Moderator: Tech Team
Dako wrote:I do not see the flashing in 1.7.0 when someone is less than XX time on the counter. I use ubuntu 10.10 and firefox 3.6
Dako wrote:Ok I will give it another try. None are low at time at the moment so I do not have results yet.
douitashimashite wrote:does it work with chrome ?
Herbas wrote:is it just mine pc/internet, but lately the notified consistenly fails to auto-refresh game statuses. That black rolling wheel keeps being shown until I do a manual refresh. It happens like 15-20 times a day. I have set reload time to 30s. Maybe it's too frequent and CC servers start to block me?
Leehar wrote:Idk, It's always been like that. Could you perhaps show me a snap of yours so I can know what it's actually supposed to look like?
Edit: Cancel that, forgot it was in the OP. I really can't understand why it doesn't show up then. Perhaps I have too many ready?
SirSebstar wrote:or the new firefox is not compatiable with your tool
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