Original first post:
The Classic map is, of course, beloved by (mostly) all, and we hold it dear; however, it once emerged that a larger world map would create an interesting variation. Thus we have now World 2.1. Indeed, our large map needs are met -- but what of the other extreme? The smallest map has a full thirty-two territories. And so for anyone, like me, who doesn't mind tight quarters, who loves to just bunch in and rub up against people, who just feels like playing something light for a change, I say, in this age of the thumbdrive and the RAZR, we can make it smaller.
So I did:
The continental bonuses being thus:
Asia (the green) yielding five
The Americas (the purple)
Europe (the blue)
Africa (the orange)
Eighteen territories -- I tried to keep the general strategic layout of the world the same (minus, of course, Australia, which doesn't give a bonus anymore) while just making it overall simpler. A peculiar effect is that every continent now touches every other continent, likely to affect some playing styles more than others -- see if you spot anything else so interesting). A novelty, perhaps, I suppose, but as far as I can see Conquer Club could use a bit more novelty.*
That's half one of the story, anyway.
Half two is that while I was thinking about this map another drifted across my mind -- http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/2006/11/23/38-the-world-according-to-ronald-reagan/
This one has twenty-seven territories (or so), ambiguous continent divisions, a humorous slant on the Cold War, and, as far as I know, a copyright. But look at it -- "Our China". That crazy Reagan. There are other maps of this satiric nature out there but I like that one the best.
Of course, there's always the option to make a similar map, but of a more usual size. So that explains all the options.
If need be, I'll split this up into two threads.