You may call it flaming (though you'd be wrong). Some may call it exposing.
Here are some examples from the recent THOTA-KORT challenge:
Game 8293313 2011-01-16 12:14:18 - #1_stunna: josko this turn
Note: this was stunna's first turn in an unlimited fort game, and if there's one common thread in the games in question, it's that the game had either a complex map or unlimited forts. There's also some question of account sitters joining games with stunna's account during that period.
Game 8055674 2010-12-17 12:50:56 - agonzos: clock running down. josko this turn
Note: gonzo was able to play the following turns within the 24 hours:
Game 8086325 2010-12-16 13:36:37 - agonzos received 3 troops for 7 regions
Game 8054787 2010-12-16 22:59:12 - agonzos received 3 troops for 7 regions
Game 8055861 2010-12-16 23:26:32 - agonzos received 3 troops for 11 regions
Plus there was a ton of sitting for
poguemahone in the first round (december), by josko and various other cows.