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DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Winner=TX AG 90]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby jricart on Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:54 pm

Do you have a partial Standings for phase 1?


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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:02 pm

jricart wrote:Do you have a partial Standings for phase 1?



Will try to get one done by Saturday at the latest. Sooner, if possible.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:51 pm

Well, I started on it, and once I got started it went faster than I thought. So, here are the scores, not including the nuclear games.

Game 2s (the foggy escalators)
Winners 6 pts
Jricart, WorldCup4James, support81ghent, McShane, Muzzel, DJENRE, kiwi3, perchorin
2nd place 5 pts
GreenBaize, koontz, dazza, GregDavidson, WolfMist, DapperDave, mviola, jielking
3rd place 4 pts
uk massive, rbelgrod, Shai, gecko, kabuki, headholes, razoget, kuma
4th place 3 pts
shakeycat, canona85, macbone, Doomie, Mekii, arno, Mad777, wolfpack
5th place 2 pts
Didacus, Matti, rmjw10, moudy, ckyrias, Brewsie, musteriuz, TXAG
6th place 1 pt
Elric, Fewnix, Faro, smithrog, Dominator, bragsie, CowboyHippy, xman

Game 3s (the sunny escalators)
Winners 6pts
wolfpack, headholes, Muzzel, DapperDave, support81ghent, kiwi3, Fewnix, mickunited
2nd place 5 pts
jricart, GreenBaize, Brewsie, Faro, GregDavidson, jjmracing, Matti, RZEaland
3rd place 4 pts
WolfMist, musteriuz, razoget, DJENRE, macbone, Didacus, scatt, TXAG
4th place 3 pts
uk massive, koontz, shakeycat, Dominator, smithrog, Mekii, WorldCup4James, jielking
5th place 2 pts
perchorin, xman, whakamole, rbelgrod, canona, McShane, kabuki, geko
6th place 1 pt
Shai, hmsps, Elric, bragsie, Doomie, ckyrias, dazza, CowboyHippy

Game 4s (quad games)
Winners 5pts
shakeycat, wolfpack, perchorin, GreenBaize, rmjw10, Shai, jricart, arno, moudy, Matti, musteriuz, support81ghent, Faro, mviola, ckyrias, razoget, scatt, TXAG, McShane, mickunited, dazza, Doomie, whakamole, kiwi, xman, headholes, zpach, GregDavidson

C&F bonus

kiwi3... 2 points
wolfpack0530, GregDavidson, Mekii, MattiWacklin, ElricTheGreat, Mad777... 1 point each

Totals (by player, alphabetically)

arno30 8
bragsie 2
canona85 5
ckyrias 8
DapperDave 11
dazza2008 11
Didacus 6
dominator2000 4
DoomYoshi 9
ElricTheGreat 3
Faro 11
Fewnix 7
geko 6
General Brewsie 7
GreenBaize 15
GregDavidson 16
hmsps 1
jielking 8
jjmracing 5
Jobiwan 0
jricart 16
kabuki.mono 6
kiwi3 19
koontz1973 8
kuma32478 4
macbone 7
Mad777 4
MattiWacklin 13
mcshanester29 13
Mekii 7
mickunited333 11
moudy 7
musteriuz 11
Muzzel 12
mviola 10
OleCowboyHippy 2
perchorin 13
razoget999 13
rbelgrod 6
ReichZealand 5
rmjw10 7
scatt 9
Shai 10
shakeycat 11
smithrog 4
support81ghent 17
theheadholes 15
TX AG 90 11
uk massive 7
whakamole 7
WolfMist 9
wolfpack0530 15
WorldCup4James 9
xman5151 8
zpach 5

Totals (by position)

kiwi3 19
support81ghent 17
GregDavidson 16
jricart 16
GreenBaize 15
theheadholes 15
wolfpack0530 15
MattiWacklin 13
mcshanester29 13
perchorin 13
razoget999 13
Muzzel 12
DapperDave 11
dazza2008 11
Faro 11
mickunited333 11
musteriuz 11
shakeycat 11
TX AG 90 11
mviola 10
Shai 10
DoomYoshi 9
scatt 9
WolfMist 9
WorldCup4James 9
arno30 8
ckyrias 8
jielking 8
koontz1973 8
xman5151 8
Fewnix 7
General Brewsie 7
macbone 7
Mekii 7
moudy 7
rmjw10 7
uk massive 7
whakamole 7
Didacus 6
geko 6
kabuki.mono 6
rbelgrod 6
canona85 5
jjmracing 5
ReichZealand 5
zpach 5
dominator2000 4
kuma32478 4
Mad777 4
smithrog 4
ElricTheGreat 3
bragsie 2
OleCowboyHippy 2
hmsps 1
Jobiwan 0

Remember, these are preliminary. The results of the nuclear games may drastically change the standings. Thus far, only those with 15 points or more can be absolutely certain of going to the next round.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:03 pm

Perhaps the score and other updates can be added to the first few posts.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:11 am

DoomYoshi wrote:Perhaps the score and other updates can be added to the first few posts.

Yes, they need to go into post 5. Probably on Saturday.

Edit: Actually, on second thought, I'll wait until all games are done in a phase before moving them to post 5. Meanwhile, however, I will do a second update now based on the Game 1 scores that are deducible thus far.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:15 am

Montreal Game 1s (the nukes) interim standings

Games finished and/or players already eliminated:
Winners 6pts
Wolfpack, perchorin, hmsps, Shai
2nd place 5pts
DoomYoshi, theheadholes, geko, Faro
3rd place 4 pts
moudy, Elric the Great, WorldCupJ, kabuki.mono
4th place 3 pts
Mekii, ckyrias, Muzzel, mviola, dominator2000, uk massive
5th place 2 pts
McShanester, jjmracing, kuma, arno, zpach, Mad777
6th place 1 pt
scatt, rbelgrod, DapperDave, razoget999, xman5151, jielking, mickunited
last 0 pts
DJENRE, Jobiwan, Didacus, OleCowboyHippy, musteriuz, jricart, canona85, GregDavidson

Still in play:
Two games with 3 players left: (possible range 4 to 6 pts)
TXAG, GreenBaize, WolfMist, Brewsie, koontz, whakamole
One game with 5 players left: (possible range 2 to 6 pts)
kiwi3, Matti, rmjw10, macbone, support81
One game with 6 players left: (possible range 1 to 6 pts)
bragsie, ReichZealand, shakeycat, Fewnix, smithrog, dazza
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:13 am

Interim Scores as of Sunday April 10th

Four games are still in progress. Players featured in red are still in play. Their scores are given as a range of min-max of what they could have once all games are complete.

kiwi3 21-25
wolfpack0530 21
theheadholes 20
support81ghent 19-23
GreenBaize 19-21
perchorin 19
GregDavidson 16
Shai 16
jricart 16
Faro 16
MattiWacklin 15-19
TX AG 90 15-17
Muzzel 15
mcshanester29 15
razoget999 14
DoomYoshi 14
WolfMist 13-15
WorldCup4James 13
mviola 13
shakeycat 12-17
dazza2008 12-17
koontz1973 12-14
mickunited333 12
DapperDave 12
whakamole 11-13
General Brewsie 11-13
musteriuz 11
moudy 11
geko 11
ckyrias 11
Mekii 10
uk massive 10
scatt 10
kabuki.mono 10
arno30 10
rmjw10 9-13
macbone 9-13

xman5151 9
jielking 9
Fewnix 8-13
ElricTheGreat 7
zpach 7
rbelgrod 7
jjmracing 7
hmsps 7
dominator2000 7
Mad777 6
ReichZealand 6-11
kuma32478 6
Didacus 6
smithrog 5-10
canona85 5
bragsie 3-8
OleCowboyHippy 2
Jobiwan 0

There are 30 players with scores of 11 or more (everyone from ckyrias on upward.) All of you are guaranteed to advance. Congratulations!

There are six players with a score of exactly 10. All of you are extremely likely to advance, although still not 100% certain. There are 5 players (rmjw10, macbone, Fewnix, ReichZealand, and smithrog) who can still get 10 or better depending on the outcome of their last game. If all 5 of them were to do so, that would force a playoff (since there are 40 spots total in the next phase).

There are two players (xman5151 and jielking) with exactly 9 points. The odds are very much against you, but you still have just a smidgen of a chance of squeaking through, again depending on how the last few games go down.

For the single-digit red group (rmjw10, macbone, Fewnix, ReichZealand, and smithrog) your fate lies intertwined with this last game you are in. Good luck, and may the Force be with you!

For everyone with 7 points or fewer and no active game (basically everyone from Elric on down, except ReichZealand and smithrog) it's my unfortunate duty to tell you that you have been eliminated and will not be coming to Vancouver. There are some beautiful cafes in Montreal, and spring is in the air, so cheer up!

A reminder: even if you are eliminated from the tournament, you can continue participating in the Colour and Flavour component and competing for the GA medal. The GA medal "Most Expressive Excursionist" will be given to the player with the most C&F points overall, regardless of how well they did in the games.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:29 pm

Today is the day that I was planning to release the second (Vancouver) Colour and Flavour task. However, we're not as close to leaving Montreal as I thought we would be, and I don't want the C&Fs to get too far ahead of the games, so I will postpone it one week. Next target date is April 17th.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:28 am

Just waiting on Game 8725080.

Just a measure of the perversity of the universe that two of the people in the single-digit red group are in that game. <big sigh>

2nd Edit: I was mistaken, we do not need to wait on that game. One person has been eliminated from it, which means that the two single-digit reds in it have now become double-digit reds and are advancing to Vancouver.
Last edited by Dukasaur on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:39 am

Interim Scores as of Saturday April 16th

As before, the players still in an active game have their score given as a min-max range.

kiwi3 21
wolfpack0530 21
support81ghent 20-23
GreenBaize 20
theheadholes 20
perchorin 19
dazza2008 17
TX AG 90 17
MattiWacklin 16-19
Faro 16
GregDavidson 16
jricart 16
Shai 16
mcshanester29 15
Muzzel 15
DoomYoshi 14
razoget999 14
koontz1973 13
mviola 13
shakeycat 13
whakamole 13
WolfMist 13
WorldCup4James 13
DapperDave 12
Fewnix 12
mickunited333 12
ckyrias 11
geko 11
General Brewsie 11
moudy 11
musteriuz 11
macbone 10-13
rmjw10 10-13

arno30 10
kabuki.mono 10
Mekii 10
scatt 10
uk massive 10
jielking 9
ReichZealand 9
xman5151 9
dominator2000 7
ElricTheGreat 7
hmsps 7
jjmracing 7
rbelgrod 7
zpach 7
Didacus 6
kuma32478 6
Mad777 6
bragsie 5
canona85 5
smithrog 5
OleCowboyHippy 2
Jobiwan 0

There are 39 players with 10 points or more. All of you will be advancing.

That leaves one open spot for Vancouver, and 3 players tied with 9 points: jielking, ReichZealand, and xman5151. A tiebreaker game has been created and invitations sent out.

There is still a nuke game going (Game 8725080) but all the players left in it have enough points to advance, so we don't need to wait for that one.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby ElricTheGreat on Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:26 pm

Congrats to those moving on!!! Keep it going ... it has been gr8!

jielking ... go get them in the tie break .. move on to Vancouver and from there keep it going
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Fewnix on Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:09 am

and 8725085 is finished. No more nukes- No more nukes-no more nukes G:>
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:07 pm

The Montreal tiebreaker game will take a few days, no doubt, so we cannot start the Vancouver games quite yet. However, I am posting the Vancouver C&F task today, on schedule as promised.

The Colour and Flavour task for Vancouver.

Some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that I will be asking the judges to significantly increase the number of points they award for the Colour & Flavour task. When I first designed the whole C&F idea, I was worried about not letting it overshadow the points scored in the games themselves, but after looking at the Montreal stats I realize I was waaaaaay too cautious in that regard. Far from overshadowing the games, the points given for C&F in Montreal undershadowed them so much as to seem almost pointless.

The target I am setting for Vancouver is that the C&F points should be between 10% and 15% of the points awarded for games. There are 240 points to be scored in the Vancouver games, so I'm asking the judges to award something between 24 and 36 C&F points. There will still be a hard limit of no more than 5 C&F points per player, so if fewer than seven players attempt the task then I suppose we won't be able to hit the target, but we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

Note the precedent that was set in Montreal -- late submissions will be penalized but not disqualified. Try to get them posted within 72 hours, but if you can't you can still get your submission looked at right up until the judges render their decision. You will get fewer points but if your submission is worthy it will still get some.

Okay, that's the good news; more points available. The bad news is the task will be significantly more difficult this time.

So, with no further ado, here is the Vancouver C&F task. First, answer these three trivia questions:

Who is/was John Deighton and what is/was his importance to Vancouver?

Who is/was Dal Richards and what is/was his importance to Vancouver?

Who is/was Leo Obstbaum and what is/was his importance to Vancouver?

Second, add something of value to at least one of them. What do I mean by "add something of value?" Anybody with access to the Internet can get the basic answers to questions like these in about 15 seconds. If you want to score points, you have to actually DO something with these questions, not just cut-and-paste paragraphs from wikipedia.

What can you do with them? It's up to you. Here's some possibilities:
    *You could do a serious essay on one of them, actually going beyond wikipedia and do some real research. (And yes, I realize CC is a casual gaming site, so no I don't expect a doctoral dissertation. Four or five intelligent paragraphs would certainly be essay enough.)
    *You could do a humourous story of some kind, like we did in Montreal, only with a bit more originality.
    *You could do some editorialising, criticising these men and either proving their work deserves to be forever worshiped or forever despised.
    *You could employ some graphics, giving us visual or audio links (but please respect copyrights as required.)
    *You could do any combination of the above, making some silly jokes but interspersing them with real facts.
The sky is the limit; do anything you want, but it must represent an actual expenditure of your time and effort. Casual cut-and-paste plagiarism isn't going to cut it. Or paste it..:-)

Have fun!
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:46 pm

Oo! Sully sure is a sucker for a good essay! ;)
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby GreenBaize on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:11 pm

John Deighton (November 1830 – May 29, 1875), generally known as "Gassy Jack", was a Canadian bar owner who was born in Hull, England. The Gastown neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia is named for him.

Dal Murray Richards, CM, OBC (born Vancouver, 5 January 1918) is a Canadian big band leader who is also known as the King of Swing.

Leo Obstbaum (October 26, 1969 – August 21, 2009) was an Argentine-born Spanish design director for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, as part of the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC).[1] Obstbaum was responsible for designing many of the main symbols of the Vancouver Olympic Games including the Olympic and Paralympic medals, the design of the 2010 Olympic torch, and the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots.[1]
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby General Brewsie on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:26 pm

Duk, are you abstaining from using the Nuke setting in the future games of this tournament?
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:36 pm

General Brewsie wrote:Duk, are you abstaining from using the Nuke setting in the future games of this tournament?

There's one in Phase Two (Vancouver.) But if you really hate nukes you'll be happy to know there aren't any in Phases Three, Four, or Five. After Vancouver next one you see will be in Hong Kong.

You can check out all the different games for all the different cities here.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby support81ghent on Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:50 am

Dukasaur wrote:Interim Scores as of Saturday April 16th

As before, the players still in an active game have their score given as a min-max range.

kiwi3 21
wolfpack0530 21
support81ghent 20-23
GreenBaize 20
theheadholes 20

that means, if I win Game 8725080, Ill have the highest score? xD
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:45 pm

GreenBaize wrote:John Deighton (November 1830 – May 29, 1875), generally known as "Gassy Jack", was a Canadian bar owner who was born in Hull, England. The Gastown neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia is named for him.

Dal Murray Richards, CM, OBC (born Vancouver, 5 January 1918) is a Canadian big band leader who is also known as the King of Swing.

Leo Obstbaum (October 26, 1969 – August 21, 2009) was an Argentine-born Spanish design director for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, as part of the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC).[1] Obstbaum was responsible for designing many of the main symbols of the Vancouver Olympic Games including the Olympic and Paralympic medals, the design of the 2010 Olympic torch, and the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots.[1]

Part One: Even easier than cut/paste from Wikipedia.

Part Two: Note the following essay does not represent the views of CC, the Tournament Organizer or even the authour :lol:

Vancouver is a shithole. Not due to its location. It is in the most beautiful part of Canada. It is a shithole due to the people who live in it. Vancouver started as a pristine forest. Then some bag of shit showed up and decided to shit all over the place by building a mill. So much for pristine. However, the mill owner did not allow alcohol. So Gassy Jack showed up with a barrel of whiskey and said to the mill-workers: "Build me a saloon and I will operate it". The very next day the saloon was running. To this day, the entire city of Vancouver is in a drunken stupor.

Who is this man, this Gassy Jack? He got his name for being a loudmouth. While we are certainly used to loudmouths on CC, we have yet to name a city after one. He also showed absolutely no respect for authority, as evidenced by the saloon. Finally, when his squaw wife died, he took another one - 12 years old. So he is also a pedophile, rapist and exploiter of the native population.

You may think things have gotten better today. You would be wrong. Take, for instance, the case of Leo Obstbaum. Leo, the true bohemian that he is, fell in love with the alcoholic stupor of Vancouver. He was excited when he heard the Olympics were coming so he worked with the VANOC to create the symbols of the Olympics. In exchange, they killed him. Take that Lion Fruittree!

At this point you are no doubt wondering what the governing bodies are doing in all this. Well the King of Swing seems to be on a mission to prove he is a decadent monarch. Rather than dealing with any of the problems of Vancouver, he continues to tour around the country and entertain people at lavish parties. At the age of 93, he continues to shirk any responsibility and just travels around - acting the Jester more than the King. He has not even named an heir yet - so Vancouver has only dark days ahead of it.

It is no surprise that Vancouver is heroin capital of Canada. As everyone knows, the only thing worse than heroin is television and Vancouver is also where most of the recording industry of Canada is located. From the X-Files to Vancouver Tourism Videos all forms of depravity are filmed in this cesspool. If the townspeople weren't permanently drunk and high on heroin, they would ask for help. Since they can't I will do it for them. Please, CIA, we need you to bomb the shit out of the city and place a puppet dictator. Everyone knows you are hiding Pinochet at Area 51. Stop the war on drugs, start the war on Television and give us hope, brave CIA!
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:26 pm

Only 2?

Come on people, it's a little more challenging than the last one, but it's not that hard!
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby macbone on Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:05 pm

Duk, you asked for an essay, my man, and I'm not getting college credit for this tournament. =)

Does only one person get credit for answering the trivia?

So, as per Wikipedia, John Deighton, also known as Gassy Jack, was a Vancouver bar owner back in the 1800s. His nickname came from the stories he used to tell, kind of a Vancouver Samuel Clemens. The area around his bar is known as Gastown today. He was the inspiration for a 2007 album by the Evaporators called Gassy Jack and Other Tales.

show: Gassy Jack statue

show: Gassy Jack and Other Tales

"Gassy Jack" video from the Evaporators:

The music is actually not that bad, and again, these guys are pretty much run-of-the-mill Vancouverites, including an appearance from a member of Alpha Flight.

Dal Richards is a musician and a big-band leader in Vancouver. He's a legend in jazz and swing, and at 92, he still performs and hosts a radio show. Here's one of his performances, courtesy of YouTube:

As a Boner myself, I dig jazz and swing, and I can chill to this man's music all day long. Thanks for the hookup, Duk! (However, I could do without the white dude singing the blues. Please.)

Here's another clip of a 2010 performance:

Leo Obstbaum was the design director for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. He died unexpectedly in August 2009 at the age of 39 (I suspect Dukasaur had a hand in his early demise).

show: Leo and his designs for the 2010 Paralympics
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Fewnix on Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:56 pm

The VAN gets its gas from Deighton, Richards swings the CO(u)VER over Ostbaums Medal to get the metal van covered and you have covered Vancouver.

GreenBaize wrote:John Deighton (November 1830 – May 29, 1875), generally known as "Gassy Jack", was a Canadian bar owner who was born in Hull, England. The Gastown neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia is named for him.

Dal Murray Richards, CM, OBC (born Vancouver, 5 January 1918) is a Canadian big band leader who is also known as the King of Swing.

Leo Obstbaum (October 26, 1969 – August 21, 2009) was an Argentine-born Spanish design director for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, as part of the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC).[1] Obstbaum was responsible for designing many of the main symbols of the Vancouver Olympic Games including the Olympic and Paralympic medals, the design of the 2010 Olympic torch, and the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots.[1]
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 1 - Montreal]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:09 am

support81ghent wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Interim Scores as of Saturday April 16th

As before, the players still in an active game have their score given as a min-max range.

kiwi3 21
wolfpack0530 21
support81ghent 20-23
GreenBaize 20
theheadholes 20

that means, if I win Game 8725080, Ill have the highest score? xD

Well, you didn't pull it off. Still, 20 points is pretty good! You've had a good run there.
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby xman5151 on Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:41 am

Tiebreaker finally over, I was the lucky one :)
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Re: DKs Intensities in Ten Cities! [Phase 2 - Vancouver]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:59 pm

xman5151 wrote:Tiebreaker finally over, I was the lucky one :)


Vancouver games will begin as soon as I get a day of workig less than 15 hours!

Edit: Thursday night. Well, I only worked 10 hours today, so I guess I have to try and keep my promise and get these games out tonight...:-)
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