Round 1-4. Auto, Sequential, Chained,Sunny. 32 players split into 4 groups of 8. Each group plays in 1 v 1 single elimination matches till only one player remains. Round 5.Auto Sequential, Chained, Foggy. The 4 remaining players will play 4 games against each other in a mini round robin. 3 sets of 4 games. These games will be given a point value. The one with the highest points at the end of the round wins the tourney. 3 points for winning on your opponents spoils. (The player you are playing at the time). 2 points on winning on the other spoils. (The players you are not playing at that time). 1 point for winning on your own spoils. (Your chosen spoils). Any tie at the end will be decided by win totals (overall).
Premium only folks. 98% turns taken. 100+ Games Played. Remember to choose your spoils when entering. If you do not, I will place you in the group with the least amount of players at that time.