In 959 the young king Edwig died suddenly, leaving his younger brother as his only heir. But the succession was not automatic, as the country was still not stable and there were many who would prefer to see someone more experienced on the throne. At the witenagenamot two older earls were brought up as candidates to the throne, Athelstan Half-King's son Athelwald, and Edric of Washington.
Meanwhile, Jarnkne was ruling in York, and the Danes in the east were becoming increasing difficult to control.
This tournament will be 1v1, single elimination on the map of England. The first two rounds will be single games, after that the quarter finals will be best of three, semi finals best of five and finals best of seven.
When signing up please state which royal claimant you support. (Edgar, Athelwald or Edric)
If you know of any other personalities from the era that you feel could enter in to the story, you are very welcome to play for them (like for instance, an invasion by the Scottish king.).

List of Kings of England