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Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby Evil DIMwit on Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:14 pm

The XML is at the same spot as always:
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby patrickaa317 on Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:34 pm

If someone owns a homerun ball, and all the pitchers have been bombarded by the mound. Isn't the game stuck? The only access point to the HR balls is Babe, and the only access point to Babe is from the pitchers but there is no way to enter the pitching, only a way to bombard them.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby kmhebert on Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:49 pm

patrickaa317 wrote:If someone owns a homerun ball, and all the pitchers have been bombarded by the mound. Isn't the game stuck? The only access point to the HR balls is Babe, and the only access point to Babe is from the pitchers but there is no way to enter the pitching, only a way to bombard them.

No, it's OK, you just have to go for a "hold all bases" win instead of an elimination win.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby patrickaa317 on Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:53 pm

kmhebert wrote:
patrickaa317 wrote:If someone owns a homerun ball, and all the pitchers have been bombarded by the mound. Isn't the game stuck? The only access point to the HR balls is Babe, and the only access point to Babe is from the pitchers but there is no way to enter the pitching, only a way to bombard them.

No, it's OK, you just have to go for a "hold all bases" win instead of an elimination win.

I knew I should have just asked in game chat... :oops:

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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby gStrong on Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:40 am

Did the starting. Armies/positions change? I'm in a game where we only started with 3 pitchers and only 1 had 12 to start
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:39 am

gStrong wrote:Did the starting. Armies/positions change? I'm in a game where we only started with 3 pitchers and only 1 had 12 to start

Manual deployment?
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby Kiko13 on Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:33 am

I think when the HR ball bonuses got changed they got screwed up.

Home Run (2) a Home Run with one base (4) a Home Run with two bases (6) a Home Run with three bases (8)

It looks like its counting the same bonus multiple times. If I have a HR and 3 bases, shouldn't that be 2 for the HR ball and 6 for the 3 bases (not including the 2 I'm already getting for a base) for a total of 8? The above shows I'm getting 20 for that scenario.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby natty dread on Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:13 pm

Ok... evil has forgotten overrides from the bonuses.

I took the liberty of making a fix to it... hope it's ok with evil_d.

fixed baseball xml
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby tvremote on Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:43 pm

Hey guys, I was playing a game on this map and noticed that for some reason I could not attack from LD2 to Mike. On the map it looks as though those territories would connect, so perhaps there is some problem or perhaps I am being dense. Either way you might want to take a look at that. Or tell me I'm dense. Just thought I'd let you know.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby MrBenn on Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:53 pm

Please could one of the mapmakers double check the map images and the xml, and part the correct and up to date links... I thought the borders had been fixed, but am not sure where things are? I've had a message from lack that an update has gone live, but am not sure of these latest bugs are pre or post that update?
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby gStrong on Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:24 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:
gStrong wrote:Did the starting. Armies/positions change? I'm in a game where we only started with 3 pitchers and only 1 had 12 to start

Manual deployment?

Yes first time using manual
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby natty dread on Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:42 am

MrBenn wrote:Please could one of the mapmakers double check the map images and the xml, and part the correct and up to date links... I thought the borders had been fixed, but am not sure where things are? I've had a message from lack that an update has gone live, but am not sure of these latest bugs are pre or post that update?

The XML in my previous post is correct. The current live images are correct.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby carlpgoodrich on Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:27 am

gStrong wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:
gStrong wrote:Did the starting. Armies/positions change? I'm in a game where we only started with 3 pitchers and only 1 had 12 to start

Manual deployment?

Yes first time using manual

I just started a game (Game 8970227, but foggy). Its 4 player auto initial troops, and one of my pitchers started with 12 and one only 3. Appears to be the same problem gStrong saw.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby natty dread on Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:03 am

Ok, I checked and it seems the pitchers haven't been coded neutral. Evil_d needs to decide what neutral amount the non-starting pitchers will start with, then it can be added to the xml.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby Evil DIMwit on Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:23 pm

Really should have been more careful there. Well, I put in the overrides and coded the pitchers neutral. The adjustments don't quite look like Natty's because I like the idea of having the two home run bonuses on separate lines in the game log, just from an organizational point of view. As usual, the file is at

tvremote wrote:Hey guys, I was playing a game on this map and noticed that for some reason I could not attack from LD2 to Mike.

That should be fixed as well. Try it again.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby natty dread on Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:28 pm

Evil DIMwit wrote:
tvremote wrote:Hey guys, I was playing a game on this map and noticed that for some reason I could not attack from LD2 to Mike.

That should be fixed as well. Try it again.

... after the new xml is uploaded, that is ;)

Evil DIMwit wrote:The adjustments don't quite look like Natty's because I like the idea of having the two home run bonuses on separate lines in the game log, just from an organizational point of view.

It's a matter of taste... I usually think it best to minimize the entries to game log from a single bonus entity... but your way has it's merits too, and of course it's your map and your choice to make :)
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby nudge on Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:58 am

Just started a Freestyle game doubles and one pitcher had 12 and the other had 3 ?

The game is foggy. I can only hope that this is the same for all players in the game. :?

Game 8915293
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby iancanton on Sun May 01, 2011 6:17 am

this is the same for all players. in games that are created after lack has uploaded the new xml (which i hope will be soon), each player will start with exactly 12 troops on a single pitcher, with all other pitchers being neutral.

ian. :)
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby mr. CD on Sun May 01, 2011 11:06 am

iancanton wrote:this is the same for all players. in games that are created after lack has uploaded the new xml (which i hope will be soon), each player will start with exactly 12 troops on a single pitcher, with all other pitchers being neutral.

ian. :)

And 5 on two other pitchers in 1v1. Is this going to stay this way or just a flaw? Since I think it makes it impossible to win without starting this way.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby natty dread on Sun May 01, 2011 11:43 am

It's a flaw. Everyone should start with one pitcher with leftover pitchers neutral.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby MrBenn on Mon May 02, 2011 10:05 am

The xml has been updated. Lets see how things are now ;)
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby KraphtOne on Mon May 02, 2011 10:18 am

was going to post that i only have 1 pitcher now, but apparently that's what you're going for... which makes no sense... but oh well guess i don't have much use for the "better roll well on your first try" baseball map anymore... gl w/that
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby mr. CD on Mon May 02, 2011 2:28 pm

Haven't played it that much yet, but as far as I see it there is absolutely no reason to move out before the opponent does at the moment. (or at least in 1v1)
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby osujacket on Mon May 02, 2011 8:26 pm

IVe played this map alot of times in 1v1. I liked the one with 12 one with 5 and one with 5 best. You have options on how much you can move where to place them. That was great.

Only getting one pitcher is horrible. You better never move first, the entire game is decided on one roll. The home run is taken out of play. I wont continue to play this one the way it is now.

I really really hope you consider changing it back.

Please Please Please...
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

Postby Evil DIMwit on Mon May 02, 2011 9:12 pm

osujacket wrote:IVe played this map alot of times in 1v1. I liked the one with 12 one with 5 and one with 5 best. You have options on how much you can move where to place them. That was great.

Only getting one pitcher is horrible. You better never first first the way it is as the entire game is decided on one roll. The home run is taken out of play. I wont continue to play this one on one the way it is now.

I really really hope you consider changing it back.

Please Please Please...

You know, it hadn't occurred to me, but other than the fact that there's no warning or thematic justification for it, having the pitchers arranged that way for 2-player games doesn't sound so bad.
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