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Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

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Re: Blitzaholic & Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Denise on Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:30 am

eddie2 wrote:
Pedronicus wrote:
king achilles wrote:

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for my "local police station" remark

It would be nice, if you also apologised for not investigating the case properly in the first instance as well. the local police station remark is pretty much a standard shitty response from you. Your attitude towards paying customers is why my colonel icon is now blue.

Pedronicus give him a break please. i think he was getting enough in the e tickets and that post was letting off steam a little bit. i will guess it was king a and andy that reopened the case together. and the right thing has been done in the end. i am sure king a would take it back we all blow our lids every now and then. and don't forget the usual suspects that caused the original c and a report to be blocked so we could not produce all the evidence.

I agree with Eddie. Pedro, your remark is ungracious. Were you to humble yourself and make an apology for a remark you made, is this how you would hope it be received? The mods are simply volunteers who are willing to spend some of their time to help the game. They deserve respect and appreciation for their efforts.
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby leolou2 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:18 pm

Here's to say I am glad all you ass's got what you wanted and you have a new leader that has not played more games than Blitz has won and you also made my mind up after 5 years paying to play has come to an end so here is a BIG one for you outstanding computer game players that hide behind their bullshit which we can smell so you cant hide from us and none of you deserve such a honor as Blitz had and as far as I am concerned should still have . So bring it on boys and when you grow up not :lol: then you might see your misguided ways . So all that said 1 last tribute to a great player . Blitz it was a honor to team with you I learned more in the few games we had than I learned from anyone else except when I teamed with roadwarrior years ago ,so my hats off to you and when the smoke settles we will triumph over all . =D> :lol: 8-)
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby eddie2 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:36 pm

leolou2 wrote:Here's to say I am glad all you ass's got what you wanted and you have a new leader that has not played more games than Blitz has won and you also made my mind up after 5 years paying to play has come to an end so here is a BIG one for you outstanding computer game players that hide behind their bullshit which we can smell so you cant hide from us and none of you deserve such a honor as Blitz had and as far as I am concerned should still have . So bring it on boys and when you grow up not :lol: then you might see your misguided ways . So all that said 1 last tribute to a great player . Blitz it was a honor to team with you I learned more in the few games we had than I learned from anyone else except when I teamed with roadwarrior years ago ,so my hats off to you and when the smoke settles we will triumph over all . =D> :lol: 8-)

wait there a min leolou what has blitz actually taught you hum you have played how many games over how long a period with him and are still sarg 1st class. I know how much of a honour it must be for you to constantly kiss his ar** but really you come hear slagging us off when you are guilty of abusing a players account that trusted you for more than 4 weeks between the 2 of you. If that is what the top player on the site does fair enough but why should him and his worshipers like you get off with doing this. 5 years on site you should of known better.
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Re: Blitzaholic & Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Pedronicus on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:30 pm

Denise wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
Pedronicus wrote:
king achilles wrote:

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for my "local police station" remark

It would be nice, if you also apologised for not investigating the case properly in the first instance as well. the local police station remark is pretty much a standard shitty response from you. Your attitude towards paying customers is why my colonel icon is now blue.

Pedronicus give him a break please. i think he was getting enough in the e tickets and that post was letting off steam a little bit. i will guess it was king a and andy that reopened the case together. and the right thing has been done in the end. i am sure king a would take it back we all blow our lids every now and then. and don't forget the usual suspects that caused the original c and a report to be blocked so we could not produce all the evidence.

I agree with Eddie. Pedro, your remark is ungracious. Were you to humble yourself and make an apology for a remark you made, is this how you would hope it be received? The mods are simply volunteers who are willing to spend some of their time to help the game. They deserve respect and appreciation for their efforts.

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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Bruceswar on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:30 pm

eddie2 wrote:has nobody else thought how sus it is rabitron comes back just after blitz was removed from conquerer his last game was 29th december.Game 7990747 and his wall was said to be deactive by foxglove on the 30 jan thats 3 months difference of not being on site.

i do hope this was not one of his sitters starting a game to get him on top.

In one word eddie... Hell no.. Rabbit is still a CC junkie even if he is not playing games. He still checks CC and the like. What a better way to come back up top. :)
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Mageplunka69 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:13 pm

it does not matter, once blitz comes back and pays, hes on top again it is temporary fun on top
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:21 pm

leolou2 wrote:Here's to say I am glad all you ass's got what you wanted and you have a new leader that has not played more games than Blitz has won and you also made my mind up after 5 years paying to play has come to an end so here is a BIG one for you outstanding computer game players that hide behind their bullshit which we can smell so you cant hide from us and none of you deserve such a honor as Blitz had and as far as I am concerned should still have . So bring it on boys and when you grow up not :lol: then you might see your misguided ways . So all that said 1 last tribute to a great player . Blitz it was a honor to team with you I learned more in the few games we had than I learned from anyone else except when I teamed with roadwarrior years ago ,so my hats off to you and when the smoke settles we will triumph over all . =D> :lol: 8-)

Oh hi Blitz. How ya doin'?
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby seechster on Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:10 pm

Is there any action put into place for him to start another account?? Would he do that?? I dont know just asking.
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Night Strike on Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:23 pm

Hey everyone, it's a 1 month ban, not a permanent one. He'll be back in a month if he chooses to return to the site. And he'll return to premium status as well (without having to buy back).
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Re: Blitzaholic, Jobiwan -- Redux

Postby Johnny Rockets on Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:24 pm

leolou2 wrote:Here's to say I am glad all you ass's got what you wanted and you have a new leader that has not played more games than Blitz has won and you also made my mind up after 5 years paying to play has come to an end so here is a BIG one for you outstanding computer game players that hide behind their bullshit which we can smell so you cant hide from us and none of you deserve such a honor as Blitz had and as far as I am concerned should still have . So bring it on boys and when you grow up not :lol: then you might see your misguided ways . So all that said 1 last tribute to a great player . Blitz it was a honor to team with you I learned more in the few games we had than I learned from anyone else except when I teamed with roadwarrior years ago ,so my hats off to you and when the smoke settles we will triumph over all . =D> :lol: 8-)

Hey I need a sitter at the end of next week.

Can you help me out?
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