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JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Winner- HighlanderAttack)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (September 13-22)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:08 am

Aalmeida (Reds) has quit CC, so he's being replaced by jwithington

Just sent a reminder to Tucktovich (marlins), if he doesn't join in 24 hours he will be replaced as well
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (September 13-22)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:33 am

jrh_cardinal wrote:Aalmeida (Reds) has quit CC, so he's being replaced by jwithington

Just sent a reminder to Tucktovich (marlins), if he doesn't join in 24 hours he will be replaced as well

jwithington declined, but Sniper08 has agreed to replace Aalmeida

Tucktovich will be replaced, still waiting on a replacement
edit- my bad, I guess Tucktovich eventually joined
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (September 13-22)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:22 am

last set of games coming soon

Here's a playoff update though (full standings in 1st post):
show: AL

show: NL
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:31 am

I made a mistake way earlier in the season regarding a game between the Orioles and the Twins. In real life, there was a game between these two teams that was rained out, then made up the next day. The stupid people at ESPN who post the schedules kept both the rained out (original) game, and the make up game on their schedule, so both stayed in my schedule, and the two CC players played 2 games when they should have only played 1.

The games were Game 7102189 and Game 7102190. Since the two players split the games on CC, I'm having them play another make up game to decide who wins the game in the CC tourney.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:46 am

This one I'm not entirely sure how it happened :P . I just totally missed 2 games (August 20 and 21) between the Tigers and the Indians. They are getting those two now as well.

PS- This waiting until the end to troubleshoot (when every team should have 162 games, so it should be easier), seemed like a really good idea, until now :x
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:12 am

All AL teams now have their last regular games, including the remakes.

There are several other teams in the AL that have more than 162 games. These are all because of the problem transitioning to the Oakland A's replacement, in early to mid August (in the MLB season). For all AL teams with more than 162 games, somewhere between August 4 and August 22 they have duplicates (same label), the earlier game(s) have the wrong participants. Only the later set count.

I probably won't send NL games until tomorrow night.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:30 pm

There are also 2 problem spots in the NL. Both were due to rainouts where both the rained out game and the make up game were kept on the ESPN schedule.

Marlins and Rockies
Game 7030986 and Game 7030987
Both were won by the Marlins, so it counts as one (1) Marlins win.

Dodgers and Mets
Game 7087885 and Game 7087887
Each team won one of the games, so I'm sending out a remake to determine who gets the win for this tournament

That's it with fixes from earlier in the season. Every team not mentioned in one of the five problems (four current situations and the A's switchover in August) has 162 games, and the teams involved in the problems have 162 games counting in the tournament standings.

NL games are all made, PMs will be finished and sent out within an hour
edit- done
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:51 am

looks like 4 people aren't going to join their games. I'm sending out personal requests now for reserves.

At least 1 of these 4 may not have any games that affect the playoffs. If that is the case (I'll know more as more games finish), I may not use a reserve for that team since they won't affect the continuation of the tournament
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:20 pm

I know Seattle is important because it effects both regular and wild card races
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:17 pm

HighlanderAttack wrote:I know Seattle is important because it effects both regular and wild card races

Yep, sending two out today. One of the last two I don't think I have to replace, other one will, asking two new people today.

iamkoolerthanu will be Seattle
jigger1986 will be Oakland

need to replace San Diego
probably won't replace Florida
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Tue May 03, 2011 11:07 pm

Definitely need to get someone in as the Padres
Definitely don't need someone to be the Marlins
I will post full photobucket standings when all games are complete

playoffs update:
show: AL

show: NL
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Wed May 04, 2011 9:19 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:notes:
Definitely need to get someone in as the Padres
Definitely don't need someone to be the Marlins
I will post full photobucket standings when all games are complete

Decius Mus is joining the Padres games right now

Update for NL Playoffs:
alaskanassassin (Phillies) won his last game, so he gets the #1 seed over shipmthisway (Diamondbacks).

This means, if SOAB69 (Mets) is the Wild Card, the First Round series are:
Central Winner (Cubs/Reds) @ Phillies
Mets @ Diamondbacks

If Sniper08 (Reds) is the Wild Card, the First Round series are:
Reds @ Phillies
Cubs @ Diamondbacks

edit- not sure if I've said this anywhere, but I'm saying it now. There will be NO reserves used in the playoffs. If anyone does not join and I can't get in contact with them in a reasonable amount of time, they forfeit and their opponent advances to the next round.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri May 06, 2011 10:31 pm

Time for another update:

iamkoolerthanu takes the #1 seed for sure, nothing else changes

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-58) - 2 active
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63)

home field advantage for ALCS-
1. Mariners
2. Blue Jays
3. Indians

trenchcoat locks up the central as soon as he finishes me off in Game 8939246
so now the 3 divisions are all decided:
East- Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62)
Central- Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active
West- Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62)

Wild Card Standings:
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70)
Reds, Sniper08 (90-69) - 3 active
Sniper holds the tiebreaker, so he has to win at least 2 of the 3 games below to take the Wild Card
Game 8939308
Game 8939309
Game 8939310

homefield advantage for NLCS:
1. Phillies
2. Diamondbacks
3. Cubs

Reminder: The NL winner has home field advantage in the World Series because the NL won the All Star Game
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 07, 2011 5:29 pm

Playoffs Time!!!

Sniper only won 1 of the 3 games, so the NL Wild Card is SOAB69.

There are still 10 games active, some of which involve playoff teams, but they can't change who makes the playoffs or the seeding within the playoffs. So the playoffs start now :D , I'll post final regular season standings when all of those are done/decided beyond any reasonable doubt

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-60)
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63)

Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active @ Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62)
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70) @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62)

games will be out later tonight
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Sept. 23-Oct. 3, end of seas

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 07, 2011 9:15 pm

jrh_cardinal wrote:games will be out later tonight

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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Thu May 12, 2011 3:27 pm

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-60) - 3-0 to the Mariners (2 games active)
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63) - 3-2 to the Blue Jays

Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active @ Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62) - 3-2 to the Cubs
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70) @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 1-1 (3 games active)

The two top seeds, the Mariners and the Blue Jays, advance in the AL. Congrats to the Cubs for knocking off the top seeded Phillies in the NL. I'll wait for the Mets/Dbacks series to finish before sending the next round.

Next round are 7 game series
ALCS: Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Mariners, iamkoolerthanu (102-60)
NLCS: Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 2 active vs. Mets, SOAB69 or Diamondbacks, shipmthisway -- if Mets win, Cubs have home field advantage. If D'Backs win, they have home field.
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Thu May 12, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby alaskanassassin on Thu May 12, 2011 4:18 pm

not that it matters, but for my dignity its 3-2 to the Cubs! :p I didnt get completely annihilated.
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Thu May 12, 2011 11:29 pm

alaskanassassin wrote:not that it matters, but for my dignity its 3-2 to the Cubs! :p I didnt get completely annihilated.

You're right, sorry, fixed now
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby alaskanassassin on Fri May 13, 2011 11:30 am

jrh_cardinal wrote:
alaskanassassin wrote:not that it matters, but for my dignity its 3-2 to the Cubs! :p I didnt get completely annihilated.

You're right, sorry, fixed now

lol its all good! Thanks jrh! Lost to a good opponent!
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:37 pm

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-60) - 5-0 to the Mariners
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63) - 3-2 to the Blue Jays

Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active @ Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62) - 3-2 to the Cubs
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70) @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 3-2 to the Diamondbacks
The two top seeds, the Mariners and the Blue Jays, advance in the AL. Congrats to the Cubs for knocking off the top seeded Phillies in the NL. I'll wait for the Mets/Dbacks series to finish before sending the next round.

Next round are 7 game series
ALCS: Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Mariners, iamkoolerthanu (102-60)
NLCS: Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 2 active @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62)

CS's coming now
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Sergeant 1st Class jrh_cardinal
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:20 am

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-60) - 5-0 to the Mariners
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63) - 3-2 to the Blue Jays

Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active @ Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62) - 3-2 to the Cubs
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70) @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 3-2 to the Diamondbacks
The two top seeds, the Mariners and the Blue Jays, advance in the AL. Congrats to the Cubs for knocking off the top seeded Phillies in the NL. I'll wait for the Mets/Dbacks series to finish before sending the next round.

Next round are 7 game series
ALCS: Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Mariners, iamkoolerthanu (102-60) - 5-0 to the Blue Jays (2 active)
NLCS: Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 2 active @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 4-3 to the Cubs

World Series
Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65)

WS sent
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Sergeant 1st Class jrh_cardinal
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Playoffs- Divisional Series)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:15 am

Orioles, DBandit (98-64) @ Mariners, kooler (102-60) - 5-0 to the Mariners
Indians, vragus (92-68) - 2 active @ Blue Jays, HA (99-63) - 3-2 to the Blue Jays

Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 4 active @ Phillies, alaskanassassin (100-62) - 3-2 to the Cubs
Mets, SOAB69 (92-70) @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 3-2 to the Diamondbacks
The two top seeds, the Mariners and the Blue Jays, advance in the AL. Congrats to the Cubs for knocking off the top seeded Phillies in the NL. I'll wait for the Mets/Dbacks series to finish before sending the next round.

Next round are 7 game series
ALCS: Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Mariners, iamkoolerthanu (102-60) - 5-0 to the Blue Jays (2 active)
NLCS: Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65) - 2 active @ Diamondbacks, shipmthisway (100-62) - 4-3 to the Cubs

World Series
Blue Jays, HighlanderAttack (99-63) @ Cubs, trenchcoat (93-65)

World Series Champ is HighlanderAttack =D> =D> =D>
congrats on the great, loooong tourney win
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Winner- HighlanderAttack)

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:55 am

I'm listed as 91-63. I just wonder if I finished 91-61 and was supposed to be in the playoffs or if I finished 89-63 out of it.
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