfael character. First it does look like vio became more tunnel visioned after day 2 started so a night 1 investigation could fit. The Cadfael character himself would fit into an investigation type role...

Looking back At vio's post, she voted me day 1 for pressuring streaker as he was prolonging a bandwaggon, said someone like she was busy then disapeared. She has been tunnelled vision on me since day 1. My Lyncher accusation still stands.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby freezie on Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:46 pm

EBWOP: Vio said SOMETHING, not someone.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 1 - A Day To Remember!

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:59 pm

freezie wrote:
strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:EBWOP: My last post is all screwy. This one looks much better.

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:I had bolded unvote, not color unvoted. It has been fixed. Sorry that only 10% of the games I play required colors.

This is untrue. The post immediately before you said you were keeping your vote on Rodion. LAL.
vote freezie

freezie wrote:I completly misunderstood the part about your own lynch prevention, which confused me into thinking you could only used it on yourself.

changes a lot of things in my head now..


for the time being..

The post right after this one is the one that I told you you were ''out'' for skimming 3 times.


No, lynch the numerous times skimmer, trying to mislead the town with fake statements.

Vote: Doomyoshi

Now hold on. Doomyoshi didn't skim that he said he got that you later claimed to have misunderstood which means he did read the very post you accuse him of skimming.

Read the quote in Pink from doomyoshi. Tell me where he said he aknowledged reading I missed my unvoting. He didn't. He simply looked at where the vote was without reading my post.

How could I be questioning WHICH POST you missed your unvoting in if I didn't read you saying that you missed it? Also, I didn't simply look at where your vote was. You will notice that this was after I doublechecked exactly where your vote was. Then, and now, you are trying to switch times around.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby VioIet on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:47 am

freezie wrote:Alright, I've been thinking this trought a little, I would like to hear from Vio why she beleives I have been involved in these 2 deaths. I haven't, and that ( alongside Strike's wrong claim from Vio ) is why I beleive she is outright lying. However, In case she isn't, I do have an idea ( remember the 5% :P ) why she could have gotten a guilty result on me, however it's obscure.

So, I want to know why you beleive I was involved first.

I think the answer is simple enough. I got a guilty on you which means that you are Mafia or some type of Serial Killer. Mafia is responsible for AOG's death-and you being mafia makes you responsible.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:50 am

VioIet wrote:
freezie wrote:Alright, I've been thinking this trought a little, I would like to hear from Vio why she beleives I have been involved in these 2 deaths. I haven't, and that ( alongside Strike's wrong claim from Vio ) is why I beleive she is outright lying. However, In case she isn't, I do have an idea ( remember the 5% :P ) why she could have gotten a guilty result on me, however it's obscure.

So, I want to know why you beleive I was involved first.

I think the answer is simple enough. I got a guilty on you which means that you are Mafia or some type of Serial Killer. Mafia is responsible for AOG's death-and you being mafia makes you responsible.

Actually, if you read that scene more closely, it says that the death was from a crossbow bolt, which hints strongly at the demon hunter. So it's not technically correct to say freezie was responsible for the death, but the guilty result speaks for itself.

I'm just saying that jumping to conclusions is not a good idea unless you're some sort of tracker or watcher Vio.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby Fircoal on Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:28 am

safariguy5 wrote:
VioIet wrote:
freezie wrote:Alright, I've been thinking this trought a little, I would like to hear from Vio why she beleives I have been involved in these 2 deaths. I haven't, and that ( alongside Strike's wrong claim from Vio ) is why I beleive she is outright lying. However, In case she isn't, I do have an idea ( remember the 5% :P ) why she could have gotten a guilty result on me, however it's obscure.

So, I want to know why you beleive I was involved first.

I think the answer is simple enough. I got a guilty on you which means that you are Mafia or some type of Serial Killer. Mafia is responsible for AOG's death-and you being mafia makes you responsible.

Actually, if you read that scene more closely, it says that the death was from a crossbow bolt, which hints strongly at the demon hunter. So it's not technically correct to say freezie was responsible for the death, but the guilty result speaks for itself.

I'm just saying that jumping to conclusions is not a good idea unless you're some sort of tracker or watcher Vio.

If she were a watcher or a tracker then wouldn't she know what went down and not have to jump to conclusions? Jumping to conclusions in general is a bad idea. Despite that I believe her but I'd like to hear Freezie before I vote because I believe he's at L-3.
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 1 - A Day To Remember!

Postby strike wolf on Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:01 am

freezie wrote:
strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think it is getting close to replacement time for Campin :( although with such a big game, everyone is already in it so perhaps we need to lynch him or at least get an NK on him... At this point it is seeming more like a vanishing act than submarining though.

With how long this game took to fill, I doubt any replacement will come this as well kill out an inactive over an active..


Vote: CK

Voting the inactive.


strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:unvote

Vote: AoG

Target..Nice job. That is a case that's worth to follow, at least on day1.

Says his reason to vote's been taken away and then votes another inactive (admittedly the argument is a bit different but the point he is voting an inactive remains).

Inactive is only half the reason..the fact AoG joke voted himself, and left it at that, was the other half. Now however I know better about him.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:Even if Nam said something, generally lovers don't know if their counterpart are town alligned or not.

And nam did post something.......2 words. In 2 posts. I say go for it.

Heck, I will go for it.

So, my apologies for defending shield at first. Now I am hammering him it seems XD

Vote: Shieldgenerator

Idk...again probably over thinking this but it does kind of sound like you're overly worried about being connected with shield possibly if shield turned up scum.

If you look back, I defended shield for beeing a newbie back on day 1. Of course, he if turned out scum, that would have been bad news for me even though I simply wanted to give him some loose to learn. Anyhow that is my kind of post, saying something and doing it the line after-ish...somewhat.
yeah I get that it's kind of why I suggested it to begin with. Either way fair enough I guess. I can more or less understand being connected to a player though I'm not convinced you would have been.

freeze wrote:
strike wolf wrote:To be fair. Safari has made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not vote for inactives seeking to lynch them so much as to try to get them to contribute. In his eye he didn't feel that ndrs had contributed adequately in his eyes. It also seems a bit like grasping at straws that you used the fact he mentioned ndrs in his first inactive list and voted him day 2. Also considering there are two inactives you voted day one I think the post is just a wee bit hypocritical.

I cutted off my own quote and if anyone feels like verifying my words, feel free. Strike, I said times and again that my reasons to vote Saf was because he contradicted himself, not the fact he voted inactives.
and you have contradicted yourself on that statement.

strike wolf wrote:You say doomyoshi skimmed over your explanation of why you felt saf was suspicious and not me but he provided your very quote attempting to explain it as the next part and you use it for your second example? I do not think you can even say you defended against his allegation as you didn't even really explain why you didn't find me suspicious you just said you didn't

I have said enough on that matter against doom yesterday. And I stick to what I said. Second..I had no reasons and still doesn't to find you suspicious, hence why I find you not suspicious. Or do I really need reasons to find you not suspicious? In that case, I will ask you every reasons against all players currently in the game that you don't find suspicious.

You don't necessarily need to state reasons to say you don't find someone suspicious but if someone questions you as to why and you haven't actually given an actual reason, for you to accuse them of skimming your reason that doesn't fit.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:EBWOP: My last post is all screwy. This one looks much better.

DoomYoshi wrote:
freezie wrote:I had bolded unvote, not color unvoted. It has been fixed. Sorry that only 10% of the games I play required colors.

This is untrue. The post immediately before you said you were keeping your vote on Rodion. LAL.
vote freezie

freezie wrote:I completly misunderstood the part about your own lynch prevention, which confused me into thinking you could only used it on yourself.

changes a lot of things in my head now..


for the time being..

The post right after this one is the one that I told you you were ''out'' for skimming 3 times.


No, lynch the numerous times skimmer, trying to mislead the town with fake statements.

Vote: Doomyoshi

Now hold on. Doomyoshi didn't skim that he said he got that you later claimed to have misunderstood which means he did read the very post you accuse him of skimming.

Read the quote in Pink from doomyoshi. Tell me where he said he aknowledged reading I missed my unvoting. He didn't. He simply looked at where the vote was without reading my post.
it had been in the quote above this one. Doomyoshi mentioned it when he first questioned you on your statement.

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:Nice try to paint me as the demon that would jump down your throat on any given occasion.

For instance, I'd easily see why you would vote target. He has been mind switching every couple of post.

And I never accused you of trying to find the easy lynch, my main stone in why I voted you earlier today is about how you contradicted yourself on day 1.

Maybe not directly but by saying he was going after inactives and the nam issue you were basically accusing him of the easy lynch issue.

Wrong. He was going after inactives, and said going after inactives is not desirable. Yes the fact he voted inactives had something to do with it, but, like I said, that wasn't a big deal. I pointed out the contradiction.
this point would be fair enough but...

strike wolf wrote:
freezie wrote:
VioIet wrote:
freezie wrote:Good job town =D>

Alright, I am here only for a small moment ( got a very busy day ahead: Driver's license, gf coming over and bunch of stupid work around the house ) but I'll re-read tonight and tomorow and see if something catches my eye...Or if strike has another stroke of genius :lol: . Anyway, I need to note something about someone who has been acting..yea, you know:

Now that Rodion turned out to be a vampire, what do you have to say violet? Still hate me like you can't stand garlic? Or maybe you'll finally spit out what you've been hiding so well, well enough to prevent you to post anything most of the time?

I still say the same exact thing. You are dangerous for town.

Yea I know I am quite the danger in town..However I am not dangerous FOR the town. Slight wording mistake there ;)

Vote: Violet

I reread the thread a little and for now I'll set my eyes on Violet, who keeps acting scummier and scummier by the minute.

But, anyway:

FoS: Doomyoshi for speedy skimming
FoS: Safari for contradicting himself on his gaming behaviour

safariguy5 wrote:While I personally have no real love for freezie this game either, I haven't seen any real evidence to prove that he's scum. He presented a somewhat true case on me that made me at least back off a little bit, but besides that, not much that can really be considered scummy.

Dude...I said half of day 2 my only accusations that remained from me is the fact you CONTRADICTED yourself. true I said you were going for an easy lynch, especially against nam..But I backed off from that. I am neither Target nor Ndrs, mind you.

Hence why I am been focusing on other stuff...And well because going after the same guy a whole day without any other support from the town is useless.

But didn't you say you never accused him of going for the easy lynch?

Good point there. It's true I never said he was going for an easy lynch, and I dunno why I said so there. Except on Nam, of course, which I said it was easy as he was the second lover.
I'm not buying the reasoning for which you say you contradicted yourself.

strike wolf wrote:I also looked back through vio's posts and the cadfael character. First it does look like vio became more tunnel visioned after day 2 started so a night 1 investigation could fit. The Cadfael character himself would fit into an investigation type role...

Looking back At vio's post, she voted me day 1 for pressuring streaker as he was prolonging a bandwaggon, said someone like she was busy then disapeared. She has been tunnelled vision on me since day 1. My Lyncher accusation still stands.

She didn't really echo her accusations as much in evry post as she did day 2. My statement stands and she still hasn't been counter claimed.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby strike wolf on Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:51 am

On a side note: jeraado. You've posted nine times in this game total and haven't posted in a month. I wouldn't have that much of a problem with it but basically every game I've played that you've been in has been the same. Please stop joining games if you don't plan on playing and don't bother signing up for any games I host. Thank you.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby edocsil on Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:22 pm

strike wolf wrote:On a side note: jeraado. You've posted nine times in this game total and haven't posted in a month. I wouldn't have that much of a problem with it but basically every game I've played that you've been in has been the same. Please stop joining games if you don't plan on playing and don't bother signing up for any games I host. Thank you.

Lol, he is in this game? Perhaps the Powers That Be would be so kind as to replace him.

Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.

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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby freezie on Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:57 pm

So vio, you assume I am connected to 2 different people death ( Including a werewolf ) simply cause you got a guilty result? I'll say it once again...This hyas lyncher written all over it. And I have an idea why.

Claim time:

I am Martin Luther, a priest who initiated the protestantism. Considering Cadfeal as a monk, I wouldn't be surprised that he would want my head.

I have only one small power, and that ( worded from my pm ) my faith is protecting me from turning into a vampire or werewolf, but I am not protected from them killing me.

Considering both originals of these are dead, it doesn't matter anymore, but they had the choice to kill OR recruit. At least from what I know.

Now about the 5% chance that Vio is nt lying ( as beeing the cop, that is...) is that I COULD be shown as guilty to her, considering my role. If there is another cop, I wouldn't know the result.

However my vote still stands as I strongly beleive she is a lyncher.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby Iliad on Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:02 pm

freezie wrote:So vio, you assume I am connected to 2 different people death ( Including a werewolf ) simply cause you got a guilty result? I'll say it once again...This hyas lyncher written all over it. And I have an idea why.

Claim time:

I am Martin Luther, a priest who initiated the protestantism. Considering Cadfeal as a monk, I wouldn't be surprised that he would want my head.

I have only one small power, and that ( worded from my pm ) my faith is protecting me from turning into a vampire or werewolf, but I am not protected from them killing me.

Considering both originals of these are dead, it doesn't matter anymore, but they had the choice to kill OR recruit. At least from what I know.

This strikes me as far too conveniently related to roles we've seen, which is a very usual sign of a fakeclaim.

Freezie's trying too hard to justify being a miller and a lynchee, as well as believable in the circumstances.

The lyncher possibility is always there for cop claims, but since Vio hasn't been counter-claimed, and the rather poor claim, I'm rather inclined to believe that freezie is still scum.

Face it freezie, talking town out of a cop result is basically impossible.
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Re: [UNKNOWN] Mafia Day 3 - Divina Commedia.

Postby freezie on Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:19 pm

Except I have been facing vio as lyncher for, 2 days. :roll:
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