Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
arkansania wrote:I find the following comment very insulting. Just because of my sexual orientation I shouldn't have to put up the derogatory name calling.
2011-05-24 13:29:58 - doktur_conkur: like the fagbath you are
doktur_conkur wrote:arkansania is outright and brazenly lying about the situation at hand.
Please read the game chat. It starts with wogreen calling me a fagboat out of nowhere. I return fire with the same name mocking their inappropriate attitude. Later, mtatman then calls me a fagboat to which I replied with that line arkansania posted there; if you read the chatlog it is very obvious that I am replying to mtatman.
I'm the insulted and offended one here; these fratboys don't realize what kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis.
TheForgivenOne wrote:doktur_conkur wrote:arkansania is outright and brazenly lying about the situation at hand.
Please read the game chat. It starts with wogreen calling me a fagboat out of nowhere. I return fire with the same name mocking their inappropriate attitude. Later, mtatman then calls me a fagboat to which I replied with that line arkansania posted there; if you read the chatlog it is very obvious that I am replying to mtatman.
I'm the insulted and offended one here; these fratboys don't realize what kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis.
Just because YOU had bigotry thrown at you, doesn't make it right for you to throw it right back at him.
by arkansania
on Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 am
what? you not want to play with us gimp?
2011-05-25 08:26:02 - bhoward1978: Yes Shiv, my favorite was Pulp Fiction, The Musical. We should keep the Dok as our gimp.
2011-05-25 08:29:15 - wogreen: think he knows the rusty trombone?
2011-05-23 17:18:44 - wogreen: plus the dude is acting like a complete gayboat
2011-05-24 07:50:13 - mtatman: Yes, I agree to gang bang this gayboat
2011-05-24 23:16:30 - ShivDogg: ...i will pay him to be in all our games going forward just for the laugh factor. pls. i have enough money to buy you and keep you as a pet. ...
2011-05-25 09:33:38 - arkansania: well..... He came out of the closet huh. I think the mention of the gag ball is what did it.
2011-05-25 09:54:12 - Eudora: Holy Shit guys! No wonder he wants us to gang-bang him. Lets give him a rogering that would make Richard Simmons wince.
2011-05-25 13:44:35 - arkansania: Hey doktur - wanna form an alliance?
2011-05-25 18:50:47 - Eudora: A butthole ... Alliance?
2011-05-29 09:12:42 - tennischamp5: This might be the funniest chat I've ever seen in a game log - could not stop laughing reading it; thanks for the entertainment guys :p
doktur_conkur wrote:I'll leave that up to the moderator to decide. The very nature of having 5 friends playing together with outsiders means there's no need for them to actively hammer or spear into anyone suspiciously; they can whittle away at their leisure. I'm sure if we looked at their games where they played together we'd see that at least one of them won and that they were always the last 5/"x" number of players standing.
As far as suspicious gameplay, just prior to their truce being called mtatman's(pink) holdings in the lower-left corner were hugging wogreen's (cyan) continents yet he persisted in attacking undeveloped regions on my border in the upper-rigth corner; attacking into wogreen's thin defenses would have easily gained him a foothold yet he threw troops away on me for at least two full turns when no statement of intent to truce had been stated. All this while wogreen had a higher troop bonus coming.
2011-05-30 14:49:47 - wogreen: should we beat you in or would you rather be sexed in?
doktur_conkur wrote:2011-05-29 09:12:42 - tennischamp5: This might be the funniest chat I've ever seen in a game log - could not stop laughing reading it; thanks for the entertainment guys :p
Do I sense some bias? I'd hate to think forum-defined Bigotry is lauded here.
tennischamp5 wrote:doktur_conkur wrote:2011-05-29 09:12:42 - tennischamp5: This might be the funniest chat I've ever seen in a game log - could not stop laughing reading it; thanks for the entertainment guys :p
Do I sense some bias? I'd hate to think forum-defined Bigotry is lauded here.
That was an honest statement; not meant to be any sort of bigotry. The whole chat log is blown so out of proportion that it's funny, no offense meant. Both sides are provoking each other equally. I'm completely uninvolved in this; don't know any of you, just pointing out what I see.
I see you still refuse to take my advice and stop talking in the chat. They're still only messing with you because you keep responding. Try not responding to their insults and comments, and if they're still continuing without any provoking, then you might also have a case.
Finally, if they're holding you hostage (bringing you down to one region but not killing you repeatedly), then you have a legitimate case, as that is against the cc rules.
king sam wrote:really? pot meet kettle..
You can say what you want and try to twist the situation anyway you want but the game log and chat log speak for themselves.
It was clear you were the troop leader and ponying up your "tactical" advice on others turns in the open, like you were an expert. That tends to rub some the wrong way, and can get undue attention on yourself. The game chat area is just as much a territory to be won as the ones on the map. You lost that bonus in a big way by running your mouth and pissing people off.
Sure teal offered up the first prize in chat with saying you were acting like a gayboat, but only after you accused them of SD, and after he said that you said plenty in return in your rebuttals. (1 example being "raping each other's backsides") You continue on throughout the game...
If you cant take the heat get your ass out of the kitchen.. Calling names to someone else and then running to the forums to cry about how you were wronged by someone "flaming" you shows nothing but your ass.
You had a stronghold on the game and expected it to turn out one way only to see it crushed by others joining forces against you. It happens to everyone, should be used as a learning experience. Don’t get too strong too fast or use the game chat area to draw attention to others so you can grow in strength. As far as flaming, all of you had colorful words to say, and I do thank you cause that was an enjoyable 10 minutes of laughter reading that game chat, but best bet for you all is to FOE & RATE ACCORDINGLY & MOVE ON.
Unless you can find other games in which these friends were aligning themselves together for the good of one another then you have no case here. They made a clear alliance in open chat, and just because they are RL friends doesn’t make it any less justifiable. And the name calling, really, your just as guilty if not more so for that. I suggest you FAMO.
doktur_conkur wrote:Supposedly "inflaming pseudo-expert advice" is one thing but when it turns out the moves I was commenting on were directly related to uncovering a multi/accountsitter and collusive gang-playing I shouldn't have to pay for it by suffering the zero-star ratings of five players.
Abusive language is also another thing but when people are tossing around the equivalent of 'nigger' and 'spic' and 'gook' and you're on the other end of it? Not good. That's why there's a definition for Bigotry in this forum. Returning "regular abusive language" is, as you've pointed out, within the bounds of fairplay and shouldn't discount the weight of their Bigotry and charges of Cheating.
And no, the game-log doesn't speak for itself. You can't possibly get a picture of the board from only looking at who hit whom. (I'm hoping the admins can roll back visual representations of game states turn by turn.)
2011-05-23 17:12:01 - bhoward1978: everyone should probably take a look at the doktur, he needs to be assaulted from all sides or we're all screwed
Just cause these guys are real life friends doesnt make them aligning against you wrong. They had a good reason, and you continued to give them more reasons by the game chat. They may or may not be multi's, you may get lucky.. but I doubt it. Foe them, move on and learn from this experience.
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